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Three long days later we had a phone call off Edward, Bella was alive and a vampire

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Three long days later we had a phone call off Edward, Bella was alive and a vampire. Jake was happy that she was awake, a bit down that she's now a vampire but still it was much better than her being gone forever. We had made our way to the Cullen house, Paul is with the pack and Sam is being kind of understanding right now and letting me go back and forth. As me and Jake made our way into the Cullens, Esme had told us they went hunting and on their way back now, as she said that me and Jake heard them outside and walked out.

"You're still here."Bella smiled at him,"So are you."Jake smiled back and grabbed my hand, Bella looked at me and I nodded at her,"It's nice to see you healthy and alive, kinda."I chuckled with her,"I didn't expect you to seem so...you. Except for the creepy eyes."Jake let out a breath of relief and Bella nodded with a smile,"I would keep my distance for now."She said lightly stepping back as we moved forward,"It's safer for the baby to see how you'd do with us first."I said and Jake nodded,"So she knows we're okay."Jake added, Bella looked troubled"Since when do you care about Renesmee?"Bella asked in confusion and Edward looked at us, how hasn't he told her already?

"All right, take a whiff."Jake said moving the subject and walking us forward dragging my arm, Bella stood forward and took a sniff,"Well I can see what everyone's been talking about."She exclaimed, me and Jake laughed,"Jake, you really do stink. Inaaya, you too."She said adding me and I bursted out laughing,"You're not the best either!"I gushed, her and Edward laughed at me while Jake shook his head lightly at me,"You guys, really look great together."Jake said genuinely and he squeezed my hand,"And the both of you, where's Paul?"Edward asked,"He's running around somewhere."I answered, affection in my tone, they nodded.

Edward pulled Bella closer,"Want to come meet our daughter?"She lit up, Jake dragged me back into the house and into the open kitchen. Rosalie was holding the baby and I stood back, I never really knew what to do with babies so I just stayed away but babies are cute. Bella and Edward walked in and Esme smiled at them,"Welcome to the family."She said softly,"You look amazing, Bella."Alice complimented,"Someone's been waiting to meet you."Carlisle said and moved out the way so she can see her baby that Rosalie was holding. Me and Jake stood behind her.

It was a sweet moment between Bella and Renesmee who was gurgling, she reached her hand up and placed it on Bella's face. Something was happening because Bella's face was full of emotions,"What was that?"She asked when Renesmee removed her hand,"She showed you the first memory she has of you."Edward answered her,"Showed me? How?"Bella asked again softly, Edward chuckled,"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? She's gifted."Edward proudly said, Bella smiled down at Renesmee,"I've only been out for two days."Bella said shocked,"Her growth rate is unprecedented."Carlisle recalled and Renesmee suddenly turned her head to me.

My eyes widened as she held her hand out,"She wants to show you something."Edward explained, Bella nodded me over and I slowly moved forward and moved my head down and she placed her hand on me.

I was running towards Jake and I tackled him to the floor making a loud noise.

Then I was cheering about Renesmee being a Hybrid.

Then there's me shouting at Sam and stopping the fight.

When the wolves left I was with Paul and Jake.

I blinked in surprise,"She knows you protected her, she likes you."Edward helped my confusion on how she knew everything, Bella looked at me and smiled,"Not only have you protected me, you've also protected my daughter. I cannot thank you enough."Bella admired, I shook it off"It's okay!"I consoled and moved away so she could put Renesmee back in her crib.

That night me, Jake and Paul were sat outside of Jakes, we was having a catch up and it was well needed as we all got to talk."What's going to happen now? You left Sams pack and I can't choose between you both."I whispered knowing they both could hear me, they sighed"We will sort something out, you shouldn't have to choose."Paul assured me and squeezed my hand tighter.

The Half Sister, Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now