Part Seven: Kara boy and Oso boy

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The Matsuno brothers and you sitting together by the living room table. Eating the breakfast Matsuyo made before she left the house. So you seven are alone again. But you notice something. "Hm? Where is Kara?" You ask confused. Counting the brothers to make sure you by the table are sitting really five same faces. "Who's Karamatsu?" Ichimatsu ask bored. The others doesn't really listened to you.

'Is Ichi really not joking around?' You stand up. "Hm? Where do you go (y/n)-chan?" Todomatsu ask confused. Since you still have half of the food on your plate. "Ah ... somewhere in the house. But I'm not sure where." You walk out of the living room quickly. Making your way over to the front door. But the shoes from Karamatsu are still there. 'I remember I saw Karamatsu sleeping next to me this night. Hmmm maybeee on the rooftop?'

You walk up the stairs. Walking down the hallway when you made it and up a few stairs again. Who are leading up to the rooftop. When you made it outside you see Karamatsu sitting with crossed legs on the rooftop. "There you are."

Karamatsu hums and looks over his shoulder. You sit down next to him with a smile on your lips. "Good morning, Karamatsu girl." Karamatsu greets you with a cool smile and looks forward again. "What'cha doing up here so alone, Kara?" You snicker a bit. You don't know why, but you find it funny how Karamatsu tries to act cool in front of you and the others.

Karamatsu hums and cross his arms over his chest. Not looking at your face and his eyes closed. "Heh. I thought fresh air in the morning will be good for the health, my dearest. Were you worried about me? How kind from you, but no need to worry about me, Karamatsu girl. If you want I will be always by your side if you're scared to see me leave without saying a word." You hum and poke Karamatsu's cheek with your index finger softly. Causing him to flinch from the sudden contact.

Karamatsu opens his eyes and looks at you again. But really caught off guard. "You know, if you want to say something I will always listen, Kara. You can say the dumbest things who are existing in this world, but I will listen. And if you can't talk about things face to face..." You stand suddenly up, walking behind Karamatsu. Before he can ask you sit down again. Leaning with your back against his. "... maybe you can talk like this? I heard if you talk with someone over this way you can express your feelings easier. Wanna try?"

Karamatsu don't know why you said this or why you don't say that his words are hurting you, but he knows one thing. What you said right now wasn't a lie at all. You would listen to every single word Karamatsu would say to you. You care for him. This is for sure for Karamatsu.

" ... Heh, thank you, Karamatsu girl. I'll remind your offer if I want to talk with you." You smile softly and close your eyes. "You know Kara ... I think you're really cool. Especially your sunglasses and your leather jacket. And the way you wear your clothes. ... Am I weird?" You laugh softly while your cheeks turning cherry red. Karamatsu's eyes widen and he hold for a moment his breath in. This is the first time someone said to him such nice words. Especially a girl.

"Y-You ... think so?" You hum happily. "Your perfect fashion is really cool, Kara. Don't change if you don't want to. I like you the way you are." In Karamatsu's eyes welling tears up and on his lips forms a warm, weak smile. "Thank you, (y/n)-chan." Karamatsu says in his normal voice.

You hold your breath in and press your lips together. Karamatsu's normal voice sounds for you really cool. Your whole face turned red like a tomato and your heart is beating crazy. To your luck Karamatsu can't see it. He closed his eyes and just enjoys your presence. The feeling that someone is next to him and accept every single flaw he might have.

~Later that day~
"Eh?! Why don't you want to come with me?!" Osomatsu ask shocked. New pachinko machines are out today and of course Osomatsu wants to try them out. But none of his little brothers wants to go with him. "You only ask us because you don't have the money for playing." Todomatsu sighs while looking down onto his smartphone. "I have money!" "And you think we would believe you? After you steeling every time our money?" Choromatsu ask with an dumbfounded expression.

"Hm? What's with all the yelling?" You ask confused when you enter the room. "(Y/n)-chan! You want to go with me to pachinko, right?!" Osomatsu grabbed you by your shoulders while he looks panicked down at you. You hum and close your eyes. "Do I even have the choice to say yes or no?" You ask with an small smile on your lips. "See? Even (y/n)-chan refuse to go with you." Osomatsu is now down on his knees. Holding with his hands the balance on the ground.

You crouch down, lift one hand up and pet Osomatsu's head softly. Getting his attention back. Osomatsu hums lightly and looks sad at you now. You gave him a soft smile and say: "If you explain me what pachinko is and how it works I'll go with you Oso." Osomatsu's eyes starting to sparkle. He quickly gets up from the ground. "?!" But grabbing your hand in this process to lift you up from the ground as well.

"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go (y/n)-chan!" Osomatsu starts to rush quickly out with you of the room. You wave a bit panicked goodbye to the others before stumbling behind Osomatsu.

When you two made it outside you follow Osomatsu like a good girl. To his luck you wear today his outfit he choose for you. Making him even more excited and happy. You stare at Osomatsu with an blanked expression before looking forward. Hands tucking in the pocket from the black hoodie. "Oso?" The red Matsu boy looks humming now down at you.

"Were you really sad that I didn't said at first yes?" Osomatsu hums and put a finger at his chin. Thinking about your question. "It really hits me deep, (y/n)-chan." Osomatsu said with a fake hurt voice. You hum and look to the side. "What about your brothers? Don't they want to spend time with their big bro?" Osomatsu pouts now and says: "No. They don't care about their Onii-chan's feelings."

You two don't say a word now. But Osomatsu breaks the silence quickly. "You would do anything for me if I was your Onii-chan, right (y/n)-chan?" Osomatsu hugs you now from the side. "Well ... not everything, but yes. I would love to spend time with you if you were my Onii-chan, Oso." You smile innocently. Osomatsu's cheeks growing a bit red, but he hugs you tighter to show that he's happy.

"With an charismatic legend like me you would always want to spend time with (y/n)-chan. And trust me if I say I'm the best in gambling. I even won the jackpot so often that I stopped counting after five." Osomatsu smiles proudly. Rubbing his index finger under his nose while he has an arm around your waist.

Since you didn't pushed him away yet Osomatsu thinks he can still touch you. To be honest you don't mind it as long as he isn't touching you were he shouldn't. You laugh softly and say with an happy smile: "I look forward to your amazing skills, Oso-senpai." Osomatsu stares at you now with an blanked expression.

'(Y/n)-chan is so cute~! I want to kiss her and touch her more~! But I guess if I do this she doesn't want me around anymore. ... Wait a sec. If I make (y/n)-chan my girlfriend I can do all of this things with her. ... Means I just need to make (y/n)-chan falling in love with me! Heh, should be easy. She already praised me and likes me too.'

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