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Sorry work is KILLING me slowly and painfully 🤪🤪 love u 🥰

You had been at Taehyung's house again, for the fourth day in a row. You would deny it if someone brought it up, but you had definitely become clingy. You were usually pretty clingy in little space to begin with, but it was almost amplified at the moment.

"Instead of staring to hard at me, want to help me cook?" Taehyung asked, raising a brow in your direction. You were about to accept the offer, when you remembered what happened the last time you tried to cook here, "No. No, no, no. Last time I almost hurt everyone! No!" You shook your head frantically.

He gave you a sheepish look, "Are you sure? I'm right here, I'll make sure nothing happens." You nodded your head, confirming your answers, making the boy shrug and turn back to his stove. "Well then can you set the table and go wake up tweedledee and tweedledum?"

You giggled at the nicknames and nodded. You set out four plates and utensils, also setting out four cups and filling them carefully with orange juice. Once you were content with the set up, you turned and skipped out of the kitchen, and over to Taemi's room.

You knocked a tune of the wood, and opened the door slowly, "Taemi, time for breakfast. You have school soon, you need to get up." You waited until you saw the girl sitting up groggily, and smile at you, to move on to the next room.

Once in front of Junseok's room, you knocked a different tune, and pushed the door open yet again. You giggled when you heard the loud snores. "Junseok! Wakey Wakey!" You yelled. The boy groaned, "Just a little longer, noona."

You 'tsk'ed and walked over, hitting him with his pillow, which had fallen on the floor at some point in his restless sleep, "No can do! Breakfast is almost done and you have school!"

You continued hitting the boy, until he yelled out in annoyance and sat up, "You're the worst girlfriend ever."

You shook your head, "I'm not your girlfriend. I'm your noona. Up you go!"

Once everyone was awake, dressed and by the table, you all began to eat. You grinned at the simple waffles and scrambles eggs. "Thank you for making me breakfast too, TaeTae." You said respectfully. He smiled and nodded, motioning for you all to dig in.

In about ten minutes, everyone was finished, and by the door getting ready to head out. 

"I hate Tuesdays. They're the second worst days after Mondays." Taemi groaned, stepping out of the apartment. Junseok nodded in agree, but you shook your head, "I prefer weekdays over weekends. I don't like being away from all my friends. Mondays are my favorite because i finally get to see my favorite people after the weekend."

Taehyung chuckled, "That's so like you. Only you would enjoy the weekdays." He stated as the group began to walk towards the middle school. Taemi shook her head, "No matter how much i miss my friends, it's not worth waking up so early only to see them between classes for three minutes, and during lunch. I'd rather just invite them over on a weekend and spend the entire day with them."

Junseok shrugged, "I don't have friends, so my only reasoning is i hate school and i'm tired." As if to prove his point, the boy yawned. Taemi snickered, "That's because you're weird. Everytime someone talks to you, the first thing you tell them is 'Sorry i'm too good for you, my girlfriend is in college.' Which isn't even true, by the way."

You shook your head with a sigh, as Taehyung huffed, "For the hundredth time, Y/N isn't your girlfriend, Junseok." Junseok glared at his older brother, "You only say that because you're jealous." You tilted your head, "Jealous of what?"

"Taehyung wants you to be his girlfriend instead of mine, so he gets mad when i bring it up. Well too bad, Hyung! She's mine!" The boy yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Taehyung. You felt your face redden as you peeked at your friend, who had a surprised look on his face. "Where the hell did you get that idea?"

Taemi giggled, "You talk in your sleep, Oppa. A lot of the time you end up talk to or about Eonnie." Taehyung's face began to redden, as he tried to think of an excuse as to why he'd talk about you in his sleep, "That's probably because i'm yelling at her in my dream! I guess she's annoying there too!"

You pouted, "You still find me annoying, TaeTae?" You mumbled, your heart hurting slightly. By this time you had finally reached the middle school, and waved as the kids, who were more than happy to skip out on the rest of the conversation, went into their school.

The two of you began to walk towards the closest bus stop, and sat on the bench. You looked over at Taehyung, who sighed. "I don't find you annoying." You tilted your head, "Then why did you say that? Are you lying so you don't hurt my feelings?" You asked softly, nervously wringing your hands together.

Taehyung immediately shook his head, "No! Not at all. Their suddenly attack just surprised me, that's all. You don't annoy me. Truly. I just didn't want them to assume i liked you that way. I don't, you're a close friend of mine. The only one I've had in a really long time. I'd even consider you my best friend." He explained. 

So that's what it was, you thought. For some reason, the explanation hurt you slightly, but you shook it off, not wanting to over think it. The bus had arrived while you both were talking, and now you sat side by side in a seat, a slightly odd silence between two of you.

It didn't take long for the bus to stop near your university, and when it did, you both exited smoothly, and began to walk down the road. 

Suddenly, you were hit with a strong feeling, as though something bad was happening, and you couldn't help but to draw yourself closer to Taehyung, practically stuck to his side. He noticed and questioned you, "Is everything okay?" He asked, concern clear in his face. Your feature scrunched, and if Taehyung weren't so worried, he'd smile at the cute action.

"I have a bad feeling, TaeTae. I don't like it." You whispered. The boy frowned, and put an arm around you, rubbing your shoulder soothingly as you continued walking.

The second you stepped onto school grounds, though, you froze. There were multiple police officers at the gate, and students had begun to gather around, all whispering the same thing, "Are they here for Kim Taehyung? Did he hurt someone again?" The question struck you like a bolt of lightning, and you found yourself whimpering quietly.

Your sniffles grew as one of the Officers looked over, spotted Taehyung, and pointed it out to his partners. The four officers began to walk over, and stopped in front of the two of you, and Taehyung stiffened immediately.

His heart began to pound, he found his head shaking back and fourth, denial setting in. They couldn't be there for him, he hasn't done anything wrong. He's done everything he could to stay out of trouble. But sadly, that didn't stop the next sentence from leaving one of the Officers mouths, "Kim Taehyung, you're under arrest for the murder of Kim Saejoon."

Skiddly bop-a run in with the cops. I hope you enjoyed.

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