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 As more vampires came into the territory, more Quileutes have been turning

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As more vampires came into the territory, more Quileutes have been turning. Like it happened to me, their nature compelling them to join the pack. Jake was there for all the new turned, making a new pack, Embry and Quill had joined Jakes pack, Embry his third in command and Leah his beta. Me and Paul were considering moving too but Paul is the Uley packs third in command and his loyalty lies with Sam. I understood and so somehow my wolf let me have a connection to Jakes pack, it was a weak link but it was something. I could hear Jake, Leah and Embry. I almost freaked out when I heard Jake speak in my head, I almost ran into a tree. Sam said that it might've been something to do with the fact that I was Jakes imprint as well as Paul and when he became an Alpha of a pack I was accepted too even if I was in Sams.

Jake was at the Cullen house, apparently they were having a meeting at the moment and I was allowed to go if I wanted but no, I'm outside running around with Seth and a couple of the new turned boys when we arrived at the beach, they were all playing around and I sat down, Seth following. All of a sudden someone jumped me from behind and I went flying forward, I quickly turned around grabbing the person and gently pinning them underneath me,"AYA IT ME!"I heard Maya screaming, I decided to be the kind and affectionate friend I am and licked her face, she gagged in disgust,"Ew really.."She whined, I moved off her and she sat next to me,"You're so soft!"She cooed and I rolled my eyes and pushed her away with my paw."I actually need to talk to you, my parents called. Said it been long enough and wondering when I'm coming home."She talked, I turned to Embry behind her who nodded sadly and looked away.


Me, Embry, Maya and Tiffany, Embry's mum was all sat in the living room,"Are you going to go home?"I asked her and she groaned,"I don't want to! I feel like this is my new home, Tiff you're like my adoptive aunt and Embry you're my love and Aya you're my best friend in the entire world! Back at home I got nothing, yes I've got my family but it's time to move on I need to explore the world! I can do that here, with you."She said finishing while looking at Embry, Tiffany sighed and stood up nodding,"I see, hun. Christmas is around the corner, it's up to you where you want to spend it but you're more than welcome to spend it with us."Tiffany offered her and grabbed her mug full of coffee.

"I'll ring my parents now and have a chat with them."Maya said grabbing her phone and walking out the house, I turned to Embry,"I hope she doesn't go but at the same time I want her to experience Christmas with her family."Embry sighed, I nodded,"We're also her second family."I smiled and stood up walking up the stairs and getting into bed, I was tired, there was never a break and there was always something new happening.


Soon it was Christmas and Maya had decided to stay, she had Skyped her parents this morning and had mailed them some presents from La Push. I had gotten Paul and Jake a little something too, I had gotten them both a necklace made from Leather Cord Suede String and on it was a small wooden cut out of the Quileute Tribe tattoo which indicates where we belong. I handmade them, I might've discovered a new talent I had when making them. I made myself one too so the three of us had one. I put the two necklaces in separate boxes and wrapped them both with a messy ribbon on top, I didn't know how to wrap properly.

I had the two presents securely on my lap as I passed Embry, Maya and Tiffany their presents, I had gotten Embry a black shirt he'd been eyeing up for a while, I got Maya a box of socks since she keeps complaining she has none. Finally, I got Tiffany a card to say thank you for everything she's done, as she's given me a home and a brother, I also got her a coupon off any restaurant in Forks and La Push. I had gotten a pair of expensive headphones for Tiffany which I loved and thanked her for. I'd also gotten snow globe with three wolves in a snowy forest, that was from Embry. It was beautiful and I gently placed it back in its case after thanking him and lastly I had gotten a box of tops, baggy to loose. I looked at Maya confused,"You rip your tops a lot you know, when you phase."Maya had explained later on, I laughed and thanked her, it was a nice thought.

I heard whistling outside and I looked out the window, Paul and Jake stood out there, I turned to Tiffany who nodded and I ran outside, not forgetting their presents. I kissed them both and took a step back,"Hold your hands out and close your eyes!"I said excitedly and they followed, I then placed the boxes in their hands. When they felt the box in their hands they opened their eyes, I waved my hands as to say open it. When they opened it I swear I seen Paul tear up almost, he was such a softie at heart. Jake almost looked tearful too,"I..uh made it myself, I hope you both like it."I said shyly as they both were taking too long to reply,"I love it, it's beautiful. Thank you so much, Aya."Paul complimented and Jake nodded,"It's gorgeous, Aya. Thank you so much."Jake pulled me into a hug and I felt Paul hug me from behind so I was sandwiched. Once they let go they put the necklaces on,"It suits you! I even got one too, so we're all matching."I cheered as I showed them mine, Jake chuckled at me,"You're so cute!"He cooed, Paul agreeing with him.

They both then went nervous when Jake pulled out a box,"Me and Paul went half's on this, we thought it was perfect and just what we all needed to bring us all together."Jake started,"We both love you so much and can't imagine a life without you, we're not just saying that because you're our imprintee either."Paul finished and Jake handed me the box, when I opened it there was three rings,"They're promise rings."Paul whispered out almost afraid to talk, I felt a tear fall,"It's stunning, I love it so much, I love you both so much!"I cried and put the ring on my finger, the also put the ring on theirs. As weird as it sounds I felt even more connected to them now, I threw myself back into their arms and they let me, holding me tight,"This is cute and all but aunt Tiff said we can't eat till we are all at the table!"I heard Maya shout at us, I groaned,"We're coming now!"I shouted back and we broke away from each other laughing and walked into the house, Embry greeted his pack brothers and we all sat down at the table and dug in.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now