Chapter 9

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Stiles tried to leave the room but was pulled down into the circle by Jackson, same goes for Jack and Liam. Here is how the sitting arrangements were, Scott had his back against the couch with Isaac to his right. Next to Isaac was Lydia with Ethan and Aiden next to her having a staring contest. Next to Aiden were Allison and Jackson, then it was Jack and Liam, Jack looking like a tomato while Liam looked like he had some sort of fever. Next to Liam was Derek and then Stiles, nobody said anything but everyone could feel the tension between the two of them. Once Stiles was sat down Scott started the game by explaining the rules, once he was done they began the game. The game went on for about an hour until everyone was bored. While everyone was thinking of another game to play Jack had an idea, "Hey guys I have an idea, you don't have to say yes or an-" 

"Jack!" Jack looked over to his brother and huffed, "O-okay um, we can play hide and seek Winchester style." The Hale/McCall pack were confused while the Winchesters (Jackson and Allison included) were smiling like madmen. Lydia decided to ask what that was, "What is that?" "It's like regular hide and seek but in order to get them out you must get their item that they are carrying, usually it's a piece of clothing. When someone sees that your trying to take their item they can attack you with a weapon, or in this case, claws." Stiles looked around and smirked, "So do you guys wanna play?" Everyone looked to Derek and Scott who nodded, Stiles smiled and stood up taking off his jacket and flannel. 

Jack, Allison, and Jackson all stood up as well, they all took off their jackets using them as their items. Jack, Stiles, Allison, and Jackson pulled out their blades and waited for the Hale/McCall pack to get their items. The Hale/McCall pack went to go get a jacket or piece of clothing to guard, for the Steiner twins it was one of their shirts, for Scott it was a pair of shorts, and for Isaac, it was one of his various scarfs. Lydia had a bracelet that she never wears, Liam had his lacrosse jersey, while Derek had one of his tanktops. Stiles nodded and decided to explain the rules thoroughly, "Okay this is how you play the game. Since this is a huge apartment you can hide only in here, all werewolves must use their claws, all hunters must use their blades. Jackson no tail," Jackson blushed, "Lydia you can use your scream or whatever you use as a weapon, Ethan and Aiden, you can't merge. Okay, when you are found you cannot run away and hide, you must fight the person that found you and take their item, if they take yours, you're out. If a person with two items is beaten then the person that beat them gets BOTH of the items. The person who gets all the items at the end wins. Got it?" 

Everyone nodded, "Okay now we will choose who goes first," Stiles thought for a second before coming up with an idea, "The youngest person in the room has to be the first seeker." Jack groaned loudly making everyone look at him, Liam took a step forward, "Wait, Jack, what day and month were you born?" Liam wanted to know because maybe he was younger, "I was born on January 24th." 

"Okay well then you're older I was born on July 12th" Stiles was trying so hard to contain his laughter, Jack punched him, "You jerk!" Liam was confused as to why Jack was still mad since he was younger, "Jack why are you still mad? I'm younger." Stiles full-on laughed at that comment which made Jack roll his eyes, "You're still older than me," 


"I was born on January 24th 5 years ago." The Hale/McCall pack was shocked, Stiles decided to explain the situation to them, "At a certain point in the womb, Nephilims start to retain information they get from their parents. Our parents told us that since they were hunters and Nephilims are illegal we couldn't be born as a baby, so we chose what age we wanted to be born. I am currently seven years old while Jack is five, turning six, we still have all the information that sixteen and eighteen year old would have over the years." The Hale/McCall pack nodded understanding how they were so young, Derek looked at Stiles and smiled when the latter blushed and ran away yelling over his shoulder, "The game starts now!" 

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