Chapter 10

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Currently, Castiel and Stiles were scolding Dean and Sam for not answering their phones, since they were the ones that told Stiles and Jack to call them first. Jack was clinging onto Gabriel, even though he killed Zachariah he was still scared. Scared that the angels would find their family and kill them. Derek who was confused as to what just happened in the past hour decided to pull Stiles away for a moment to talk to him. He approached Stiles and tapped his shoulder when Stiles turned around and looked at him, he blushed. He quickly stopped when Stiles' father noticed and glared at him. "U-um Stiles, can I t-talk to you for a second?" He mentally scolded himself for how he stuttered just because he was being glared at by his crush's father, that's right he had a crush on Stiles. Stiles nodded and followed Derek into another room, "What's up Derek?" Derek didn't answer instead just stared at Stiles, Stiles blushed when Derek didn't answer him and just stared. 

"D-Derek?" Derek made a mental decision to instead of asking Stiles his previous question to ask a new question. "Will you go on a date with me?" Stiles who had to take a moment to process what was said replied blushing furiously, "W-what?!" Derek smiled repeating his question, "Will you Stiles Winchester, go on a date with me?" Stiles took a second and answered his question, "Yes." Derek smiled and turned around to rummage in a drawer, he pulled out a black sharpie and wrote his number on Stiles' arm. Stiles smiled and returned the favor, just as he was going to give Derek the sharpie back Dean, Castiel, Sam, and Gabriel came into the room, Dean looked at his son and the alpha werewolf. He decided to speak up about the numbers written on both of their arms, "What is that Stiles?" He said not wanting what was going through his mind to be true. 

"It's my phone number on his arm and his number on my arm," Stiles said not looking at his dad. Sam and Gabriel who knew what was about to happen left the room telling Castiel that they would secure the loft before taking Jack, Jackson, and Allison home. Castiel nodded and turned back to his husband making sure he wouldn't get too mad. Dean decided to ask Stiles a question, "Why do you guys have each other's phone numbers?" Stiles answered, "Derek asked me on a date and I said yes. To go on a date, we must plan on where to go, for that we need each other's numbers so that we may talk on our phones." Castiel made a face hearing Stiles talk a little more proper than he usually did, knowing when he did he stood his ground. "Who said that you can go on this date?" 

"I'm 18 dad I don't have to ask you for permission to go on a date anymore." 

"I think you do considering I am the one providing for you and I am your father!" 

"As I said I am 18 years old I do not need to ask for permission and before we moved here how did you provide for us?! With credit card scams!" 

"You know what Stiles go on your date! Don't come to me when you're dying because this stupid Alpha werewolf can't protect you from the angels! Don't come back to the house tonight or ever again better yet! Since I have no input in your life!" Dean stormed out of the loft down to his 67' Impala, before he stepped out of the door he looked back at Cas, waiting for him to follow but Cas just shook his head. Dean's eyes flickered black before he slammed the door and left. Derek looked over to Stiles who now had tears brimming his eyes, he was about to say something when Stiles went out the door, the only sound that was heard was the flapping of wings. Castiel looked at Derek sympathetically before following his son, Castiel knew where he was going. Lawrence, Kansas. 

Stiles was born in a cabin near a lake, far away from civilization to conceal his birth from the angels. When Stiles came into this world he was about 11 years old, while Dean and Sam were helping Castiel, Gabriel took Stiles onto the roof to watch the sunset. That day the sunset was half purple and blue and half orange, red, and pink. Stiles would never forget that sunset. As he thought, Stiles was on the roof, waiting for the sun to rise. Castiel flew next to him and sat down, "Stiles are you okay?" Stiles didn't look at him but just shrugged. 

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