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A few months later and it was going good, Sam and Jake was getting on again, me and Sam had a talk and was getting on again too

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A few months later and it was going good, Sam and Jake was getting on again, me and Sam had a talk and was getting on again too. I spent a few days at their house catching up with Emily which was very needed. Yesterday was amazing! Me, Paul and Jake had went on a date, we went for dinner then we all went to the cliff and sat there talking, it was perfect. Me, Maya, Mia and Leah had also met up and had a girls day which was very needed, Mia and Leah were great as always, it's surprising how soft and patient Leah is with Mia, and protective, I had to physically stop Leah from going to Mia's school and having a 'talk' with Tessa and her group.

Bella has visited me, Renesmee is like my little niece. She's grown so much in these past months, her, Bella and Jake have gone to catch snowflakes since it was snowing, I was on my way there now. When I made it I stood next to Jake, phased as well. I nodded to Bella who waved at me, I looked up and seen Renesmee grabbing snowflakes, although she turned her head forward and on the cliff was a vampire, me and Jake growled. Renesmee floated down and when she noticed me she wrapped her arms around my leg, she was perfectly safe between me and Jake. Bella moves forward,"Who was that?"Renesmee asked her mother who stared into the distance,"I think that's our cousin from Denali."She answered,"Irina!"Bella shouted, I remembered her now, she was the one that was glaring at me and Seth at Bella's wedding.

Irina suddenly ran, Bella following. I turned to Jake who looked just as confused, when Bella came back she hurried us back to the Cullen house.

"Tanya convinced Irina to come reconcile with us."Carlisle explained,"It looks like she changed her mind."Edward declared, he was sitting by the piano with Renesmee while Bella leaned against it."Seeing Aya and Jacob must have been too much for her."Esme wondered and Paul grabbed my hand, I had rung Paul up when we got to the Cullens and he was here in seconds with me and Jake."Wish I could've just spoken to her."Bella recalled and Carlisle smiled and leaned back,"She's family, she'll come around."He reassured her and placed his arm around Esme. Edward has started playing the piano with Renesmee and everything was calm until Alice dropped the flower vase. Jasper was by her side in a flash,"What is it, Alice?"Esme asked softly,

"The Volturi. They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard and Irina."Alice explained, Renesmee stood up when Bella waved her over,"Why?"Carlisle asked,"What did Irina see in the woods?"Edward continued,"We were just walking."Bella answered,"Ness was just catching snowflakes."I said,"Of course."Edward said like he figured it all out,"Irina thinks Renesmee's an Immortal child."He finished, Bella looked confused.

That night when Renesmee was with Rosalie going to sleep Carlisle took the time to explain it all too us"The immoral children were very beautiful, so enchanting. To be near them was to love them, but their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught of restrained, a single tantrum could destroy an entire village."Carlisle resumed,"Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them, long established covens were torn apart. Countless humans slaughtered, traditions, friends, even families. Lost."He emphasised, Bella turned to him and stopped turning pages in the book,"So the Denalis' mother made an immortal child?"She asked him, and Carlisle nodded,"Yes, and she paid the price."So their mother was then killed and the child.

"Well, Renesmee's is nothing like those children. She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day."Bella said annoyed,"So can't you just explain that to the volturi."Paul asked frustrated that the right most simplest solution and no one was thinking of it. I seen Jake lightly tap Paul's hand and my heart filled a bit, that was cute. Edward shook his head,"Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts."He explained and Jake sighed,"So...we fight?"I wondered and Jasper sighed"Their offensive weapons are too powerful, no one can stand against Jane."I growled lowly at the thought of the blonde haired vampire that Edward had explained when talking about The Volturi,"Alec's even worse."Alice finished,"Well, then we convince them."Bella huffed,"They're coming to kill us, not to talk."Emmet said and Edward nodded,"No you're right. They won't listen to us but maybe others can convince them. Carlisle, you have friends all around the world.", Carlisle crosses his hands,"I won't ask them to fight."He declared, and Edward shook his head gently,"Not fight, witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen."He said simply.
"We can ask this of our friends."Esme said softly, while reaching and caressing Carlisle arm. He softly grabbed her hand.

The next day Esme and Carlisle was ready to go to London, me and Paul were sat on the sofa when we felt Sam, we looked at Jake who nodded outside and we walked out,"Alice asked me to give you that. She and Jasper crossed our lands to the ocean last night."Sam explained as he gave the paper to Carlisle,"They've left us."He said,"Why?"Rosalie said, disbelief in her tone,"She didn't say."Carlisle answered her,"Can I see that?"Bella asked reaching forward and expecting the paper, Sam was going to walk off when he called Paul over,"I'll see you later okay, I love you."Paul said and kissed me, he patted Jakes shoulder before going with Sam,"I love you too."

"Aya, you go with Bella and Edward."Jake said, I looked at him confused,"Why me?"I asked him,"Keep Renesmee company."He answered simply and I shrugged and nodded. Soon I was on the snowy roads with the family, as I was joking around with Renesmee we pulled up to a house. Edward got out of the car and walked up to the family,"Okay, time to meet some new people."Bella smiled at her,"What if they don't like me?"Renesmee questioned, I felt my heart break a bit at that,"They'll love you."I assured her and Bella smiled at me,"They will. Once they understand you."She continued,"They just haven't met anyone like you before."I finished and we got out of the car, as soon as Renesmee got out the car they gasped in shock,"The Volturi will come for all of us."The taller blonde said,"You get that thing out of here."The smaller one said,"She's not what she looks like."Edward tried to reason with them but they weren't having it.

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