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The next few days I had avoided Jake, even after my talk with Maya I'm still a bit hurt with how he looked at me

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The next few days I had avoided Jake, even after my talk with Maya I'm still a bit hurt with how he looked at me. It made me think if he wanted anything to do with me or was it just anger? He knew I was avoiding him although I don't think he cared. Paul, bless him was just stuck in the middle of all of this. Not knowing where to start he stayed on the sidelines watching it all happen.

Today we was at the beach and surprisingly I was sat on a log with Embry, Seth and Jake. "Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash, or tripped and fell off a cliff."Jake was saying the excuses they could use when Bella turns into a vampire. Paul was playing football with the rest of the pack, I turned to Jake and was about to say something when he spoke,"At least I'll get one thing out of it," as soon he said that thoughts of him ripping Edwards head off appeared through the link.

"No you won't."Sam said,"Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe."He finished, Leah sat down next to me,"Well he's either going to kill her or change her, and the treaty says-."Jake was cut off by Sam,"I say, Jacob. I say."

Jake looked down and shook his head while Leah kept eye contact with Sam who shrugged. Embry then chirped in,"You know if you wanted things different you should've became alpha."Jake looked ahead,"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time."He said distantly.

"Jake, do you really think you could kill Bella if she came back a vampire?"Seth said out of nowhere, Leah shook her head,"No, make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us."Jake scoffed,"Shut up, Leah."He snapped, Leah glared at her,"Would you just get over it it's not like you imprinted on her. You imprinted on Aya, who has to deal with all this bullshit."Jake locked eyes with me and I looked away, feeling uncomfortable I looked towards Leah who smiled at me.

"You're lucky to have imprinted on someone."Leah carried on, although Jake seemed to be getting more angry"Lucky? None of them belong to themselves anymore."As soon as Jake finished that sentence I felt as if ice cold water was dumped onto me, my heart leaped in my chest and I stood up turning to Jake.

"Whenever you're done in your little pity party you're having to yourself just remember there our people around you that want you to be happy. I'm your imprint and I feel as if you just rejected me for Bella and last night proved that."I said and quickly walked away from the group, I heard Embry and Leah asking what the hell is wrong with him, but pain ran through me and my tears fell.

I made sure that Paul couldn't see me but I'm sure the whole pack could feel how I was right now, I quickly ran straight back home. Maya and Mia decided to go out to know each other better today so that gave me time to try get my self under control. I heard Paul shout for me while running to catch up with me but I honestly needed my space right now.

'Aya I'm so sorry, please. I need to talk to you.' -Jake

'What you said was uncanceled for, Jacob. She's your imprint yet you're acting like Bella is! Bella is not our responsibility anymore, I know that Bella was technically your first crush but it's time to move on, she is now a Cullen. Aya and Paul are your new start, don't mess this up more than you already have.' -Sam

I wasn't looking at were I was going and ran into someone, I yelped when I felt myself falling but someone caught me. When I seen it was Jake I scoffed and pushed him away,"What do you want?"I asked him, he looked into my tearful eyes and took a staggered breath,"I didn't mean what I said, I'm so sorry. Aya, I was angry that Bella is going to turn into one of them. I won't lie she was my first crush but I'm so glad that I imprinted on you, from the bottom of my heart I am in love with you not Bella, I'm just concerned for her as a friends and I was frustrated. I know that's no excuse for what I said but I'm honestly so sorry."Jake confessed, I stood in shock listening to every word he said.

"I understand she's your closest friend as well as crush and I'm trying to understand how I'd feel if Maya or Mia fell inlove with a vampire and is doing what Bella is and I can understand that they'd want to stay with them forever but what you said hurt me a lot because I love you and Paul so much and you hurt me Jacob."I explained and sat down on the grass, and Jake sat next to me,"I know and I'm so sorry, Aya. I mean it, I promise you I really do. I understand if you can't forgive me right now but I'll earn your forgiveness!"Jake smiled as he reassured himself, I lightly chuckled although it really did hurt me what he said but he will have to earn and prove that he meant sorry otherwise I cannot stay with him even if I'm imprinted to him.

He hesitantly pulled me into a hug and I cuddled into him,"This doesn't mean I forgive you."I mumbled against him and he nodded,"I know."

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now