special episode 7 + sexy time 3

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(AN: Taehyung and Jungkook moved back to their apartment after they had their moment in special episode 3 so Taehyung regain his memories at their apartment)

Taehyung ran out of no room and went to his.

He laid down on his bed with his hands around a pillow. Taehyung at the moment was not crying but laughing but I wonder why🤔?

Jungkook on the other hand was
Anxious, he was scared that Taehyung will leave him for what he did.

Sure he apologized but that was to the Taehyung that lost his memories. Now that their back he's pretty sure the omega wouldn't want to talk to him.

Jungkook sat in the room as seconds went by thinking of a way to apologize to Taehyung, he got frustrated at some point when the ideas he came up with didn't seem to work with him.

After some time he decided to just talk with him and see if that would work.

Jungkook walked hesitantly to Taehyung's room. He knocked on the door but didn't receive an answer so he just opened the door.

When he did, all he saw was Taehyung laying peacefully on his bed probably asleep.

He sighed and entered the room. He sat on Taehyung's bed and gentle run his fingers through the younger's hair.

"*Sigh* I'm so scared to lose you" Jungkook said sadly " after finally accepting my feelings for you it's hard for me to take my mind off of you"

"I look at you differently now than when I first met you and I just want to hold you close every minute"

"The way you look, the way you smile,the way you act. I pick up those small details just because my heart races for you"

"I can't live without you now and I just want us to be happy together"

"What I want to say is I'm sorry I should have never said those things to you and I should appreciate you more"

"Because Taehyung your literally my everything and I love you" Jungkook said as a single tear fell down his cheek.

"If only I could say that to your face" Jungkook stated

"You did" a voice said shocking Jungkook.

"W-wait your awake" Jungkook said shocked.

"I-i'm s-sorry k-kookie I d-idn't f-forget t-he t-hings y-ou s-aid to m-e wh-en I l-ost m-y m-emories I ju-st w-anted t-o te-ase y-ou" Taehyung said crying.

"What?!" Jungkook said rubbing Taehyung's cheeks.

"I-i k-know I fe-el b-ad n-ow I d-idn't w-ant t-o m-ake y-ou c-ry I'm s-orry" Taehyung apologized hiding his face in Jungkook's chest.

"It's okay" Jungkook said rubbing his back "I'm just happy you're not mad at me"

Taehyung moved from Jungkook's chest and faced him. He slowly brought his lips to his and kissed him softly.

"I love you Jungkook" Taehyung said.

"I love you too Taehyung" Jungkook replied with a huge grin.

"Now I think it's pay back time" Jungkook said with a smirk.

"What?" Taehyung asked confused.

"You heard me how dare you tease me" Jungkook said playfully angry.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung on to the bed and got between his legs.

"J-jungkook what are you doing?" Taehyung asked.

"Do you remember what I told you when you lost your memories?"  Jungkook asked.

Flash back

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