chapter 28

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Previously on chapter 27

By the time they were finished Jimin was passed out with both alphas were exhausted.

-end of flashback-

-continue with the chapter-

So Jimin couldn't even walk properly the next day but he still had to babysit Taehyung.

Which I tell you is no easy task.

"I don't like it"

"Why can't you do better"

"I swear poor people are hopeless"

These are the comments Jimin had to deal with for the past four months and also his spoiled, rude behaviour.

But even though Jimin is having a hard time he hasn't lashed out at him once. Jimin keeps treating him nicely in hopes of him changing his behaviour. 

But it's been four months since then and he's starting to lose hope.


"Taehyung~" Jimin called sweetly but cautiously "what would you like to eat?"

Taehyung who was sitting on the couch turned his head and gritted his teeth. "Something good for once your cooking is disgusting"

Jimin hid his closed fist behind his back, not wanting to show his anger.

"Okay is their something you want me to buy for you?" Jimin asked again not giving up his facade.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, looked at him up and down and laughed" you wouldn't be able to afford it"

Jimin let out a deep sigh with a huge vain popping through his forehead yet he still smiled because this was his best friend's husband, he wants to be friends with him but he's starting to lose hope on the idea. 

Jimin leaves the irritating child and went to yoongi's music lab. He opens the door to find him hard at work making a new piece.

"Yoongi~" Jimin said wrapping his arms around his shoulder. He wagged his tail while his ears dropped to the side of head.

Yoongi wasn't even surprised by Jimin's sudden visit to his lab since the younger has been coming in often ever since he took the baby sitting job.

Yoongi looks up into his angel's face and smiled"what's wrong this time?"

"It's lunch time and he needs to eat? But he won't tell me what he wants" Jimin said in distress.

"Then let him starve" yoongi said nonchalantly not really giving a fuck.(AN: yoongi hates spoiled brats)

"You know I can't do that" Jimin said with a little anger.

"*Sigh* fine I'll see if he'll tell me what he wants" yoongi said getting out of his chair and exiting his lab.

Jimin was left inside and him being the curious kitty that he was wanted to see what yoongi was making.

Jimin looked at the sheets Infront of him, it was labelled 'first love'

Jimin read the lyrics and felt so much emotion in them. It was like yoongi was telling a story.

Jimin wanted so badly to hear yoongi  play it but suddenly the paper were taken out of his hands.

"No touching my unfinished work Jimin" yoongi said with smile.

"Okay~" Jimin said hugging yoongi.

Yoongi was taken aback by this but then hugged him back." So clingy and touchy lately?"

Jimin had become really clingy towards Hoseok and yoongi because of a certain reason.

"Don't like it?" Jimin asked looking into his eyes.

"Of course I love it" yoongi answered and kissed Jimin's forehead.

Jimin enjoyed the little moment he was having with yoongi then suddenly the felt something come up his throat.

Before he could even run to the bathroom it started to spill out of his mouth.

"Jimin are you okay?" Yoongi asked concerned.

But Jimin couldn't answer has he felt another bile built up in his throat.

Jimin went on his knees and vomited on the floor before he could do it again  yoongi got the trash bin and put it Infront of him.

Jimin kept emptying his stomach while yoongi rubbed his back.

"It's okay let it all out" yoongi said trying to comfort the younger.

"I-i'm s-sorry" Jimin said starting to cry.

"Why love?" Yoongi asked confused.

"I-i m-messed u-up y-your s-studio" Jimin said with tears running down his face.

"Don't worry it can be cleaned up but I want you to go and rest a little you threw up alot" yoongi demand.

Jimin nodded his head following yoongi demand.


It was the last day of work for Hoseok and then he could finally go on vacation.

The road construction project was a success. A lot of people felt safer now that their was a proper route to get to them.

And many officials praised Hoseok for his successful completion of the project.

Hoseok packed his things and was walking to his car. Namjoon had already took vacation, wanting to spend more time with his four month old son and Lisa was with Jennie in the Caribbean.

So Hoseok couldn't wait to go home and spend time with yoongi and Jimin.

Hoseok reached his car and got in but he didn't noticed the  pair of eyes that were watching him.

"Tsk you look so God damn happy don't you Hoseok" Hyungsik said following Hoseok's car.

He was brutally beaten up by Yg for not stopping the road construction project and was given orders to watch Hoseok's actions from now on.

"Fuck!!!!! Ouch" Hyungsik said hitting his hand on his steering wheel immediately regretting it.

Hyungsik followed Hoseok until he reached his apartment complex.

Hoseok parked his car but met Taehyung and Jungkook in the parking lot.

Hyungsik watched their interactions but couldn't hear what their saying.

"Shit couldn't you speak a little louder for the people in the back" Hyungsik whispered.

Then suddenly Hoseok started running to the elevator while vkook went into their car.

"Wait a minute what happened" Hyungsik said but before he could reach the elevator vkook's car nearly ran him over.

"God these people can't even drive" Hyungsik said in anger and ran to the elevator but it was too late.

Hoseok had already reached his apartment and Hyungsik didn't even know what floor he was on.


------------------------------------------------------hello imaginary readers 😍 here is chapter 28

I have no excuse for not updating yesterday I just felt lazy😅

I have no excuse for not updating yesterday I just felt lazy😅

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🎆🎇🎊Happy holidays everyone ✍️🎉🎆🎇🎊

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