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The next day Sam made me do some pack work, after I made my way to the beach

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The next day Sam made me do some pack work, after I made my way to the beach. Everyone was there except Jake, Leah and Seth. Jake did ring me and said he had something to do, I told him not to do something stupid but I doubt he'll listen. I zoned out for a minute but when I snapped back Paul was walking up to me with Embry and Maya. I smiled at ran up to Maya who caught my hug,"Dude I missed you, it's like you disappear sometimes. Though Embry told me what's been happening lately, you okay?"She asked me, I nodded quickly"I'm fine, I missed you too! You good?"I asked back and she broke the hug and grabbed Embry's arm,"I'm great! We need a girl chat soon! Apparently you saved a baby!"Maya exclaimed and shook Embry's arm back and forth in excitement, he looked used to it as if she's done it millions of times and continued chatting to Paul.

I felt a pang of frustration/anger go through me and I looked at Paul in confusion, he must've felt it too and shook his head,"Is it?"I asked and he nodded, since I'm still Jakes imprint I could feel certain feelings of his strongly, I just couldn't read his mind. I turned to Maya who looked confused,"Have you got to go?"She wondered and I slowly nodded,"I'll be right back after though!"I reassured her and she nodded with a smile,"It's all good! Come back when you're finished."She pointed at me and I laughed but agreed,"You coming Paul?"I asked him and he shook his head,"It's okay, love. You can handle it."He said softly and kissed my forehead.


I stood outside the Cullen house and sighed, every time I've been here something's happened and I've been here twice! Or is it three times? I shrugged and made my way in front of the door and knocked it, I heard them speaking and the door was swung open,"Hi there, Inaaya. Jakes upstairs."Carlisle told me and stood back letting me in, I smiled and nodded"Thank you, Carlisle."

Once I was upstairs I saw Alice talking to Bella about how to seem more human,"Okay I got it, move around, blink, slouch."Bella shrugged and stood up. Jake spotted me and ran over pulling me into a hug,"Are you okay?"I asked, he nodded"I'm prefect now that you're here."He gushed, I groaned at him,"You're a softie!"I giggled and leaned away from him when he tried kissing me and he let out a fake gasp,"Do you not love me anymore?!"He asked, I pretended to think about it and shrugged kissing him,"You'll do I guess."I sighed and we both laughed,"You two are so cute! Where's Paul?"I heard Alice admire, I laughed nervously forgetting about everyone else for a moment and took a step back,"Paul is with the pack at the beach."I answered her and she nodded.

I turned to Bella who looked annoyed,"You good?"I asked her and she let out a nervous smile,"I guess."then we all heard a car pull up outside, I looked at Jake confusingly and he looked out the window,"Good luck."Esme said as her, Carlisle, Alice, Emmet and Rosalie leave the room.
"What did you do?"I asked Jake slowly and he scratched the back of his head,"Might've told Charlie that Bella was alive and showed him that I was a wolf."Jake rushes out, I gasped at him and smack his back,"You did what?! Jake, I told you not to do anything stupid!"I scolded him and he looked like a kicked puppy, I sighed and turned to Bella and Edward who looked a bit amused,"I'm sorry about him, he had good intentions I'm sure."I apologised and Bella waved me off,"It's okay now, we've been through this and looks like it's time."She explained and I nodded.

Charlie and Carlisle walked up the stairs and walked past me and Jake, Charlie nodded and Jake who returned it and acknowledged me too."Bella."He started,"Hi dad.", Charlie looked on the verge of crying,"Are you okay?"He asked her teary eyed,"Never better, healthy as a horse."She answered with a smile,"You don't turn into an animal, too, do you?"Charlie wondered breaking the tense atmosphere, we all let out a small laugh. Jake patted Charlie on the back,"She wishes she was that awesome."Jake laughed and Charlie turned to him and glanced to me and I nodded already know what he was going to ask,"You too?!"I breathed out a laugh and nodded, he turned back to Bella bewildered.

"Let's give them some privacy."Edward said, then I found myself walking out the room with everyone but Charlie and Bella. We waited downstairs in the kitchen with everyone else, Rosalie was holding the baby who turned her head to me, my eyes widened a bit,"She's grown a lot!"I said shocked and Alice laughed at me,"Yes she has, and she's definitely got a liking to you."Edward confirmed from behind me and I nodded unsure of what to do,"Do you want to hold her?"Rosalie asked and I gulped looking at Jake who nodded his head at me,"Uh okay."Rosalie walked forward with Renesmee and I opened my arms for her and Rosalie gently placed her in my arms,"You're fine, wow you're so big now."I rambled while I let out a nervous laugh, Renesmee giggled and grabbed my hand and held it,"You're so cute!"I gushed, I turned to Edward,"Your turn."I said and he laughed at me and took Renesmee out of my hands,"I'm going to take her to Charlie."He declared while walking out of the room, we heard his footsteps all the way up.

As he went up Jake turned to me,"Let's go, let's give them all time."He said and I nodded turning to the Cullens who let out smiles,"Alrighty then, see you all!"I waved to them and we walked out,"Let's go to the beach, I said I'd come back and I want you to come with."I spoke while holding Jakes hand, he dragged me over to his motorbike and got on,"To the beach we go."He said, I laughed in happiness and got on his bike, he passed me a helmet,"Really?!"I whined and he nodded,"Yes, when you put it on, I'll leave."He insisted, I groaned and put it on, then he finally started the motorbike and we sped to the beach.

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