chapter 11

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Previously on chapter 10

Yoongi's knot hurt alot but at the same time Jimin felt at peace this is what he wanted.

And yoongi brought Jimin to lay down on his chest while he continuously comes in the condom.

Hoseok rubbed his hand on Jimin's face and fell asleep with the yoonmin couple following behind.

-now continue with the chapter-

Yoongi felt shuffling in the bed so  he opened his to see Hoseok getting up and heading to bathroom. He must be getting ready to go to work.

Yoongi looked down to see Jimin lying peacefully on him. He had a natural pout on his lips making him look even more adorable.

Yoongi smiled and decided not to get up since he doesn't want to wake Jimin out of his sleep.

Hoseok enters from the attached bathroom completely naked with a towel around his waist.

Hoseok noticed that yoongi's awake.

"Good morning baby " Hoseok greeted with a smile.

"Good morning hobi" yoongi returned.

Hoseok then dried himself and gets dressed. He enters his walk in closet and pick out a suit and then styles his hair.

Once he was done he turned to the yoonmin couple lying on the bed.

"Hey I'm gonna go now okay" Hoseok stated.

"Okay" yoongi nodded "have a nice day at work" he said with his signature gummy smile.

Hoseok smile kissed both yoongi and the sleeping Jimin on their foreheads.

Hoseok left for work and little bit  after Jimin started to wake up.

Jimin's ears and tail stretched as his arms did and he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes. Jimin then looks up to see yoongi lovingly staring at him and finally noticed what type of position he is in right now.

His memories of last night comes back to him and he blushed like crazy.

I can't believe I did that
I can't believe I said that
Are thoughts he thought.

Yoongi sees how red his cheeks got and chuckled. -now you feel embarrassed-

Yoongi slowly moved from Jimin and got off the bed to only surprise Jimin by carrying him bridal style.

"Y-yoongi what are you-," Jimin was cut off by yoongi saying "were going to bathe together"

At the moment both of them are naked since no one had the time last night to put on some clothes.
And our little hybrid hasn't noticed.

"Bath or shower ?" yoongi asked placing Jimin on the sync counter

"Shower" Jimin answered.

"Okay" yoongi responded

"Let me take off my clothes" Jimin said

Yoongi turned to him and raised his brow. "What clothes?"

"What do you mean i-" Jimin said looking down only to see his naked body.

He immediately started to cover himself and yoongi chuckled.

"Why bother covering yourself it's not like I didn't see every part of you last night" yoongi said with a smirk.

Jimin cheeks became red as a tomato as his tail stood up.

"Come on let's shower" yoongi lefting Jimin in his arms.

Once they enter yoongi placed Jimin on his feet and kept a firm grip around his waist to keep him from falling.

Jimin held onto yoongi's arm for support and watched yoongi's features.

Again...let me repeat myself......

THE MAN IS GORGEOUS. And anyone with eyes that can see would and should know that.

Yoongi turned on the pipe and water started to run down on them.

Jimin watched as yoongi's hair get wet making him look even more gorgeous.

"Want a picture it'll last longer" yoongi said smirking.

Jimin surprised by this turns his head in embarrassment.

"Hehehe cute"

-c-c-cute did yoongi call me cute- you see this is the only commentary that yoongi has made about Jimin's looks other than when they were fighting. So it had a strong effect on Jimin.

Jimin looked into yoongi's eyes and they stayed like that for minutes which felt like hours to Jimin.




-what is this why is my heart beating so fast?- Jimin moved his eyes from yoongi's and looked down flustered by the prior event.

Yoongi didn't think much to it and got the soap to bathe with. He told Jimin to press against the walk while he soaps him up.

"I-i-i can do it myself" Jimin stuttered.

"No you can't, you can't even stand properly"

Oh and his ass hurts alot too 🤣

Jimin knew that yoongi was right so he gave up the idea of persuading him.

Jimin stood their and watched how yoongi's hands gracefully moved along on his body.

Ideas got the into his head which caused a little member to raise.

Yoongi noticed immediately and laughed.

"Someone's thinking dirty" yoongi said smiling at Jimin.

"No I'm not" Jimin said playfully yelling.

"Then explain this" yoongi said while grabbing Jimin's dick in his hand.

"Ahh" Jimin moaned out as reflex shocking himself.

Yeah this is the first time Jimin's heard himself moan with out being in heat.

Yoongi looked at Jimin's parted lips. They were a shade peach pink and plump which would make anyone whether man or woman want to kiss them.

Yoongi leaned forward and captured his lips with his. Jimin's eyes widened.

Yoongi moved jimin's body closer while moving his lips.


That was the word yoongi thinks best described Jimin's lips. They were soft to the touch and was fun to bit on.

Yoongi wanted to kiss deeper so he slapped Jimin's ass causing him to moan. He gained entrance and immediately slipped his tongue in.

"Ummm-yo-ongi" Jimin said in between the kiss.

The kiss was great. The way they moved  together so easily like a fixed puzzle piece and bodies matched together without effort.

They separated with a thin line off  saliva connecting their two Mouths while breathing heavily.

Yoongi started to kiss Jimin's neck leaving purple marks on his clear skin.

"Y-yoon-gi w-we need to stop" Jimin stuttered because of pleasure.


"W-were g-going to end up doing it if we don't stop"

"So, what's wrong with that" yoongi said lefting Jimin while the younger wrapped his legs around him. "I love having sex with you"

------------------------------------------------------hello imaginary readers 😍 this is just a filler chapter I'm trying to finish up the plot of the story before writing.

Like theirs the:
government party
Namjin dinner
Vkook babysitter.

With mini shorts in-between so I'm sorting them out😊

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づI hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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