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"This is a crime!"The smaller blonde shouted at attacked Edward who flung her to the side, the taller one ran up to Edward and seemed to be electric shocking him, another gifted vampire I assume

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"This is a crime!"The smaller blonde shouted at attacked Edward who flung her to the side, the taller one ran up to Edward and seemed to be electric shocking him, another gifted vampire I assume. Edward tilted his head back and Bella ran forward grabbing the taller girls arm, Bella seemed unaffected to the shocks and flung the girl by her sister, they both went to charge again but stopped when Bella threatened them,"Stay back!"

"She has blood in her veins. You can feel her warmth."Edward insisted,"I can feel it."The brunette woman said,"I'm her biological father, Bella is her mother."Edward explained,"Impossible."The tall blonde said,"It's true. She was born while I was still human."Bella jumped in, the browned haired man stood shocked,"I've never heard of such a thing."He got out. Edward turned to him,"She can show you, if you let her."He said turning around to face me and Renesmee, I picked her up and walked towards them,"Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain."Edward recalled and I stood in between Bella and Edward holding Renesmee, I moved forward and Renesmee moved her hand towards Tanya,"Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates"Bella said softly and Renesmee touched her cheek.

Tanya turned to her family once Renesmee was done,"It's true. She's not immortal."Tanya said bewildered and they moved forward to get to know Renesmee.


Once we was back in Forks I had said goodbye to the Cullens as I needed to go for a run, and all these vampire smells was really giving me a headache and I knew there were going to be more vampires arriving soon. I asked Jake if he wanted to come with me and he said he'll meet with me after. So I left the Cullen house and made my way across the treaty and phased. After running around for a while and watching the sun go down, I seen Leah, I inwardly cheered and ran towards her tackling her over.

'Leah! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!'

'Aya, she can't hear you remember? She's not in the pack.' -Embry

I huffed and she nodded her head as in her way of saying follow her and I did, and we made our to the top of the cliff. We sat there in silence as we couldn't talk and if we phased we'd both be naked.

'You're naked?!' -Paul

'Oh my, I forgot stupid link.' -Aya

'Ahahahahaha thanks for putting that in my head, Aya!' -Jared

'Cut it out, Jared.' -Sam

'Thank you!' -Aya

I gagged and Leah looked over to me questionably, I did my best to shrug and made my way over to the edge and nodded down, she gave me a wolfie grin and lifted her paw swinging it forward and backwards as if saying me first, I took a few steps back and ran off the edge. I howled as I fell down, the wind whipping against my fur and then the feeling of water all over me as I was dunked under, I swam up to the surface and a splash next to me, Leah's wolf head popped up. I bursted out laughing in my head which sounded awful most probably and we swam out of the water and shook off half the water.

'Aya, where are you? It's late.' -Paul

I turned to Leah and rubbed my head against her before running off to Sam and Emily's house since that's where he was. Once I was outside Paul walked out with a bag of clothes for me, I grabbed them with my mouth and trotted back into the trees phasing back and getting dressed. My hair was still soaking and my skin wet. I walked out of the trees with Paul's bag and passed it back, he touched my hair and sighed,"Did u go swimming?"He chuckled and I nodded,"Something like that."He grabbed my hand and we walked into the house,"Nice to see you again, Aya!"Emily exclaimed coming over to hug me, I returned it, she gasped lightly when she felt body,"You're wet, wait one second. I'll get you a towel now."She said then she was gone, I glared at Jared who laughed cheekily at me.

Emily was back and she was wrapping a huge towel around my body and hair,"Em, you know I can't feel the cold right?"I laughed at her and she shrugged,"Still! You're wet."She rubbed the towel on my head a few times then gave up when I struggled some more, I sat on the sofa next to Paul and cuddled up to him.

"Em, she's okay."Sam said chuckling while he walked in to the house, when he realised Emily was still a bit worried.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now