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The next hour was tense, I was sat with Paul when Leah asked me to go meet her

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The next hour was tense, I was sat with Paul when Leah asked me to go meet her. I kissed Paul's cheek and ran towards Leah who stood outside the house. She waved me over and grabbed my hand and dragged me in through the trees,"I'm leaving the pack, so is Seth. We're joining Jake. You want to come?"Leah just dumped on me, I gulped and looked at her shocked,"You're leaving?!"I managed to get out, she nodded,"As much as I dislike Bella seeing her dead is wrong, we can maybe try to see a better path with this thing in her stomach and actually see if it'll go on a killing spree."Leah explained and I nodded slowly,
"Maybe. Bella is human and Edward is a vampire, it could be a hybrid, its still dangerous but it's still a human never less. This is hard, I can't pick between Paul and Jake."I said and Leah nodded understandably.

I looked towards Paul's house and sighed,"Do you think I could convince him?"I asked Leah and she sighed and bit her lip,"Maybe? There's no harm in trying. But you know him and Sam, and his position in the pack. It'll be hard, imprint or not."Leah thought out loud.

I turned to Leah,"When that night comes I won't attack, I'll try to distract Paul. Jake will have Sam. We both know Sam's plan, you tell Jake, also tell him that I love him and proud of him for finding himself! Also what I'm doing."I said and she nodded and took everything in,"Got it. Try not to think of everything because he'll find out. Goodluck, love you!"Leah rushed out and hugged me, which I returned,"Love you too."I murmured out and she took a few steps back winked and phased running off to the Cullen house.

I turned around and walked back into Paul's house, he waved me over and pulled me into a hug,"I got you."Paul mumbled and I sighed in his embrace.


A few days later me, Jared, Paul, Quil and Embry were making our way forward since Jake wanted to talk.

As we walked forward we seen Jake, Leah and Seth. None of them phased. I stood behind Paul as we crept forward.
"I want to talk. Be easier if I could hear you too."Jake shouted at us, I whined when I heard his voice. I missed him a lot, can you blame me?
The boys phased back and I followed and quickly grabbed the clothes out of Paul's hands and shoved them on. We made our way towards them so they can see us, we looked down the hill where they stood,"This isn't your territory anymore. How's the new family working out?"Paul hissed, I placed my hand on his bicep.

Jake tolled his eyes,"You done?"Jake asked annoyed, Quil and Embry stood beside us,"You coming home, Jake?"Quil asked hoping for Jake to say 'Yes', although that wasn't the case."Not until I finish this."He said, determination riddled him and he caught eyes with me,"What do you mean?"Paul questioned and Jake pointed to Leah and Sam,"I want Sam to take Leah and Seth."He stated and the siblings let out a gasp of shock,"What?"Leah let out while Seth moved towards Jake,"No way!", though Jake turned around to Seth,"Quiet."He ended whatever was going to come out of Seth's mouth."I want them safe and I want this over. I need Sam to wait until Bella's been separated from the problem."Jake continued.

"You mean till she's dead."Paul spat out and I grabbed his hand watching him slowly calm down,"Ease up, Paul."Embry snapped and they both stared at each other."Then what?"I asked lightly,"Tell Sam that when the moment comes, I'll be the one to destroy it."Jake declared and I gasped, Seth let out a shocked 'Jake' and he ignored Seth. Paul and Jared has a smug smile on there faces which I smacked both of their backs for,"I'm the only one who can, they trust me."Jake continued, and suddenly we heard howling. We'd been distracted that Carlisle and Esme had jumped the treaty line.

"You played us!"Paul hissed, Paul nudged me away and he ran back phasing quickly, same with Quil and Jared. Me and Embry stood there looking at the trio. Embry gave one last look and phased running off. I was conflicted but as cliche as it sounded I went with my heart and quickly jumped down the hill falling into Jakes arms,"I love you so much, please understand what I'm doing. Quickly go before Paul or Sam figures out you're not there."Jake said and kissed me, I kissed him back but then broke the kiss and shoved my head into his chest,"I love you so much too, be safe and I'm so proud of you!"I said quickly and I waved to Leah and Seth before taking a few steps back and phasing running back to where we should've been.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now