Chapter Seventeen - The Next Step

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After the Sports Festival, all the UA students exited the arena and began making their way home.

X-23: Congratulations, Akihiro.

Daken: It wasn't anything spectacular. If I'm being honest, I expected more.

X-23: I hear Bakugo and Todoroki have fully healed from their wounds thanks to Recovery Girl.

Daken: I doubt that their pride has fully healed.

As Daken said that, they were approached by Kirishima.

Daken: I'll leave you two alone. I'll see you back home.

As Daken walked away, X-23 and Kirishima were left alone. After a brief moment if awkward silence, X-23 spoke. 

X-23: Kirishima? Are you okay? You seem.....on edge.

Kirishima: Me? On edge? No way! I've never been better! 

X-23 was puzzled by Kirishima's words. While he seemed his normal and bombastic self, she could tell that something was on his mind. 

X-23: Kirishima, you know you don't have to put up the tough guy act around me. Why don't you tell me what's on your mind?

Kirishima: Well uh.....I've been wanting to tell you something. I've been meaning to tell you sooner, but I just never really worked up the courage to do so. 

At this point, Kirishima approached X-23. He was sweating profusely while working up the courage to say something. X-23 was still puzzled by this. 

Kirishima: Laura. I....I like you! Will you be my girlfriend?!

X-23 was stunned speechless by Kirishima's request. What followed was an awkward moment of silence between the two. Both didn't know how to quite process this. Eventually, Kirishima broke the silence. 

Kirishima: Aw man! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said anything! 

X-23: No, Kirishima! It's all right. It's just.....I wasn't expecting this from you. I didn't think that you thought of that.

Kirishima: Well of course I do! You're tough, smart and just about one of the prettiest girls I've ever met! 

X-23 was caught completely off guard by Kirishima's words. She took a moment to process what had just happened.  

X-23: You''re really sweet, Kirishima. Probably one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. Sure you may be loud and somewhat bullheaded, but you're also really sweet and kind. 

X-23 then reflects on her childhood and how it offered her nothing but pain and misery. She was created to be the perfect killing machine by the Weapon X program. She remembered all the cruel experiments done to her from a very young age and how she never truly experienced a happy childhood. She also remembered how Wolverine took her in as his daughter and gave her some semblance of the childhood she never experienced. She looked upon Kirishima. 

X-23: Kirishima, do you....really like me? 

Kirishima: Of course I do, Laura. I care about you with every fiber of my being. 

With a smile on her face, X-23 grabbed Kirishima's hand and pulled him in over for a kiss. In that moment, X-23 and Kirishima reciprocated their feelings towards one another. Soon enough, X-23 and Kirishima became a couple. After the kiss, X-23 and Kirishima looked into each other's eyes.

X-23: We should....we should probably head home.

Kirishima: Yeah. Right. See ya tomorrow!

 In the next day, the students of Class 1-A were talking about the Sports Festival when Aizawa entered the room. 

Aizawa: Today is arguably one of the most important days of your first year. Not only will you be deciding on your Hero names, but you'll be starting your internships.

Upon hearing this, the majority of Class 1-A became excited at the prospects of both their Hero names and the internships while Daken and X-23 were nonchalant about it.

Aizawa: Now as some of you already know, the Sports Festival was a proving ground to showcase your abilities to the world. As such, you were also being scouted out by Pro Heroes. You will be choosing which Hero you'll be interning for. But first.....

As Aizawa said this, Midnight entered the room.

Aizawa: Forgot to mention, Midnight will be overseeing this and make sure your names are okay. I'll be taking a nap.

Before anyone could properly react, Aizawa had gotten in his sleeping bag and took a map. Midnight soon took control of the class.

Midnight: All right listen up! As your teacher said, you're going to be picking code names for yourselves! Keep in mind that these names must reflect you and your hero desires! After deciding on your code names, you will present them to the class and we'll see if it needs any kind of changing!

Midnight begins handed out canvases in a seductive manner for them to write on. As the other students began writing their Hero names, Daken and X-23 wrote their names. When it was time to reveal their Hero names, Daken went up first.

Daken: Call me the Clawed Hero: Daken. 

Midnight: Daken? Interesting name....

As Midnight said this, Daken took his seat without saying anything. X-23 soon came up with her Hero name. 

X-23: The Clawed Hero: X-23.

Midnight: What an odd name. I'll have to ask Logan about that. 

As the rest of the class revealed their Hero names, they all looked upon the board to see what offers came from them.

Daken: It would appear father wants us to intern with him.

X-23: It would be nice to get some training, wouldn't you say? 

Daken remained silent as he prepared himself for training with his father. As X-23 and Daken prepared for their internships under Wolverine, the Clawed Heroes would take the next step on their journey to becoming Pro Heroes. 

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