chapter 15

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Previously on chaptor 14

"I better go change" Hoseok said exiting the kitchen leaving Jimin a blushing mess.

Jimin sighed "I don't think I can handle the two them"

-continue with the chapter-

It's the day of the government party. They drive up to a big mansion with lots cars and people surrounding it.

"Jimin stay with yoongi at all times" Hoseok stated.

"Okay" Jimin responded

They get out of the car after they parked it and went to the front door.

"Good afternoon Jung Hoseok can you tell me who those two people behind you are" guest check lady asked  (I don't remember what their called 😂)

"These two are my partners" Hoseok answered.

"Ohh you may enter now" she said pointing to the door.

They walk inside.

Jimin was nervous, a queasy feeling in stomach made him want to throw up.

Jimin held on tightly to Hoseok's jacket which caused him to turn around and give him sympathetic eyes.

"You'll be fine" Hoseok try to reassure him.

But it still didn't remove the bad feeling in his stomach.

They walk around the ball room while Hoseok greets his fellow ministers and workers.

From Jimin's point of view everyone seem to like Hoseok but in truth they want to get close to him to get to the prime minister.

"Hoseok , Jimin , yoongi!!!" Someone yells causing all three to turn to that voice.

The are met with their pregnant hyung Jin and their friend Namjoon with hyeji in his arms.

"Hey guys-wow!!! Jimin you look beautiful" Jin shouted.

"Hey guys-wow!!! Jimin you look beautiful" Jin shouted

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"Thanks" Jimin replied blushing.

Jin cooed at his adorableness and then turn to sope.

"You guys look good too" Jin said nonchalantly.

"Thanks" yoongi says sarcastically.

"Hoseok, Namjoon" another person calls but this time it's Lisa.

"Oh hey Lisa" Namjoon greeted causing Jin to frown.

Don't get him wrong Jin trust Namjoon with his life but doesn't trust others.

"Hi Lisa" Hoseok also greets her making Jimin jealous as well but he doesn't know he's jealous.

"I've never seen you before " Lisa says looking at Jimin.

"This is my other partner Jimin" Hoseok said pushing Jimin forward.

Jimin bows and Lisa bows in return.

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