chapter 20

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Previously on chapter 19

"Hi Kookie" Jimin answered back sweetly.

This did not please the two alphas not one bit.

"I need your help" Jungkook said desperately.

-continue with the chapter-

"What is Kookie?" Jimin asked concerned.

"I would like you to babysit someone for me" Jungkook said.

"Huh babysit?" Jimin said tilting his head in confusion.

"Yeah my husband actually. Would you do it?" Jungkook asked

"Sure no problem" Jimin stated.

"Thank you so much I owe you one" Jungkook said after hanging up the phone.

Jimin puts the phone on the table and finally notice that everyone was looking at him.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"Who's 'kookie' ?" Yoongi asked jealousy evident in his words.

"Oh he's my childhood friend, I've known him since I was a baby" Jimin informed.

Both alphas relax at the word 'friend' and continued to question the omega.

"What does he want?" Hoseok asked.

"He wants me to babysit someone" Jimin stated.

"When?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm not sure he hang up before I could ask" Jimin said feeling small under Hoseok intimidating stare.

"Fine when he does tell you inform me" Hoseok demanded

"Sure" Jimin said softly.

Everyone went back to eating and in no time everyone was finished.

"Well we better get going" Jin stated.

"Okay bye Hyung" Jimin said waving goodbye.

"Bye bye" hyeji waved goodbye back.

The namjin couple with hyeji left the apartment only leaving the yoonminseok inside.

" I going to take a bath,would you two like to join?" Yoongi said headed to his room.

"Sure" Hoseok said carrying Jimin in his arms

"Hoseok?!!" Jimin yelled from the unexpected action.

"Where going to have fun in the bathroom. This is pay back for making us jealous" Hoseok stated carrying Jimin in the bathroom.

-Mean while in the bad parts of Seoul-

"Hyungsik you had one job, stop them from starting construction on the roads" Yg said with a knife at hyungsik's throat.

"Sir I tried but everything Hoseok says is gospel they follow everything he says" Hyungsik tries to explain.

"Excuses!!!" Yg said bringing the knife nearer to his throat." We can not allow them to find out the activities that go on here"

At current moment Yg handles a human trafficking business. He kidnaps young omega and sell them to people abroad.

"You better find a way to stop this or your dead. You hear me" Yg said with complete anger.

"Yes sir" Hyungsik said in fear.

If you haven't catched on already Hyungsik works with Yg to keep their activities out of police reach. They will be able to kidnap and kill as many people without getting caught.

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