chapter 41

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Previously on chapter 40

"Well we think you should move in to our apartment" Hoseok said.

"Since Taehyung won't be able to leave Jimin now the best course of action is for you to stay with us" yoongi stated.

Jungkook didn't say anything but nodded his. At the moment he needed to be their for Taehyung even if he doesn't remember him.

-continue with the chapter-

-time skip two week-

Taehyung has been stuck to jimin for the pass two weeks. He refuses to go anywhere near any of the alphas and because of that Jimin has made him his top priority.

It's frustrating for the alphas not being able to be near to their omega plus yoongi is going into rut soon and so is Hoseok.

"Eomma I'm hungry" Taehyung said with a pout.

"Okay I'll make you something to eat" Jimin said getting up from the couch and entering the kitchen.

Jimin is making macaroni and cheese for Taehyung when Hoseok wrapped his arms around him.

"Babe are you still not talking to me?" Hoseok asked planting a kiss on his neck.

After hoseok and yoongi brought him to the psychologist Jimin hasn't been talking to them.

"Why would a mad person like me talk to the normal people" Jimin said getting angry.

"Jimin please we just want you to get better" Hoseok said with pleading eyes.

"But theirs nothing wrong with me!!!!!" Jimin shouted.

Making Taehyung flinch from the living room. Taehyung gets up off the couch and runs to the kitchen.

Taehyung growls at Hoseok which caused him to let Jimin go.

"Eomma are you okay?" Taehyung asked as he buried his face in Jimin's chest.

"I'm fine sweetie eomeoni was just irritated" Jimin stated as he kissed Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung hugged Jimin tighter because unknowingly to him he's become attached to Jimin.

He never got this love and attention from his real parents so he loves the feeling he gets from Jimin.

Hoseok sighed. Their was nothing else he could do. Nothing was getting through to Jimin and he was getting real tired of trying.

Hoseok left the kitchen and went to his bedroom where he saw yoongi sleeping.

He smiled to himself and went beside him.

"Yoongi" Hoseok called softly "I wish I could promise you that things would be okay but I can't"

Slowly tears started to fall down his face.

"I miss when the three of us were happy" Hoseok said as he kissed yoongi's cheek.

Hoseok forgot to close the door when he entered his room which cause the little omega Jimin to overhear what he said.

Jimin clenched his chest. Trust me he feels bad for the way he has been treating his alphas but he refuses to believe or accept reality. It just really hurts to do so.

But what Jimin doesn't know that he's damaging himself as well as Taehyung in the process.


Jungkook comes back to the yoonminseok apartment. He's finished with work for the day.

He's been extra tired lately since he missed alot of work when Taehyung was in a coma.

"I'm back" Jungkook said as he entered through the door.

He was greeted by Taehyung waddling towards him.

"Welcome back" Taehyung said standing exactly 5 ft away from him.

Taehyung refuses to get any closer than that.

The reason being that all of his family members were he use to live with when he was six were alphas. They treat the poor child horrible which cause him to have a fear of alphas. (But he grew out of it as he got older)

Jungkook smiled sweetly at Taehyung. Trying to show that he's no threat but as soon as he stretches his hand to touch him Taehyung immediately backed away.

Jungkook retracted his hand and put his head down. He has been trying to get closer to Taehyung but nothing is working.

Jungkook takes off his coat and goes to his room and soon as the door closed, tears built up in his eyes.

"W-why w-would he want me back any why" Jungkook said starting to cry.

"A-all I d-did w-was i-ignore him in the p-pass he p-probably hates m-me and e-even if he r-returns to n-bormal he won't stay, h-he'll probably l-leave m-me." Jungkook said bringing his knee to his chest.

------------------------------------------------------hello imaginary readers 😍 here is chapter 41

Okay so the Saturday updates start now😅

I tried to update the other days but sleep was killing me😭.

School is like a slow torture chamber and not the sexy kind😏

School is like a slow torture chamber and not the sexy kind😏

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Yay🎉🎊🎆🎆 we're getting a comeback 🎆🎉🎉🎊 finally. And suga's new song. Perfection😘

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