Chapter 4

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Stiles looked over to his parents and raised his eyebrows. Castiel shook his head signaling that there was a supernatural creature on the other of the door, Stiles nodded and made a signal for everyone to different sides of the room, but to stay hidden. Jack, Allison, and Jackson went to the top of the stairs and had their guns at the ready, Michael and Gabriel stayed in the kitchen waiting for Dean or Sam to give them a message for backup. Sam went into the living room and held his blade in his hand, Dean went behind the door and had his blade, Castiel went with Stiles to open the door. Stiles opened the door and saw five people standing on his porch, three guys and two girls. Stiles recognized all of them from the high school but one, it was a man about 6 years older than Stiles himself, Stiles found himself staring at the man. He was to busy staring to hear Jack speaking to him telepathically, "Are you guys okay down there?" 

Stiles snapped out of it and replied to his little brother, "Yeah we're okay, for now." Jack nodded even though Stiles couldn't see. Stiles looked at his father before looking at the group of people once again, "What can I do for you?" The older male of the group was about to answer when the younger Alpha suddenly stepped forward and yelled at Stiles, "Where are they?!" Castiel had to use his grace to hold Dean back from maiming them. Stiles unfazed by his yelling responded calmly to them, "Who are you talking about?" The older male flashed his Alpha eyes and growled grabbing Stiles by the collar, "My pack. You took them and I know they're here I can smell them." 

Castiel suddenly had his angel blade at the alpha's neck and grabbed Stiles, pulling him back, "You watch yourself werewolf." Castiel was now glaring at the older alpha, effectively scaring him, Castiel was scary when he wanted to be. The alpha growled loudly and tackled Castiel, the other younger alpha followed his lead tackling Stiles, at this point every angel and hunter in the house came out of hiding pointing their weapons at someone supernatural. Dean had pulled the older alpha off of Castiel and pinned him against the wall with his blade at his neck, Sam had done the same to the younger alpha, pulling him off Stiles, and pinned him against another wall. Jackson and Michael aimed their guns at the other beta werewolf and beta were coyote, Jack aimed his gun at the other redheaded banshee who stood outside, who looked like she didn't know what to do. The older Alpha saw Allison by the stairs and Jackson aiming his gun at Isaac, "Are you guys okay? Did they brainwash you or something?! WHY ARE YOU AIMING YOUR WEAPONS AT US?!" 

Jackson rolled his eyes before glancing back at Allison, "Faut-il leur dire?" Should we tell them? Allison nodded before telling everyone to come outside to the back yard. Dean looked towards Allison like she was crazy, "Que voulez-vous dire Allison? D'abord, ils nous crient dessus et ensuite ils nous attaquent! ÊTES-VOUS FOU?!?!" What do you mean Allison? First, they yell at us and then they proceed to ATTACK US! ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! Allison rolled her eyes, "Dean we are going to be civilized about this. Now let them go and allow them to follow me us outside." Dean's eyes began to flicker back and forth from their regular forest green to full-on black, Castiel gasped when he realized what was happening, Dean was losing control of his demon side. "Dean let them go, and go upstairs to calm down." 

Dean looked over to Castiel and yelled at him, "You ask why I don't trust any other supernatural creatures and get mad when you do! This is why Cas!" Dean's eyes were full black this time not flickering anymore. Castiel was at Dean's side in the blink of an eye, he made Dean let go of the alpha and grabbed his arm, he then disappeared with Dean upstairs. Stiles looked over to everyone else, "Now separate and follow me outside, try anything and you will get hurt or murdered. Who knows." Everyone separated and followed Stiles, Allison, and Jackson outside. 

Once they were outside Gabriel snapped a large table into existence so that it could fit all twelve of them, since Micahel didn't want to sit. Everyone sat down, the werewolf pack on one side and the Winchesters on the other, Michael stayed standing behind his family. After thirty seconds of Stiles spoke out, "I don't know why you think we kidnapped Allison and Jackson, to be honest with you, I also don't know why you tackled us thinking that we were attacking them. You could've gotten more information first, before jumping to conclusions." During the last sentence, Stiles looked over to the strawberry blonde girl. She blushed and scooted down a little in her chair. Jack, seeing that Stiles was now glaring at everyone across from him, tapped Allison and whispered in her ear. She looked over to him and smiled, "Guys Jack just had an amazing idea, before we argue any further we should all introduce ourselves." Everybody nodded and waited for Allison to continue, "Uncle Gabriel you should start since you're the oldest." She looked away when he jokingly glared at her. 

He sighed and stood up, "I am Gabriel Winchester-Novak, the messenger of God and the third Archangel. I am married to Sam Winchester and I am also a hunter." The werewolf pack all had wide eyes. Michael and Sam went next, "I am Michael Winchester-Novak, I am a hunter and am married to Lucifer Winchester-Novak." "I am Sam Winchester-Novak, you already know my husband and I am a hunter as well." The teenagers of the Winchester family wanted to go last so they let the werewolf pack go first. 

First, it was the older alpha werewolf, "I am Derek Hale, alpha werewolf, co-alpha of the Hale/McCall pack." The next alpha went, "I am Scott McCall, true alpha, co-alpha of the Hale/McCall pack." Next was the curly-haired beta, "I am Isaac Lahey, beta werewolf, a beta of the Hale/McCall pack." It was the brunette girl and then the strawberry blonde, "I am Malia Hale, werecoyote, a beta of the Hale/McCall pack." "I am Lydia Martin, banshee, a beta of the Hale/McCall pack." Derek spoke up, "We have two more members but they didn't come with us." 

Everyone nodded, Stiles spoke up now, "We will go now." Jackson went first, "I am Jackson Winchester-Whittemore, I am a hunter and apart of the third most respected hunter family in the world." The werewolf pack was surprised that Jackson was a hunter. Allison went next, "I am Allison Winchester-Argent, a hunter and apart of the second most respected hunter family in the world." Next was Jack and Stiles, "I am Jack Winchester-Novak, I am a Nephilim. I am apart of the most respected hunter family in the world, the Winchesters, I am also one of the two most dangerous creatures in the world." "I am Stiles Mischief Winchester, I am a Nephilim. I am apart of the most respected hunter family in the world, I am one of the two most dangerous creatures in the world. Stiles is not my real name but don't worry most people don't know it." 

After introductions of the current people were done Scott raised his hand to get Stiles' attention, "I'm kind of surprised that Jackson is a hunter if I'm being honest," "Why?" 

"Well, because he's a hybrid."

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