Chapter 5

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Stiles looked over to Jackson with a furious face, "Jackson you didn't care to tell me this?! You're lucky you didn't die in your house, I know your parents are ruthless when it comes to things like this." Jackson shrugged, "I didn't think it was important." Stiles disappeared and reappeared behind Jackson, he slapped him on the head. "Ow!" Stiles rolled his eyes and went back to his seat, "So what are you a hybrid of anyway?" 

"Werewolf and Kanima. My first year here some guy turned me into a Kanima and I didn't know about it so I tried turning into a werewolf. Yes I know, I am a dummy," Jackson interrupted himself when he saw the look on Stiles' face. "When I got the bite it took but then it started to reject my body and that's when I turned into a Kanima." Stiles nodded, "So how did you guys come to be?" 

Scott was the one to tell everyone, "It all started in my freshmen year I was in the woods running for lacrosse training when I heard this weird sound. I grabbed my phone, turned the flashlight on and pointed it into the direction I heard the noise from. When I looked over all I saw were glowing red eyes, then whatever it was growled and started to run at me. I now know that it was an Alpha werewolf but back to what I was saying, he ran at me and bit me on the side of my stomach. It hurt but I knew I had to get back home so I put on my jacket and tried walking back home. I got to a road and a red Mercedes almost ran me over, I later found out that it was Allison and Jackson driving to their parents' houses. I eventually got home and wrapped the bite, the next day it was completely healed. That day Allison and Jackson were new students so they were both in my homeroom, while they were outside waiting for the principle I saw them and could hear them talking to each other. I thought it was weird but I ignored it because they were coming towards our classroom. The principal interrupted the class to introduce them, Allison and I made eye contact and she smiled, Jackson just glared at me. After that, I tried to be friends with them but Jackson just kept pushing Allison in the other direction mumbling about stupid hormonal teens. I don't know what Jackson was thinking back then but I only wanted to be friends with them. I'm gay and I wasn't attracted to Allison at all." 

Stiles looked over to Jackson who had no expression but Stiles could see it in his eyes, he was embarrassed. He understood why he wasn't showing any emotion, hunters weren't supposed to show emotion, it got in the way of work. "Later that day were lacrosse tryouts so I went and tried out. I expected to be terrible considering in middle school I was always on the bench but when I went to shoot the ball I made it in, I was shocked. After that, I was approached by Derek, Isaac, Boyd, and Erica. I had already met Isaac at freshmen orientation but Derek, Erica, and Boyd were all 19-year-olds that I had never met or heard of, and I was a little scared, to be honest. Derek had approached me about joining his pack since I was bitten by his crazy uncle. Isaac wasn't a werewolf yet but he and Derek were like father and son so once Isaac was strong enough to take the bite. Erica and Boyd were dating and were like Derek's siblings, they were both born beta werewolves. Derek, Isaac, and I trained after school every day for a whole year and I got stronger. After that year was up Derek gave Isaac the bite and before that, I asked him on a date, he said yes and here we are dating. Shortly after Derek gave Isaac the bite our first big bad came. It was the British Men of Letters I think is what they were called? Anyways we were looking for them when they tried to kill Erica with wolfsbane in a supermarket. When they tried to kill Erica, Boyd went crazy and tried to kill one of the two but the other hunter shot him in the back. We went to go and get Boyd not knowing he was dead but the hunters ambushed us. Derek told Isaac and me to go back and hide, so we did, we listened to our alpha and I regret it. When Derek came back alone we asked where Erica and Boyd were and he didn't tell us anything, he just went to his room and ignored us. A couple of days later Isaac went and asked Derek what happened before I got there, Derk told him that Erica and Boyd both died by the hunters. I got there to Isaac running out of Derek's room crying, I asked Derek and he told me, I went to Isaac's room and just cried with him." 

When Scott stopped talking to wipe a tear from his eye, I saw that most of the Hale/McCall pack crying as well. Stiles realized who it was the killed their packmates and he was suddenly glad that one of them died by the hands of his grandmother. Stiles stood up and grabbed Gabriel before flying somewhere. When he returned he brought back a man in a suit, Gabriel moved away from them and told Jack to go get his parents, Jack listened to his uncle and ran upstairs. While Jack went and got them, Stiles had pushed the man to a seat at the table. He was standing behind him, glaring, he was about to say something when his parents came out. 

"Stiles, what is Ketch doing here?" Stiles didn't look at his dad when he answered, "Well, Ketch here killed two young type B werewolves without proper evidence of them hurting anyone. They protected this town and did nothing to the human. They were type B which means they were the least deadly and could barely hurt a human if they lost control, they were apart of the Hale/McCall pack." The Hale/McCall pack were now all looking at Ketch with tears in their eyes, Ketch was confused as to what was happening, "Wait a second, Mick never told me that they were type B. He told me they were A werewolves." Stiles rolled his eyes, "Did you ever bother to find information that they were harming the people of Beacon Hills?!" 

"No, but-" 

"Then why did you kill them if you had no evidence?! I could kill you right now if someone told me you were a vampire and I didn't get any evidence!! MY FAMILY WOULD'VE GOTTEN INFORMATION BEFORE KILLING TWO INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!" He calmed down a little when Jack put a hand on his shoulder, "Apologize to them and ask someone to take you back home." Stiles began to walk back into the house but before he went inside he spoke over his shoulder, "My family has changed Ketch, you should too." Ketch apologized to the Hale/McCall pack with honest sincerity and then asked Castiel to take him back to London, during that Dean went upstairs to talk to his oldest son. 

He went to Stiles and Jack's room and saw that the window was open, he climbed through the window and climbed onto the roof. As expected, Stiles was there, waiting for the sunset. Dean sat next to Stiles and looked over at him, Stiles continued to look at the sky. "What are you doing here dad?" Dean sighed, "I came to check on you, you were pretty mad back there. I wanted to see if you were okay," He looked over to the sky and continued talking, "but when I saw that look of sadness on your face I knew you wanted to be alone. So as a compromise, I wasn't going to say anything but I was going to sit here with you, waiting for the sunset." Stiles looked over to his dad an nodded, he looked as if he was about to cry. 

He began to adjust his position and when he was done the sun began to set, he had adjusted so that he had his head in Dean's lap and his legs were extended so he was more comfortable. Dean smiled at his son, he rubbed his back knowing that if Stiles was doing this he was bottling up his feelings. Stiles began to cry after a couple of seconds but Dean said nothing, just continued to rub his son's back. Dean looked at the sunset and saw that it was beautiful, it was a mixture of an orange-red sky and purplish pink.

 Dean looked at the sunset and saw that it was beautiful, it was a mixture of an orange-red sky and purplish pink

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(Sunset. sorta)

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