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That night Sam wanted to attack, he was done waiting, we had two new boys who had shifted and they'd been shoved into all this conflict I felt bad for them

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That night Sam wanted to attack, he was done waiting, we had two new boys who had shifted and they'd been shoved into all this conflict I felt bad for them. I stood outside Billy's house and Sam walked out, Billy following as he wheeled down the bridge,"He's still my son!"Billy pleaded but Sam had a goal in mind,"I'm sorry, Billy.", Paul walked up to Sam and whispered in his ear something we all heard,"Bella's dead, it killed her"Sam said out loud, them words shook me to the bone and I gulped, Sam nodded the the boys and me,"Let's go!"He shouted and he ran off into the forest phasing, the boys following but Paul, he turned to me,"I'm sorry, Aya."He mumbled and phased too running off towards the Cullens.

I looked at Billy,"I'll try to stop this."I declared and phased off to the Cullen house running as fast as I could, I could already see the pack up ahead, I wasn't called the fastest of the pack for nothing. I made my way past them which they growled at me for and I tried blocking them out of my head.

I jumped over the treaty line and straight to the Cullens, I phased and grabbed Leahs clothes by the tree, Leah and Seth gasped when they saw me and pointed towards Jake who looked broken, he stood up and walked into the house,"He's going to kill her."Leah mumbled. I quickly ran after him, I bathed into the house and followed his scent. I seen him make steps towards Rosalie and the baby and before he could do anything I tackled him to the floor, as he didn't expect it he fell over. From the loud nose the baby started crying and Alice and Emmet ran in and all of a sudden Alice froze. She was having a vision.

Jake struggled underneath me and he wrapped his arms around me and yanked me up with him,"Wait, Alice is having a vision."I said to Jake, Alice gasped and a small smile took over her face,"She's no danger. She's half human, meaning that she can be satisfied with human food, I also seen her when she's older, like a teenager."Alice explained and I cheered but it was cut off when we looked outside. The pack attacking the Cullens, I grabbed Jake and we ran outside."ENOUGH!"I shouted, Sam looked up while he was pinning Edward,"Alice had a vision!"I yelled, and the pack slowly stepped back, Jake took over,"The baby is half human, she can survive on human food as much as she can with blood. Although she won't even need blood half the time!"Jake explained and Sam turned to Alice who ran out.

She nodded,"It's true."She confirmed,

'How do we know she's telling the truth?' -Sam

"Are you not fucking listening?! The baby's mum is a human and the dad is a vampire, she's a hybrid! Human food satisfies her as much as blood does, she's going to grow up, Sam!"I yelled at him and he growled at me, Jake stood in front of me and growled back while Paul slowly walked forward,"Our law apples to humans and she's half human! Our law applies to her."I hissed as I stepped towards Sam, Jake grabbed my hand as if warning me not to challenge an Alpha, but honestly I didn't care and they could all tell.

Sam huffed and turned around, he ran off and soon the boys followed but Paul, he stayed and came up to me. I brushed my hands against his fur and he licked my leg, I gagged jokingly and he growled lightly.

I turned to the Cullens who looked at me with gratefulness in their eyes,"Thank you, Aya."Edward said, I nodded to him."I'm sorry about Bella, I really am."I sympathised as my parents are gone too and he nodded sadly. I turned to Jake and hugged him, I felt him tremble a bit and I tightened my grip."She's not in pain anymore."I whispered to him and he slowly nodded,"Come on, you need to sleep."I said and gently pulled him away from me so he could stand properly. I nodded to the Cullens and they smiled at me which I returned, Paul had phased back in the time I was talking to Jake and helped me with Jake.

As we got to Jakes house and let ourselves in we placed Jake on his bed, I left Jake and Paul in his room while I went to get him a glass of water. When I walked back in I felt like I was walking in on something, they both shyly looked each other and if they could blush I bet they would've been. I smiled at them both and placed the glass down beside the bed,"I'll be going then, sorry Jake."Paul said and kissed me on my cheek before leaving, Jake looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself, since he left the pack I couldn't hear what he was thinking anymore. It hurt but it was understandable.

When Paul had left I was about to follow but Jake had spoken,"Please, stay."He whispered and I couldn't say no, I laid beside him and he pulled me into his arms,"I'm so sorry with how I've been acting lately, I'm so sorry."Jake babbled, I shook my head"It's okay, get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."I murmured and kissed his forehead.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now