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The next couple of days were tense, Jake's mood had put us all on edge

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The next couple of days were tense, Jake's mood had put us all on edge. Mia and Leah have had a date and are getting along great, which is good and I'm happy for the pair. Maya has been keeping Embry on his toes, Maya is a very hyperactive girl and I forgot to mention that to Embry and his mum but they've figured it out now. The wedding came quick and soon me and Maya were getting ready for it. Paul said he was going to look after Jake and make sure he was okay, I thanked him for that.

Maya came waddling into my room with her dress pooled around her legs, I blinked at her and she struggled to pull it up. I looked at the style of the dress and sighed, "Maya, take it off and slide your head through the head." I said laughing quietly, she groaned and kicked it off and put it on the right way,"I don't like wearing dresses."She mumbled while sliding it on, "I know, you look beautiful when you do wear one though."I complimented and put my heels on.

After we was ready and we was stood outside the house Embry, Paul and Jake walked out the woods, I rolled my eyes at them.

'Look at you three trying to look cool' -Aya

Jake chuckled and ran up to me and spun me in his arms, I let out a squeal of surprise,"You look beautiful."I blushed a tiny bit, I quickly thanked him and he put me back on my feet. I felt Paul hug me from behind and I leaned into him, "You do look gorgeous."He whispered to me and I pinched my nose and pushed him away from me while my face had to be a bright red, "Cut it out the both of you!" I whined and they laughed at me.

"You girls should get going, you'll be late otherwise.", Embry said and I nodded and grabbed Maya's hand pulling her towards the car, Paul climbed in the front seat and waited till me and Maya got in to start the car, I waved to Jake and Embry as we drove towards the Cullens. On arrival it was beautiful, everything was perfectly decorated. Me and Maya got out of the car and I said goodbye to Paul and gave him a kiss on the cheek which he returned by giving me one on my forehead,"Enjoy yourself okay."He murmured and I nodded.

We quickly rushed to our assigned seats which was third row from the front on Bellas side, next to Seth, his mum and Billy. I waved to them and sat down in between Seth and Maya. Everyone suddenly stood up and I followed them, Bella looked beautiful. She looked very nervous and gripped onto her dad harder, he looked like he could burst into tears at any moment. She locked eyes with Edward and she was at ease. Once she was stood in front of Edward they started the priest started talking, then they said the 'I dos' then they kissed, we all clapped for them.


Later on in the night when the celebration started me and Maya were by the alcohol, it took a while for me to get drunk now that I was a wolf which was boring although Maya was still a lightweight so I told her two is enough for now which she was stubborn with and held the third class strongly in her grip.

'Aya, come say hi with me' -Seth

'Okay one second, just trying to get the drink out of Maya's hand' - Aya

"Let's go congratulate Bella and Edward!"I said to Maya while yanking the drink out of her hand, she finally agreed and we met up with Seth, Sue, Billy and Charlie. I waved to them when we walked closer, "You two look stunning!"Seth complimented, I chuckled, "You look handsome."I returned the compliment, Maya thanked him with a blush. I can hear her mumbling 'Stupid alcohol'.

We then spotted Bella and Edward and we walked up to them, Seth handshakes him while congratulating him and I hugged Bella, "Congrats both! Wish you both the best."I smiled at them, ignoring the foul scent wafting off of Edward, they both thanked me. Bella turned to Billy concern on her face, "How is he?"She asked, I knew who she was talking about, my imprint. Billy looked at me and then looked back at Bella, "He's doing good, he wishes you both well."Billy said and smiled at her, she slowly nodded. After Charlie talked to Bella he let out a breath,"Well I plan on getting drunk."He said and I heard Maya whisper, "Me too." I lightly tapped her knowing me, Edward and Seth heard her.

Charlie then turned to Sue,"They're serving out some pretty fancy champagne, Sue can I get you a glass?"He asked her, I saw Billy look at Charlie and turn his wheelchair around almost knocking Charlie, "Sparkling fire water, sounds great."Billy said and wheeled off with Seth behind him I held in my laugh as Charlie looked at Sue helplessly.

As they walked away I felt Bella grab my hand, I turned to her"You okay?"I asked her politely and she nodded, "I just wanted to apologise for getting you involved with Riley and Victoria, then getting you hurt."She apologised, I sighed and shook my head, "It's the past, let's forget about it. I forgive you."I smiled and she let out a breath of relief and nodded, I heard Maya whine and I grabbed her, "Bella, this is my best friend Maya. She's also imprinted to Embry."I introduced and Maya waved at her,"Nice to meet you, really nice wedding by the way. Everything's so detailed, you look beautiful too, the Champagne tastes good and the food is so good."Maya chatted, I think Bella and Edward were surprised about how chatty she is already.

I giggled a bit and nodded to them and grabbed Maya's hand dragging her away, and towards the food again. We had another plate after another. Then we walked towards Seth and chatted to him for bit, I sensed someone was looking at me and I caught eyes with a blonde vampire who looked at me in disgust, I looked away and shook my head it seems Seth got the same vibes from her.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now