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The next few days were just Jake trying to prove he was sorry, I eventually forgave him though, the words still hurt deep

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The next few days were just Jake trying to prove he was sorry, I eventually forgave him though, the words still hurt deep. I had to stop Paul from attacking Jake for what he said. It was out of line and definitely uncared for what he said but it's the past now.

I woke up early this morning and made my way into the kitchen, Embry smiled at me and sat down. I yawned as he placed a cup of hit chocolate in front of me,"How's you and Maya?"I asked while lightly blowing on my drink. He gave a small chuckle and shook his head, "Busy, very busy. But worth it. She's a handful but in a good way, you know?"He answered and I nodded,"Yep she really is."I laughed and speak of the girl, she waddled in slowly and peeled her eyes open,"It's too early, and you left me, mister! I was so cold."Maya huffed and moved herself to the sofa.

All of a sudden I felt a anger through the link, I turned to Embry confused and he shrugged, I had a feeling it was Jake again. I sighed and placed my mug down,"I'll be back now."I mumbled to the couple and walked out the house, I phased and quickly ran to Jakes house. I grabbed spare clothes behind the tree and changed, I walked up to his door and walked in, I waved to Charlie and Sue who waved back and I turned to Billy who gave me that look,"Cullens."He said,"Do you know why?"I asked and he slowly nodded and pointed to the chair,"You might want to sit down for this."He urged me to sit down which I did and he started explaining.

I quickly walked out and sat outside, Bella is pregnant, but she's dying. That fetus in her is killing her and growing fast. I can't imagine how Jakes feeling, his best friend is pregnant with a vampire. Jake needed to talk to Bella, he obviously needs to get stuff out. I started walking back to mine and Embrys what was the point of coming here. All of a sudden a huge headache came over me, I yelped and grabbed my head. Jake howled, he wanted a pack meeting. I quickly phased and ran towards the dock where we usually have pack meetings, the link was going crazy giving me another headache.

'It it true, Jake?' -Paul

'What will it be?' -Quil

'It's growing fast.' -Paul

'It's unnatural' -Leah

'Dangerous!' -Jared

'Monstrosity' -Quil

'An abomination' -Paul

'On our land' -Quil

'We can't allow it.'

As all of this is going on they all started to circle Jake, I slowly walked towards them and finally Sam spoke which made us all look towards him.

'We have to protect the tribe. What they bred won't be able to control its thirst. Every human will be in danger.' -Sam

'We're ready.' -Jared

'No time to waste.' -Leah

'Now?' -Jake

'We must destroy it before it's born.' -Sam

'You mean...' -Seth

'Kill Bella?' -Aya

'Her choice affects us all.'-Sam

'Surely there's another way..' -Aya

'Bella's human. Our protection applies to her.' -Jake

Leah snarled at him
'She's dying anyways!' -Leah

Jake snarled back and went for Leah pinning her to the floor, they both went back and forth growling until Sam growled at them both to snap out of it.
Sam slowly made steps forward towards us,

'We have real enemies to fight tonight.' -Sam

'Tonight?' -Jake
Seth whined and shyly stood beside Jake as if to say he's there for him, I was torn in between. I didn't want to kill Bella but I also didn't want the growing thing in her belly to go on a killing rampage.

Sam made threatening steps towards Jake as if Jake was challenging him,
'You will fight with us, Jake.' -Sam
He started growling and the alpha in him made us put our heads down in respect while Jake struggled and looked like he had a conflict going on deep inside. They both snarled at each other and Sam raised his head above Jake who slowly went down hesitantly. All of a sudden Jake snarled and stamped him paw on the floor.

'I will not.'
Jake started as he raised himself off the floor,
'I am the grandson of Ephraim Black. I am the grandson of a chief. I wasn't born to follow you, or anyone else.' -Jake
As he finished he bumped into Sam and ran up the hill. I felt sort of proud of him for finding himself but now dread. Jake just left the pack. My imprint just left the pack. I felt the pack bond with him weaken and I whined and I heard Paul growl as he walked behind me and rubbed his head against mine. Everyone was equally surprised at what just happens and Seth looked devastated, looking longingly at where Jake is running off to. I turned to Paul helplessly but he just judged his head into my neck again.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now