5 Stigma - The World He Saw

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(y/n)'s POV

We were all sitting i the living room doing our homework and studying together. I still felt like crap about the whole situation with my Father, but I continued pending like nothing was wrong and dragging myself forward. I could tell that all three of the boys knew something wasn't right with me lately, but I didn't want to talk about it.

It had gotten very quiet. We were all very focused in our work. Until Jin decided to speak up breaking the silence. "Yah Jungkook... is it just me or has (y/n) seemed very quiet since you two got back from her home? I feel like something's bothering her, am i wrong?" he turned his head towards me near the end of that sentence.

Jungkook stayed quiet and turned towards me. his eyes were asking for my permission to speak. Now everyone stopped studying and had there eyes on me. I slightly nodded my head to JK allowing him to fill them in.

He took in a deep breath before talking "While we were there, we caught (y/n)'s dad cheating on her mother. He didn't see us of course, we taught it would be better if he didn't know yet that we know." All of there eyes widened in shook.

"Are you serious?!" Jin asked

"Yep!" Jungkook lamely answered

"That's terrible" Jimin added

"Terrible?! It's worse than terrible! How could h--" I had trouble getting my words out. I lost it, tears rushing down my face. They all sat there patiently ready to listen. Jin got up and sat beside me. He began rubbing my back to calm me down.

I took in a hard breath and stabilized myself a little before continuing to vent. "Imagine the only man you taught you could ever trust, who you've looked up to your whole life ends up up being the one who betrays you and destroys everything you taught you ever knew!"

Nobody knew what to saw, no words could make any of it better. Suddenly Taehyung, who didn't say a peep this whole time, decided to speak up. "Your not alone (y/n), you'll always have us. I know exactly how you feel." I got a little confused when he said that. "I had an abusive father." he explained, my heart broke for him. "Everyday me and mom would live in fear. We never knew when, or what could make him angry. We in danger in our own home, but I was too little at the time to do anything."

"So then, what happened? Did he eventually stop?"

He sarcastically chuckled "Nope. One day he came back home drunk out of his mind. My mom was giving him a glass of water, but her hands kept shaking from fear. For some reason that pissed him off and he started beating her for it. If he didn't stop, she could have died, so I had to do something. I picked up the phone and called the police on him. he is still in prison today... I am responsible for my own father rotting in prison" His voice shaking near the end

"But it's not your fault! You had to for your mother's life! It was the right thing to do." I was extremely shocked. How could someone as precious as him have such a dark past?! I'm sure the boys already knew this story, but i was hearing it for the first time.

He lightly smiled at me through his teary eyes "Yeah I know, thank's. But anyways my point is it gets better (y/n) you just have to stay strong right now and to get back to the happier days. After that My grandmother took my mother and me in. She helped a lot to raise me, and I am forever grateful. I had a beautiful childhood her, and the whole situation with my father didn't bother me as much anymore

I got up and hugged him tight. Soon after Jimin came and joined our hug. Then Jin got up and opened his arms "Awww guys come here!" He sang out in a silly tone, lighting up the mood. It worked, I giggled at that and the rest grew smiles on their faces.

Jungkook chuckled and joined the group hug. I felt a lot better after that. Suddenly my problem seemed a slight bit smaller, and i felt a great deal stronger. I wasn't alone, and as long as I have them to support me, I'll survive.

I know this chapter was small, but I'll update the next one soon. Really hope you enjoyed it! ️🙂

 Really hope you enjoyed it! ❤️🙂

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