16 Dimple - Beautiful Disaster

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Jungkook's POV

We were on our way to (y/n)'s house to attend her mother's funeral. Her father was informed that we would be coming, and that we'll probably need to spend a night or two there. But of course he still thinks that we're all just her friends, so I have to be careful not to make him suspicious.

It felt so heavy in my chest. (y/n)'s mom treated me like I was her son. Heck, she was the closest thing to a mother I had, and it didn't even last long enough for me to truly appreciate it. I felt so warm and welcomed around her. Damnit! This whole thing sucks! Why do I always have to lose people close to me?

Fear started to consume me. One thought lead to another. What if I lose (y/n) too? My brain was just about ready to explode. I needed to get there as soon as possible!

Not to mention the responsibility that she entrusted me with. She left her daughter to me, and made me promise to take care of her as a dying wish. That burden was constantly weighing on my mind. How can I keep her happy when she just lost a parent? And the other parent is pretty much a dick.

"Hey, relax. We'll be there soon." Taehyung place a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my trance, while Jin continued to drive.


Thank God we finally arrived. I was growing very impatient with all the worries in my head.

I didn't wait for anyone or anything, and rushed straight to the door. Some random person I've never seen before opened the door. They were probably here for the funeral as well. I barged in. My eyes desperately scanning the room, filled with guests, for (y/n).

My eyes instantly stopped when they met hers. She was sitting on a couch with Jimin on one side and Jeongyeon on the other. It seems like they were both trying to feed her, but she wouldn't eat.

The second her eyes landed on me, she broke into tears. She stood up and ran towards me, but her knees were far too weak. She was wobbly. She's gonna fall if I don't act fast!

I leaped forward, making it just in time at the right spot. She fell right into my arms.

She held on to me so tight and cried her heart out. It broke my heart to see her like this. My eyes began to sting. There was a lump in my throat. I kept her wrapped in my warm embrace, not caring that everyone's watching... Even her father who was just about ready to kill me.

Then, Jin quickly came and grabbed me.

"Dude let her go." He whispered while awkwardly smiling at her dad. It was his way of apologizing without actually talking.

"I can't, she'll fall." I replied, my voice all shaky and cracking.

"Here I got her." Taehyung said while separating her from me.

Tae took her back to the couch and setting her beside Jimin and Jeongyeon. But Jeongyeon got up making room for Taehyung to sit. Then she came to us.

I stood there frozen in my spot. Jeongyeon grabbed both Jin and I, pulling us into the kitchen. "What the hell was that Jungkook?!" She whispered "Are you trying to get murdered?!"

"N-no, I..." I looked down and stopped talking, as I was still stunt from what just happened.

Her eyes soften at my hopeless form. She signed "Just be a little more careful okay?"

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