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A bit later into the night after all the family and friends chats and how can I forget, Bella's mum singing a lullaby and I was told Jake was coming with the Quill, Embry and Sam but only behind the house so Jake could see Bella before she goes aw...

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A bit later into the night after all the family and friends chats and how can I forget, Bella's mum singing a lullaby and I was told Jake was coming with the Quill, Embry and Sam but only behind the house so Jake could see Bella before she goes away on her honeymoon. Which I understood because they are friends. Yea just close friends, and I trust Jake, he's my imprint. Seth suddenly pulled my drink out of my hand, I glared at him,"That's your fifteenth one."He worriedly said as he placed the drink onto our table,"I'm fine."I assured him, "Go dance with Maya, she's fed up of vampires trying to get at her."I mumbled letting out a little laugh at Maya turning down one of Edwards cousins.

Seth quickly walked over there placing his arm over her as to say, 'she's with the pack'. Suddenly a surge of anger went through the pack link, I knew I wasn't the only one who felt it as Seth also felt it, we looked at each other and nodded. Seth led Maya back to Sue who chatted with her and me and Seth ran out the back, he quickly ran up to Jake and held him back, "Walk away, Jake."Seth said struggling to hold Jake back.

Jake shrugged Seth off knocking him on the floor, "Jake! Cut it out!"I yelled as I helped Seth up, Jake faltered for just a moment before his anger took over again, Quill and Embry ran out the trees to hold him back and finally Sam stood there, "Enough, Jacob."Sam said overflowing with authority, all Jake did was turn around and glare at Sam, "Stay out of this, Sam."Jake seethed and my eyes widened, Sam keeping his anger in control not even effected,"You're not going to start something we'll have to finish."He said and I felt myself standing behind Sam on this one, Jake needed to calm down.

"She'll die."Jake hissed, "She's not our concern anymore."Sam stated, Jake looked at Bella once more before turning around,"Jake.."I started but he looked at me like he didn't want anything to do with me and bumped into Sam phasing and running off, I felt a pang of hurt in my chest. Sam turned to me and Seth, "let's go, Aya, Seth."He shouted and I looked Sam and shook my head, "I brought my friend and I'm staying with her, I'll be at yours straight after."I said and he nodded understandably and Seth and him phased before running off. I turned to Bella and Edward, "Enjoy your honeymoon, I'm sorry about Jake, he means well."I mumbled and walked off.

I marched back into the ceremony and made a beeline for Maya, she looked up at me in concern"Aya, are you okay? You're crying."She said cradling my face in her hands, I touched my cheeks and they were wet. I slowly shook my head and she grabbed my hand and starts dragging me away from everyone.

We started walking on the path back home and I sighed,"Jake still has feelings for Bella, even if I am his imprint. There is still something there and what hurts the most was how he looked at me earlier. It was like I didn't mean anything to him, like I wasn't his imprint. I understand his concern for Bella, I really do but she was his first love and I still think there's something there, even she has a soft spot for him."I finally got out and Maya was silent letting me talk.

"Honestly, Aya, if this imprint is as important as you say it is then there isn't a way he could like her like that. It really is him worried for a friend although she's not under your protection anymore? Did I get that right?"I nodded at her and she smiled and carried on, "Let's put it this way, I was getting married to a vampire who was gonna turn me after a honeymoon, what would you feel?"She asked me, there was only one thing I could think of.

"I would want you to be happy, even if it meant having you smell absolutely disgusting. Though I guess it would frustrate me a lot and make me really concerned because you'd be in a lot of pain during the transformation."

I answered straight away and she beamed at me,"Thanks, although that's not possible with Embry. Imagine if he was here tonight and seen them vamps trying to get some!"I groaned at the thought and she giggled.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now