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You looked over at your mother, "Momma, did you set this up?" The woman shook her head, "I was just as surprised as you when I opened the door. He was standing there, straight faced and went 'Where is she?' When I said out, he almost left!"

You giggled, "We went to get ice cream." Taehyung chuckled, "I can tell." He looked at your pants, and then glanced at Jin's face.

Catching the gaze, Jin began touching his face, "Is there some on my face?" You giggled and nodded, reaching up to wipe the trail of icecream from his chin. The man bent down, a pout on his face, "When did that get there?"

Taemi snickered, "When you were making fun of Y/N eonnie." Taehyung squinted his eyes in attempt at glaring at Seokjin, but he was too happy at the moment, so it looked more like a grimace. 

"Why were you making fun of my Clumsy?" Seokjin made a snorting sound, "Well, you see, what had happened was-" You giggled as the two went back and forth.

Your mother came up next to you, and wrapped an arm around you. And hugged your shoulders. "I'm so happy you found friends like them. Keep them around, yeah?" You smiled at her, "I love them, momma. They're the best." She chuckled and squeezes you.

"Sweetie, can I talk to you about something?" You looked over at the woman, "Of course, what's wrong?" She makes a guilty face, and hesitates for a moment before speaking.

"Nothing important. I just wanted to know if you'd come home for dinner tonight?" You gave her a weird look, "I live here, Silly. Of course I'll stay home for dinner."

Your mother smiles happily, "You're usually at Seokjin's these days, and I figured you'd go to Taehyung's. I'm sure you want to spend time with him now that he's back. If you want, they can all stay for dinner as well. I just want company for dinner. It's been a bit lonely, that's all."

You hugged her tightly, "Of course I'll join you for dinner, and I'm sure they'd love to. I'm sorry I've been so distant, Mom." You murmured, face squished into her shoulder.

She rubbed your back, and kissed your temple,"It's alright, sweetheart. It's been a crazy few months. But never forget, I love you so, so much." She whispered.

You giggled, "I love you too, momma. Now let me ask the others if they want to stay." You released your mother and ran over to the loud group, Tannie popping up out of nowhere, and running after you, barking his high pitched bark.

"Do you guys want to stay for dinner? Momma wants us all to stay."

Taehyung stopped arguing with Seokjin, and smiled at you. In less than five seconds, he had you wrapped in his embrace, his cheek against the top of your head. "If it means more time with you, than I'll be more than happy to stay, Clumsy."

You felt your face grow hot, but you wrapped your arms around him in response. "I really missed you, Taehyung." You whispered.

He pulled back, "You must have something important to say. You're mindset progressed." He smiled softly. You nodded, head tilted up to look at him.

"I've barely been in my regressed mindset since you've been gone. I felt like I needed to be mature to make sure the twins were okay. But we had Jin, so I regressed sometimes."

He nodded in understanding, "Thank you for taking care of them." He leaned forward and bumped his nose into yours cutely, "I'll be thankful for the rest of my life." He looked over at Jin,"You too. Thank you.

Jin smiled and nodded, before wrapping an around around the twins, and walking over to your mother, and began to push the three of them out of the room, "I think they have some talking to do, so let's give them a minute, okay?"

The twins and your mother agreed, letting the tall Male push them out, and into the kitchen.

Taehyung stared at the door with confusion, as you stared at him with a soft smile. You reached your hands up and placed them lightly on his cheeks, and turned his head to look at you.

He allowed you to do so, his eyes wide in surprise. "What are you-"

"I love you, Taehyung." You whispered.

He stared at you for a moment. Taehyung's mind was racing. He's known for a while now that you may feel romantic feelings towards him, and it made him nervous, so he tried to play it off.

"I love you too, Clumsy. You're my bestfriend." He said chuckling nervously. You giggled at the obvious save, and shook your head, "No. I don't love you as a bestfriend."

You held his cheeks in your hands, and caressed them with your thumbs.

It was an impulsive decision, and you would probably regret it, but you wanted to take this chance, you were selfish.

You tugged his head down to meet your own, and connected your lips to his surprised ones in s quick kiss.

It lasted not even three seconds, before you pulled away and stared at him, "I love you, as in I'm madly in love you and I want to be able to call you mine, Taehyung."

You stepped away,"Whether you feel the same or not, i wanted to come clean, and get it off my chest. It took you getting ripped out of my arms for me to realize, but now that I have, I don't ever want to go back to thinking you were just a friend. I'm so honored to love you. You're such a good, and loving person, and I'm so happy I got to see that part of you, and accept it along with the rest of you."

He blinked in surprise, his eyes melting into your own. You bit your lip, "At least say something, please? Even if it's rejection." He shook his head.

You felt your heart fall, "Okay. That's all I needed to know. I'm sorry I threw all of this on you." You felt your eyes water, as you walked towards the staircase, "Tell mom I just needed a minute, okay? I'll be fine in a few seconds."

You were about to take another step, when a hand grabbed your wrist. You looked back and saw Taehyung looking at you with a pleasing look.

"Don't go. I didn't shake my head as rejection. I shook my head at the thought of rejecting you. I would never in a million years consider rejecting you, Clusmy. You're the first person I've loved since the twins were born, I've never been so happy, and felt so complete. Not until you weaseled your way into my life, and my heart."

You felt your lip quiver, and he noticed, and smiled, "I love you too, Y/N." He proclaimed, and pulled you towards him, connection your lips once again, in a promise of companionship.

D'awww how cuteeee

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