chapter 29

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Previously on chapter 28

Then suddenly Hoseok started running to the elevator while vkook went into their car.

Hoseok had already reached his apartment and Hyungsik didn't even know what floor he was on.


-continue with the chapter-

Hoseok meets vkook inside the parking lot at his apartment complex.

"Hello Hoseok hyung" Jungkook greeted

"Hello you came early today for Taehyung" Hoseok stated.

"Yeah because Jimin is sick did no tell you" Jungkook said

Hoseok eyes widen was his little omega badly ill and why did yoongi not call him.

"Jungkook I have to go see you tomorrow" Hoseok said running to the elevator.

"Bye hyung" Jungkook said taking Taehyung's hand and going to his car.

As soon as the elevator reached his floor he sprinted to his apartment door and opened it.

"Yoongi! Jimin!" Hoseok called but no one answered.

He looked in the kitchen and the living room but saw no one. Hoseok became anxious but all of that washed away when he saw his two little husband curled up in bed sleeping.

"*Sigh* seriously you two nearly gave me a heart attack" Hoseok said loosening his tie.

Hoseok changed out of his work clothes and in to a hoodie and sweatshirt.

He crawled onto the bed and laid in the empty space beside Jimin.

Jimin felt the bed sink and opened his eyes. He finds Hoseok wrapping his arms around him.

"*Yarn* welcome home" Jimin greeted sleepily.

"Thanks" Hoseok said kissing his forehead." Jungkook said your not feeling well why didn't you call me"

"I was not feeling well, I was throwing up all afternoon but then I felt better so I told yoongi not to call you" Jimin said.

"Are you sure your better?" Hoseok asked

"Yeah completely fine" Jimin said with a smile.

"But we're still going to the doctor" Hoseok stated

Jimin sighed and shaked his head "okay"


Vkook are driving home now and soon arrive to their apartment.

"Jungkook I don't want Jimin to babysit me anymore" Taehyung said.

"Your still on that I already told you, you can't stay home alone. You can't feed or clean yourself without help and I don't have that type of help" Jungkook said with frustration in his voice.

Taehyung has been bugging Jungkook about the babysitting thing from the start but he can't just drop it, Jimin is the only person he trust to take care of Taehyung.

"So why can't I stay with you at your work place" Taehyung asked.

"Because I can't let alot of people see you in public. If you've forgotten Taehyung your not some ordinary omega" Jungkook stated.

"I can't bother with you, I can't go anywhere, I'm always stuck at home and with that Jimin bitch" Taehyung said which made Jungkook really angry.

Jungkook stop the car in a side parking space and turn to Taehyung.

"I'm sick and tried of your stubbornness I never asked to be married to you our parents decided that. You are spoiled and selfish, I wanted be with Jimin but that's too late now so stop giving me stress before I send you back to your parents!!" Jungkook yelled.

Taehyung's heart hurt from Jungkook's words. In truth Taehyung was the one to force Jungkook into the marriage. When Taehyung saw Jungkook for the first time he fell in love with the cute bunny looking bachelor and begged his parents to let him marry him.

He knew Jungkook didn't have any feelings for him but he thought he could change that once they start living together but no, Jungkook is always working and hardly pay him any attention.

Taehyung didn't say another word for the rest of the trip home only small sobs left his lips.

It's not that Taehyung hates Jimin, no, he's jealous of Jimin for making his own alphas and Jungkook love him so much.

As soon as they reached home Taehyung ran to his room and cried.

Jungkook did feel bad but he was tried. Tried of always having to protect Taehyung from everything.


Hyungsik went to Yg head quarters to give his report about Hoseok.

Right now he's on his knees with a gun pointed to his head as Yg read his report.

"Hyungsik I told you to right a report on useful information WHAT IS THIS!!!" Yg yelled as he throw the paper on the ground.

"I-i t-thought i-it w-was u-useful" Hyungsik stuttered in fright.

"Why would I need to know his favourite type of coffee Hyungsik?" Yg asked

"Hehehe y-you see-" Hyungsik stop talking when he heard the trigger being pressed a little tighter.

"Is this funny to you" Yg asked

"No sir" Hyungsik said immediately.


"Yes sir!!" Hyungsik said getting off his feet and headed to door but stopped when a picture caught his eye.

"That boy.........looks familiar" Hyungsik said pointing to the wall of pictures.

"What?! Which one" Yg asked

"This one" Hyungsik said pointing at the picture of Taehyung.

"Are fucking with me Hyungsik were could you possibly see Kim Taehyung" Yg said.

"At Hoseok's apartment complex" Hyungsik said "he was talking with Hoseok and another guy standing with them he was an alpha"

Yg motion one of his men to go in a draw and took a picture out.

"Was it him?" Yg asked.

"Yeah that was him" Hyungsik said pointing to the picture of Jungkook.

"For once your useful Hyungsik find out the relationship between Hoseok and these two people and I give you a reward" Yg said.

Hyungsik beamed up "I won't disappoint you" he said then left Yg headquarters.

------------------------------------------------------hello imaginary readers 😍 here is chapter 29

Feel inspired right now so I'll write as much as I can.

Feel inspired right now so I'll write as much as I can

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