Chapter 12

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I thought the last chapter was long with 3,000 words but SHIT! THIS ONE HAS 4,000 AND I HAVE TO GO THROUGH AND EDIT IT!

Edited: January 31st, 2020


Castiel was surprised that this house was Derek's own, he stared at him wondering how this twenty-four-year-old had enough money to buy a mansion. Derek smiled seeing Stiles but stiffened and dropped his smile when he saw Castiel. He looked between the two and looked at Stiles smiling again, "Hey Stiles, Mr.Winchester- why a-" 

"Derek, sorry, but you can call me Castiel." 

"O-okay anyway what are you doing here? Not that I mind." Stiles not noticing Derek stiffening answered, "Well I was hiding from my dad and he followed me to the clearing near here, so I decided that you two should meet one on one." Stiles smiled at Derek like a happy child getting candy. Derek smiled at Stiles and let them in, he relaxed a little when Castiel stopped to smile at him but rolled his eyes a little when Stiles pulled him away almost knocking him over. Derek followed them into the living room, he saw that they were both sitting on the couch so he decided to sit across from them on the sofa chair. "So Stiles what do you and your father want to talk about?" "I was thinking that I could go to my house and talk to my brother for about twenty minutes and you could talk to my Dad for those twenty minutes. Is that okay with you guys?" Derek nodded while Castiel smiled at his son, "Okay then I'll be back in twenty minutes." They both nodded and heard the sound of wings before they saw that Stiles was gone. Castiel looked over to Derek and continued smiling, Derek relaxed knowing Castiel was different than his husband. "So Derek, how old are you?" 

"I am twenty-four years old sir." Derek didn't know how to address Castiel, "First off Derek I told you to call me Castiel and also twenty-four?" Castiel had a little hint of surprise in his voice, he wasn't upset just surprised. I guess father and son were more alike than he thought, considering he was more than millions of years old. "Y-yeah I'm twenty-four, I know that Stiles is technically 6 but he has assured me that mentally and physically and eighteen-years-old." Castiel nodded and stayed quiet for a little while, "So Castiel how old are you? Not that you have to tell me." Castiel looked at Derek and thought for a couple seconds, "Well in Heaven I am thirty-nine on Earth I am 3.9 billion years old." Derek was shocked but didn't let it show, Castiel spoke up. "I see that you are surprised by this." He squinted his eyes and tilted his head, "Why is this?" 

"Well no offense but I knew you were old but not that old." Castiel sat up properly and nodded, "So Castiel may I ask how you and Dean met, Stiles, told me but not much." 

Castiel nodded and smiled thinking about how they met, "It was about eleven years ago, I was given an order by my father, God, to go and save Dean from hell. He told me that he was an important part of the survival of the human race. I didn't know what he was talking about at the time but I followed his orders and pulled him from hell. I gripped his right bicep tight and raised him from perdition leaving a mark on his arm, a sort of brand, to this day the mark is still there. He woke up in his coffin in the middle of a field, I was watching over him at the time and saw him walk to the gas station a couple of miles away. He stole some stuff and I tried to talk to him but my true voice almost made him deaf, he then made his way towards the nearest town. He got to his uncle Bobby's house and went to find Sam, they found him and they all went back to Bobby's house, Dean asked Bobby to summon whatever pulled him from Hell. They went to a barn a couple miles away an summoned me, I didn't have to come but I wanted to meet Dean in person. I took this vessel, who was a devoted man, and flew to the barn. My arrival shook the barn and thunder sounded, they were cocking their guns and were prepared to shoot me as soon as I walked in. When I got into a five feet radius they shot me with their shotguns and when they saw it wouldn't work they took out their knives. I stood right in front of Dean forgetting about Bobby, Dean stabbed me right where my heart was but considering I was an angel at that time it didn't affect me in any way. Dean was shocked and I just stared at him tilting my head up since he's about three inches taller than me. Bobby was going to attack me but I put him to sleep, Dean went to Bobby and checked if he was alive but I assured him that he was. He stood up and yelled at me asking what I was, I saw no point in lying to him so I answered him honestly. I told him that I was an angel of the lord, I'm not anymore but I was back then. He thought I was lying so I showed him my wings, wings in the angel community are very special to us and not just anyone can see them. I don't know why but I showed him, but I did. He believed but was still wary, God called me back up to Heaven so I left him. 

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