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It was silent when Alice let go of Aros hand and he was silent, looking at us and then back at Alice

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It was silent when Alice let go of Aros hand and he was silent, looking at us and then back at Alice. I moved closer to my imprints enjoying the scent they had,"Now you know, that's your future. Unless you decide on another course."Alice spoke confidently, the blonde haired boy behind Aro moved forward,"We can not alter our course, The child still poses a grave threat."He stated worriedly,"But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?"Edward chirped in,"Of course. But that cannot be known."He said his tone full of frustration and annoyance,"Actually it can."Edward smirked at Alice who returned it.

Suddenly two people emerged from the woods, the girl stood tall, tan skin and dark brown wavy hair with dark red eyes, she wore a native outfit and so did the tall boy beside her, he was all tan with dark brown hair pulled neatly into a plat and had brown eyes. They walked with confidence towards the Volturi,"I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil."Alice explained.

"We have enough witnesses."

'Does that boy ever shut up?' -Aya

'Doesn't look like it, loud mouth blood sucker.' -Leah

"Let him speak, brother."Aro rebuked and turned to the two new people who had joined in.

"I am half human, half vampire"The boy started,

'Oh shit!' -Aya

"Like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal."He recounted and his aunt I assume beside him smiled up at him,"How old are you?"Bella asked him curiously,"A hundred and fifty years."He answered, I gaped at him,"At what age did you reach maturity?"Aro asked him, he also was full of curiosity,"I became full grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then."He explained, Bella smiled towards Renesmee who returned it,"And your diet?"Aro recalled,
"Blood, human food. I can survive on either."He answered Aro and the man behind Aro spoke he had quiet this entire time,"These children our much like us."

"Regardless, the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves, our natural enemies."The blonde haired boy said again,

'Here he goes again.' -Leah

'Hahahaha' -Aya

'Girls...' -Jake

Aro places his hand upon his shoulder and shook his head,"Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not fight, today." Aro concludes and the main Volturi turned around and sped off, the rest eventually following, I inwardly cheered with Seth.
"Such a prize."Aro shook his head and was gone in a flash.

I trotted towards Leah who was with Seth and rubbed my head against them, I hadn't seen them both in a while. They returned it and we turned to the two men who were having a tantrum,"You're all fools!"One shouted,"The Volturi might be gone, but they will never forgive what happened here."The other said and the both ran off.
Us wolves were done here and we started walking away, I turned around to see Renesmee waving at me, I tried waving back with my paw which she laughed at, Bella smiled at me and I turned around and ran back with the pack, howling.


A week after the Volturi I've stayed at Paul's with him and Jake, it has been really fun and the bonding has been really good. We were all going to spend the day at the beach today, with both packs. I grabbed my bag and followed Paul outside where Jake was waiting for us,"You two are so slow!"He joked with us,"Hey! You're talking to the fastest wolf in La push!"I bragged and they both laughed at me,"Let's have a race then, on feet!"Paul suggested, I turned to Jake who nodded and shrugged,"Let's do it!"I secured my bag onto my back and we all ran towards the beach, I was ahead of them by a tiny bit but they were both catching up. I jumped over the tree trunks and I was so close I could see the sand but I felt someone tackle me, I went flying down and two bodies twisted on top of me.

"Wow, leave that for the bedroom!"

I looked up and excitement flowed through me,"Maya!"She giggled as I pushed the two boys off me and hugged her, behind I seen Mia and Leah, Leah was 'helping' Mia put on a hat,"It's cold! You need it, I don't want you to get a cold."Leah was stressing and Mia was laughing at her,"Sweetie, I'm fine! Look, I'm almost as hot as you because of all the jumpers you made me wear!"Mia assures her and kisses her, Leah sighed in content and I looked away that was private. Maya pouted at looked at Embry,"Why don't you care for me like that?!"Maya whined, Embry groaned at her and threw her a hat that was in his pocket, Maya bursted out laughing,"I'm joking, babe! Love you."Maya laughed dragging out the 'you'.  I felt arms around my shoulders and a hand holding mine,"You both cheated!"I scolded them both, Jake gave me and a shy smile while Paul gave me a smug one, I rolled my eyes at them.

I seen the packs were both running in and out of the water while Sam and Jared watched from afar. Emily and Kim, Jared's imprint were sat on the sand talking and I waved at them and the waved back, Emily quickly ran over and hugged me tightly,"I'm glad you're okay! I told Sam to look out for you."Emily rushed out while holding me, I giggled,"He did, don't worry!"I reassured her,"Okay good, you need to visit me more, I'll have your hot chocolate and muffins ready!"Emily said softly but sternly and kissed my forehead before hugging me a bit tighter then letting go running back to Kim, I laughed at her and shook my head softly making eye contact with Sam who nodded and smiled softly at me which I returned.

Quil walked over and smiled at me,"Nice to see you again!"He teases me, I rolled my eyes at him,"Shush Quil."I sniggered,"You guys going in?"He asked us, pointing to the water, I shrugged and looked at the boys who nodded,"I'll race you in then!"I shouted as I quickly shot off into the water, I had a spare top and shorts in my bag anyways. I was so glad I couldn't feel the coldness of the water I would've been frozen otherwise, Jake and Paul came thrashing is making the water go everywhere.

I seen Embry trying to convince Maya it was too cold but she wanted to join in,"Babe, I'll stay next to you! You're like my radiator."Maya pouted and wrapped herself around Embry knowing he can carry her, I giggled watching as Embry walked into the water, Maya screamed,"Okay, what the actually fuck! I'm freezing! So so cold, no don't start walking out, I'll be okay when I'm in!"Maya rambled, Embry sighed in fustration,"Maya, I love you, I really do, but I'm going to just dump you in!"Embry states and Maya gasped,"Don't you dare!"She squealed when he splashed some water on her, I bursted out laughing while holding getting onto Paul's back so I didn't have to swim, Jake came over and swam next to Paul,"This is perfect."Jake murmured while using Paul's body to pull himself up to kiss me, he shushed Paul who was whining and I laughed at them both, love bloomed in my chest,

"This really is perfect."

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now