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 All is see is darkness. I feel my head throbbing and i and its hard to breath. Then i Just see the car and i cant even think. Everythigs so dark and im so conused. What just happened where am i? So Many questions.but i cant talk. I just want to scream. I Just want to die. This pain is so unbearable.

  Then it hits me and i know why i feel this pain. My brother. He was in the back of the car with my dad. Everlything starts coming back to me and im see that im sitting in this big white room. Its not white. Its dark and im outside. I Hear a blaring siren. Then i see the car.

   Its smashed to bits and  I see a igure yelling besides it. She has a body in her hands. This gets me up. Chris. My brother. Im limping twoards them when i see his chest rise. Then im running. Pushing people. Im next to him.  There perorming C.P.R. footsteps approach me from behind. They stop C.P.R. He lying there still. pale. Dead. The lady grabs my choulders and stands me up . I see katie in the corner o my eye and i stop. She screams so loud. 


They grab her as she cries. 

"No ......No....Please no...!" shes doubled over and now she screams bloody murder as i run twoards her an grab her. She falls in my arms and i fall into her. She screams and i cry and we sit like this until we are made to move.

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