7 Promise - Srengthened Bond

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Jeongyeon's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. My head was throbing like crazy. I looked around at this unfamiliar room. Where the heckam I and how did I get here? I was filled with shock, confusion.

I froze when I noticed a boy laying beside me in bed... it's Jimin?! I then noticed that, not only were we in the same bed, but I was also wearing his shirt. My shock and confusion formed into rage and fear.

"Jimin wake!" I shook him. He opened his eyes and rubbed at them to get a clear image. The moment he realized it was me, his body shot up and he was now standing by the bedside.

He nervously began to speak "Oh, your awake... that's good... h-how do you feel?"

"How do I feel?! I don't even know what the hell is going on right now?"

"Wait, so you don't remember anything that happened?"

"The last thing I remember was, I left the cafe to go to the bus stop and then... after that it's all blank."

He let out a breath of relief as he whispered a "Oh thank God"

"Jimin what happened last night?"

"I think it's better that you forgot."

"Excuse me what?! Did you drug my coffee and take advantage of me?" My voice shaking near the end

"No, no! It's not what you think. I would never do that!"

"Then tell me what happened."

He looked down at the ground "I can't, you won't like it at all"

"That's what I thought" my eyes began to sting "just when I thought we could actually get along, and that your not a bad guy, but I guess I'm just as stupid as the rest of the girls who fall in your traps" tears now running down my cheeks

"Jeongyeon I swear on my life, I didn't touch you!" His voice was also starting to crack.

"Then why can't you just tell me what happened" I cried out

"Because I'm trying to protect you, please jus--"

"No Jimin, I think your just trying to protect yourself" and with that, I left the room. Of course he followed after.

"Jeongyeon? What are you doing here? And why are you crying?" (y/n) questioned, but I stayed silent.

"Jeongyeon, wait!" Jimin called out while coming in our direction

"Could you please just leave me alone already! I'm done with you!"

"Jimin what is going on? Is anyone planing on explaining this to me or what!" (y/n) grew frustrated. You took in a deep breath "okay, that's it I've had, Jeongyeon, your coming with me to my room and your going to explain everything! Jimin you stay out here for now." She dragged me to her room and shut the door.

I explained the whole situation to her, but she kept on defending Jimin

"I woke up in bed beside him, in his shirt, and he has a history of being a womanizer. Tell me what could possibly be a better explanation?"

You sigh from disappointment "I know he seems like a playboy and all, but he would never do anything like that. It might seem like it, cuz you don't know him like I do, but he has a lot of respect for women." You reach out and grab my hand in reassurance "Trust me on this" you softly smile at me.

I grab at my hair and clench hard trying to remember "Come on, damn it, think!" I lighty smack my head repeatedly. I then began to think hard and retrace my steps, playing the sinario from last night over and over again in my head until... it finally started coming back to me. "Yes, I remember now, I remember everything clearly."

"What?" You curiously asked

"Their was a guy at the cafe, he... h--he" I bursted into tears once again, but this time it was much harder. This I felt much more pain. "I remembered how he viciously tore up my clothes and forced himself on me." I felt disgusted and broken. This is what Jimin was trying to protect me from, he didn't want me to have this traumatic memory haunting me for the rest of my life.

I opened the door to find Jimin standing there waiting, head down, back leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Without a thought, I ran into his arms, he cautiously hugged me back. I wasn't thinking straight and was in to much pain to care. I continued to cry into his chest, while he comforted me. "I'm so sorry... I--I should have never left you there alone late at night... I promise, I'll never let anything happen to you ever again" He spoke so lightly that his voice was barely heard, but I was able to make out what he had said.

"I wanna go home." I cried

"O--okay, I'll take you home."

Jimin dropped me off back home. The entire car ride we both stayed dead quiet, it was very akward.

When I got inside, so many thoughts were running through my brain. I was the one you made him sleep with me and took my clothes off, but he covered me up, and I just exused him of... I was consumed with guilt. I needed to make things right.


The next day. It was almost time for class, so I made my way to the classroom. I entered and noticed that Jimin was already here. Perfect, now's my chance!

I nervously made my way towards him. He watched my every step as I aproached him. I gulped hard before beginning to speak "H--hey, listen... I'm sorry about yesterday." I mumbled

"What was that?" He raised an eyebrow

"I said I'm sorry about yesterday."

"Alittle louder please." He smirked

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. "You know what forget it. I don't why I even bothered."

Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me into his arms. He stared into my eyes with a smug grin on his face. I simply moved my head away from his face, it was way too close.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You know your pretty cute when your being nice. You should try it more often." That send a shiver down my spin. My ear tickled as his lips slightly brushed over it.

My face turned bright red. I pushed him back, breaking free from his grip and stormed away. Aish! What the heck?! Why is he being so flirty with me, we're supposed to hate each other. I mean, I know we're friends now and all, but still. He's probably teasing me for hugging him so tight yesterday... that's so embarrassing, why did I even do that in the first place.

Next Chapter:

Jungkook notices Taehyung and Rose getting closer... is he jelous?

 is he jelous?

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