chapter 9

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Previously on chapter eight

And that's how Jimin and yoongi's relationship blossomed.

- continue with the chapter-

It's been a whole week since Jimin and yoongi made up and the two of them are getting along great.

Jimin was cooking dinner In the kitchen, he was humming a nice tune while thinking about how great this past couple of days have been.

It was going so well that he completely forgot about his heat.

Jimin's pheromones have a very sweet scent with a mixture of peach and tangerine.

Jimin was frying shrimp when he suddenly felt something in his abdomen.

It was a tiny pain that disappeared as soon as it came so he brushed it off and continued to cook.

The pain came back but this time it felt like a hammer hit his abdomen.

He dropped the pot he had in his hand (luckily the oil didn't burn him) and wrapped his arms around his abdomen.

"Ahhh" Jimin moaned out.

Yoongi heard from the living room and came into the kitchen.
A wave of scent hit him and he immediately knew Jimin was in heat.

"Jimin are you okay?" He said resisting the urge to pounce on the younger.

"Y-yeah i-its j-just m-my h-heat"

"Yeah can tell do you wanna go to your room"

"Y-yes p-please"

Yoongi picked Jimin up in his arms and in the process inhale his addicting scent. He bring him to his room.

Then he places Jimin softly on his bed.

"Do you want me to get your pills?"

Jimin nodded his head weakly as the heat was taking full effect on him.

Yoongi walked into Jimin's bathroom and went into his cabinet. He took out the pill bottle.

Yoongi placed it at Jimin's night stand and ran into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Here" yoongi said while giving Jimin the glass of water.

Jimin stood up slowly from the bed and took the water from yoongi.

"Thanks" Jimin said.

Jimin took two of the pills and popped it in his mouth and then drank some water.

Jimin laid down on his bed with his face scrunched up in agony.

"I-it h-hurts 😭" Jimin stated.

Yoongi sat on the bed and put his hand on Jimin's head. Jimin subconsciously leaned into his touch.

"I could help you if you want"

Jimin looked up to yoongi.

"W-what d-do y-you mean?"

"Release some of the pain so you can calm down"

"Sure I-I guess"

Yoongi got up from the bed and turned Jimin so that younger was laying on his back.

Jimin looked at yoongi confused. What was he planning to do.

Yoongi went on top of Jimin and started to pull his pants down.

"W-wait-"Jimin said while his ears and tail stood up.

"Relax I won't hurt you"

Yoongi successfully took his pants off and noticed that his underwear was completely wet from Jimin's natural slick.

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