Chapter Three - First Day At UA

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After completing the Entrance Exams, X-23 and Daken traveled to UA to begin their first day in the prestigious Hero Academy. When they entered the classroom, Daken was unimpressed.

Daken: This lot is the best of UA? If that's the case, then I'm wasting my time.

Upon hearing this, Bakugo immediately became enraged and angrily confronted Daken while X-23 simply took her seat.

Bakugo: What the fuck did you say, you fucking extra?!

Daken: I believe you heard exactly what I said. Should I repeat that a little louder for you? I'd be more than happy to.


While Bakugo was barking at Daken, X-23 simply looked around the class. As she did so, she was approached by Kirishima. 

Kirishima: Hey Laura! 

X-23: Oh...hey Kirishima. 

Kirishima: I never got to thank you for saving my skin back in the Entrance Exams! 

X-23: It was no problem Kirishima. I simply did my part. 

Kirishima: I love your humility! It's so manly! 

But as X-23 and Kirishima conversed, a voice calls out to the class. This also stopped Bakugo's confrontation with Daken. After a brief moment of confusion, they found a man inside a yellow sleeping bag. The man reveals himself to be their homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. 

Aizawa: All right everyone. Get dressed. We're going to the training field. 

After that, Class 1-A got dressed in their PE uniforms and met up with their teacher in the training field. Aizawa then informed the class that they would be participating in a Quirk Assessment Test. As excitement gripped the class, Aizawa lets out a startling revelation.

Aizawa: Whoever gets the lowest score will be deemed to have no potential and will be expelled immediately. 

Upon hearing this, most of the class began freaking out. Ochaco was the first the speak up about this policy. 

Ochaco: Last place will be expelled?! But it's the first day of school! Even if it wasn't, it's still too unfair!

Daken: And do you think life will be fair? In this world, you are either strong or you die. 

Ochaco: How can you think that?!

Daken: It's only natural. If you are weak, then you die. Simple as that. If you continue to think such childish thoughts, then perhaps you're looking in the wrong profession. 

Most of Class 1-A were caught off guard by Daken's cold and callous response to Ochaco. X-23 however was not surprised. 

Aizawa: I'm sorry, but this is how I choose to run my class, you're in this class to become heroes, not hang out at Mickey D's. If I were to let you all become heroes and one of you were to get killed, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

That response brought silence to the class. Daken and X-23 were more than ready to prove themselves to not only their teacher, but to the whole class.

Aizawa: With that being said, for the next three years, UA will run you through the wringer. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. 

As Aizawa said that, the Quirk Assessment had begun. Throughout the tests, X-23 and Daken got high scores. They easily pass the tests with flying colors. When it came to the ball test, both were put in the top ten. With that being said, the Quirk Assessment Tests came to a close. 

Daken: You did well sister.

X-23: I could say the same thing for you brother. 

As the two siblings congratulated one another, Aizawa made an announcement.

Aizawa: By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. This was a way to make you draw out the fullest of your Quirk's power.

When Aizawa said that, a collected sigh of relief was shared by the class. Aizawa then approaches X-23 and Daken. 

Aizawa: You two did well in these tests. Guess Logan was right about you two having potential. 

Upon hearing that name, Midoriya immediately recognized it.

Midoriya: Wait a minute! Logan? Like the Clawed Hero Wolverine?!

Daken: The very same. 

Most of Class 1-A were amazed and impressed at the fact that the children of a top Hero like Wolverine were in the same class as they were.

Kirishima: Guess that explains the claws back at the Entrance Exams!

Mina: That's so cool!

Daken then sees Yaoyorozu and begins eyeing her. With a cocky smile, Daken walks up to her and kisses her hand, causing her to blush.

Daken: Momo Yaoyorozu I assume? You're quite stunning.

Yaoyorozu: Oh my.....thank you Akihiro. 

As Daken flirts with Yaoyorozu, X-23 rolls her eyes. 

Kirishima: Man you're brother is a hit with the ladies! Anyway, you did awesome Laura! Pretty manly stuff if you ask me!

X-23: You weren't too shabby yourself. But I just have to ask, why do you refer to things as manly? 

Kirishima: To me, being a Hero is the manliest thing possible! Being tough in the face of danger and always striving towards doing the right thing is simply....manly!

Upon hearing Kirishima's Hero philosophy, X-23 was left confused. She couldn't help but admire that. 

X-23: You're a very strange individual Kirishima. 

Kirishima lets out a nervous laugh as X-23 smiles. After that, class was dismissed. X-23 and Daken began walking home. 

Daken: It seems our classmates do have some potential. They'll most likely not last too long, but they have potential nonetheless. 

X-23: We'll see how this goes. 

When they got home, X-23 and Daken rested and prepared themselves for the next day of UA. They knew that UA wouldn't go easy on them, but they were accustomed to it.  

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