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As me and Paul had found Jacob and settled him down and he was finally calm, I turned to Paul, "How can she want this for herself?"I mumbled and Paul shrugged, "The love of her life is a vampire

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As me and Paul had found Jacob and settled him down and he was finally calm, I turned to Paul, "How can she want this for herself?"I mumbled and Paul shrugged, "The love of her life is a vampire."Paul said in disbelief and Jacob scoffed, "I don't like her like I did anymore but if she chooses to be a vampire we have no choice to kill her if she comes over here."Jacob explained and growled. "Okay! Let's calm down a bit."I jumped in before his thoughts could get the best of him.

'Aya get home now, Mia is here and she's demanding for you. Me and Maya can't cover you for long.' - Embry

'But I'm here with Jake and Paul!' -Aya

'Aya, please you can go back to them after!' -Embry

I turned to Paul and Jake who nodded"Ill keep him calm, don't worry."He said and kissed my cheek, I smiled and turned to Jake who still looked conflicted. I sighed and kissed his forehead"I'll see you later."I mumbled and phased running into the forest towards home.
When I got close enough I phased back and grabbed spare clothes by the tree and walked towards them.

"Mia? Why are you here?"I asked curiously, she turned to me shocked,"You look different..I was worried about you! Since you're my friend now I care about you and after you didn't come in since Tessa and your little out burst I wonder what had happened to you. I gave it a little time before I came and seen you but I'm done waiting!"Mia explained looking at me, I sighed. I couldn't leave her, she was vulnerable and she was my friend. I walked towards her and embraced her in a hug, "I'm sorry I didn't text you, Mia. I missed you a lot."I mumbled but she shook her head, "Don't apologise, stupid. Just, hang out with me more."Mia exclaimed and a smile took over her face as I nodded.

A cough behind us broke me and Mia apart,"Introduce me! She's adorable!"Maya gushed, I giggled lightly and pulled Mia over to Maya and Embry, "Maya, this is Mia. She's in my classes in school. Mia this is Maya, she's my best friend from the UK, she also is dating my brother."I laughed as Maya gasped and hit my shoulder which didn't hurt at all, she cradled her hand, "I forgot you go to the gym!"Maya wheezed out, Mia turned to me and nodded, "Nice to meet you, Maya. I hope we can be friends."Mia said shyly at the end, Maya broke out into a huge grin"I'd love to be friends! Oh my, Aya she's so cute and small!"Maya cooed and Mia squared up, "Am not! I'm almost taller than you!", me and Embry bursted out laughing, "Mia, you're 5ft."I giggled lightly at Mia's face of betrayal. They both bickered while Embry turned to me.

"Oh! I almost forgot, this is for you."Embry said quickly running Inside the house then running out with a piece of paper, I slowly opened it up in shock"I'm invited to Bella's wedding?"I mumbled, Embry nodded slowly. "You gonna go?"Embry asked and I shrugged,"I have no idea. Seth and his family might be going although Leah definitely won't be going."I said and he nodded"Jake's dad is going too."He told me, "Wanna come with me?"I asked and he slowly shook his head, I gasped at him"Then I'm not going!"I mumbled and he laughed at me.

'Aya I'm coming over.' -Leah

'Okay sure, I've got Maya and Mia over too.' -Aya

'That's fine, Double M's? Are they sisters?' -Leah

'No.' -Aya

I laughed and shook my head, the girls looked at me funny, "Remember something?"Mia asked and I nodded, "Don't worry about it! Also Leah! Nice to see you again."I shouted over to Leah who was walking over, she gave a brief smile to Maya and when she turned to Mia she froze. We all looked at each other in shock while Mia looked confused"Wow."Leah mumbled and slowly walked towards us, she turned to Mia, "I'm Leah."She said, "Hi, I'm Mia! Nice to meet you."Mia smiled and Leah blushed but coughed trying to play it off and I laughed at her.

'Guess who just-'

'Shut up, Aya' -Leah

"Well then, I didn't expect this. I'm just gonna go get a drink. Anyone want one?"I said, Maya raised her hand"Me! Who's this Bella girl anyways? Aya, let's go together."Maya rushed out, I laughed at her and nodded, "Sure."

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now