1 Begin - International Playboy

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(y/n)'s POV

I attend an arts school in Seoul. It's one of the most competitive schools to get in to in all of Korea. They only accept very talented individuals, and at the end of the year, the best students have a chance at becoming famous K-pop idols.

A lot of the most successful artists from Korea went to Seoul University of Arts. I am very lucky to be here... or at least that's what I thought until my stupid vocal teacher put me in a group with four boys that I hate.

Every other group is comprised of all boys or all girls, like most K-pop groups are supposed to be. But here I am, the one and only girl stuck with the four most popular boys in the school. I'm sure most girls would gladly switch places with me. Even my friend Momo, she is a total fangirl. Can't blame her though, they are very handsome.

If you ask me they seem like total jerks. I have never actually talked to them myself, but people tell a lot of stories about how they are playboys and have no respect for girls, and from what I've seen, it seems pretty accurate.

Kim Seok Jin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and the one I hate the most Jeon Jungkook (he seems to be the most cold-hearted out of all of them. I guess they spoiled their maknae). These were the four boys I had to spend the next few years with, not only in school but we also have to share the same dorms with our group members. Apparently, it helps to build a strong bond and create good teamwork.

"(y/n) come on we're going to be late for class!" Sana yelled for me from across the hall, snapping me out of my trans

"Yeah, yeah, coming" I replied with annoyance. It's the first day of my senior year and I'm already done with everything!

My friend Sana and two of my other friends (Jeongyeon and Momo) are so lucky because they got put in one group together, along with six other beautiful girls. As a matter of fact, the teacher did his best to place students with their friends, so I guess he just hates me. Really wanna murder him right about now.


After school was over I was getting ready to walk to my new dorm room for the first time. "Hey! (y/n) wanna walk home with us?" Jin asked

I stopped in my tracks. Crap what am I suppose to say? I really don.t want to walk with them, but it's not like i'm not gonna see them at the dorms anyway, so I might as well. I don't wanna be rude and start off on bad terms. "Umm uh... sure, why not" I replied uncenter of my decision. Really hope I won't regret this.


Ok, I take back what I said, they are actually not that bad. I had such a nice conversation with them on the way back. Jin is so funny, Jimin is a fairy, and Taehyung is the cutest, Jungkook on the other hand didn't say a word the whole way. Could he possibly be upset about me joining there group? Please God I don't let the rumors about him be true, I don't want to live with a douche bag.

When we arrived at the dorm we all flopped onto the couch, except Jungkook, he went straight to bed.

"What's his deal?" I asked

"Heh, don't mind him, unlike me, he gets weird around cute girls" Jimin chuckled

"Dude he is legit scared of girls... don't tell him I said that he will kill me!" Tae added

"Wow, you mean to tell me that international playboy over there is actually shy?!" I was shocked

"Give him some time. When he gets used to you, you'll see his true colours... wait, international playboy? The maknae? Aish do you believe everything you hear?" Jin chuckled

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