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Christmas couldn't have been better it was amazing! Especially with Jake and Paul, it was just so good

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Christmas couldn't have been better it was amazing! Especially with Jake and Paul, it was just so good. I even had a present off Emily, she had given me a dream catcher and I quickly had gotten her a jumper as it was getting cold, she loved it. The only bad thing now was that we had to go head to head against The Volturi now, I was making my way to Sams house as I was with his pack I'd leave with them and meet Jakes pack by the woods where we'd meet everyone else.

I was very nervous, Carlisle had told us the Volturi was very powerful and had certain gifts that would kill us, I was kind of hoping it wouldn't come to a fight but none of us could see the future now that Alice had gone. The vampires were already at the snowy field and waiting for The Volturi, Sam whistled is over and phased. I started phasing and running with him, Paul turned to me and pulled towards him,"I love you so much, I'll be right by your side."Paul whispered to me, and I nodded and kissed him, he then stood back and phased I followed and we ran off towards the rest of the pack. As we got closer we heard their footsteps getting closer, we howled as we walked out of the trees.

'Aya, stay by Paul, Jake or me. Just incase.' -Sam

'Got it.' -Aya

We walked in between the vampires and I stood next to Renesmee and Bella, Jake a tiny bit behind me. Carlisle took steps forward,"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilised manner."Carlisle started,"Fair words, Carlisle."Aro spoke with a unusually calm voice for this situation,"But a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against us."He finished, I looked at the witness' that Aro had brought, they don't want to talk, they want to kill."I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken."Carlisle insisted,"We can see the child, do not treat us as fools."The blonde haired boy said, he gaze never leaving Renesmee since I got here,"She is not an immortal! These witnesses can attest to that."Carlisle shouted and nodding his head towards all of us,"Or you can look."He declared,"See the flush of human blood in her cheeks."

"Artifice!"That blonde haired vampire shouted, I growled staring directly at him,"I will collect every facet of the truth."Aro spoke putting up his hand to stop the loud mouthed boy behind him,"But from someone more central of the story."Aro started and moved his gaze around all of us then landed on, Renesmee's father,"Edward. As the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved."Aro finished and started moving forward, Edward patted Renesmee's head and started walking forward too, Bella then moved Renesmee in between me and herself. We all watched as Edward got near Aro who when he got near Edward places his hand in Aros waiting ones.

It was around a minute he was holding Edwards hand and then he let go and gasped,"I'd like to meet her."He said, me and Jake growled upon hearing that. Bella started moving forward holding Renesmee's hand and Jake followed them. Bella then turned around and looked at Emmet then me and nodded, me and Emmet looked at each other before following them.

'Be careful, Aya' -Sam, Paul, Embry, Leah

'I'll be fine, Jake is right there and so is Emmet.' -Aya

I stood next to Emmet while Jake stood by the side of Edward,"Ah..young Bella. Immortality becomes you."He disgustingly said, the foul scent wafting off of him making me almost gag, Aro then looked down at Renesmee, he let out a creepy laugh and I growled at him, the blonde haired girl who I assumed was Jane glared at me and I glared right back. I wasn't backing down to any vampire, especially her, she eventually turned her head. I moved my gaze back onto Aro who had his arm out,"I hear her strange heart."Aro cooed in complete awe, Renesmee looked up to Bella who smiled down at her. Aro held her hand out for Renesmee who took small steps forward, I felt myself almost moving forward to protect her,"Hello Aro."She had said in her small voice, then she lifted her hand up and placed it on his cheek once he bent down a bit.

"Magnifico!"Aro whispered staring at her when she slowly let go of him, he then stood up straight,"Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn, while she was still human."Aro exclaimed in shock turning back and forth to explain to his clan or followers,"Impossible!"Blonde boy said opening his big mouth again, I snarled at him,"Do you think they fooled me, brother?"Aro threatens while facing him, while he was turned Edward beckoned us to walk away, as they all turned around, Jake and Me had growled at them one more time, for the fun of it and then followed them back. When we was back Paul had moved forward and rubbed his head against my fur.

The blonde haired boy tilted his head to the side,"Bring the informer forward."He said, Irina walked forward in front of them all and the vampires in the cloaks around her slightly circled her,"Is that the child you saw?"He asked her and she shook her head looking down,"I'm not sure."She answered,"Jane."He started, but Irina spoke again,"She's changed. This child is bigger."She insisted, fear in her tone at what will happen to her,"Then your allegations were false."Blonde haired boy said in a threatening tone glaring at Irina,"The Cullens are innocent, I take full responsibility for my mistake."She said confidently, she then turned to her sisters,"I'm sorry,"She whispered to them and did the same to Bella and Edward,"Caius, no!"Edward shouted when the guards around Irina started closing in on her, another one of the guards I assume held a stick with fire on it. The two guards closer to her ripped her arms off, then her head and Irina fell onto her legs, Tanya and her sister ran towards Irina but then the third guard and placed the fire on her neck, she went up in flames. Rosalie ran up to us and Bella placed Renesmee in her arms.

Tanya and her sister tried running to her but the were both stopped by the Amazon vampires taking their sight as Edward asked them to blind them, just so they'd calm down,"Give me my sight back."Tanya demanded,"Tanya, this is what they want. If you attack now we'll all die."Edward consoled her, he then looked at the Amazon girls again and they stopped what they were doing.

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