Chapter Five - The USJ Part One: X-23

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After the Battle Trials, X-23 and Daken went on to help elect a Class Representative for their class. Midoriya won, but he passed the title onto Iida. The day after that, Class 1-A was on a field trip to the USJ facility. When they got there, they were greeted by the Pro Hero Thirteen. As Thirteen informs the students about the lesson, a large purple opened and several people walked through.

Kirishima: Whoa! They even gave us fake villains to fight! Nice!

But Aizawa quickly realized that there were actual Villains.

Aizawa: This isn't a drill! Thirteen! Get the students out of here now!

As the students crowed around Thirteen, X-23 and Daken readied their claws. Suddenly, they were approached by the Villain Kurogiri.

Kurogiri: Good morning young heroes. We are the League of Villains and we are here to help All Might exhale his final breath.

Bakugo and Kirishima charged at the Villain, but he simply used his Warp Quirk to teleport them to an unknown location. X-23 follows with a slash, but Kurogiri does the same. Soon, X-23 finds herself in the Ruins Zone with Bakugo and Kirishima.


Kirishima: Man that wasn't fun! You okay Laura?

X-23: I'm fine Kirishima. We need to regroup with the others!

Suddenly, a large group of Villains entered the building and surrounded the UA students. Kirishima activated his Hardening Quirk while X-23 readied her claws.

Kirishima: Looks like we're gonna fight our way out!

Bakugo: These bastards are dead!

Villain: We got you surrounded! Don't fuck with us!

X-23 and Kirishima prepared themselves for a fight. Suddenly, Bakugo unleashes a powerful explosion from his Gauntlets and knocks them down. X-23 and Kirishima took down the rest of the stragglers.

Bakugo: Is that the fucking best these D-List extras got?! That was too fucking easy!

As Bakugo says that, X-23 begins sniffing the area. When she does, she immediaely becomes defensive.

Kirishima: What's wrong?

X-23: Something's not right. We're not alone.

Bakugo: You fucking kidding me?! I just fucking destroyed all these extras.....

But before Bakugo could finish his sentence, two Carbonadium tentacles appeared and wrapped around Bakugo. They then slam him in the ground repeatedly, knocking him out. X-23 lunges at the tentacles and cuts them with her claws.

Kirishima: BAKUGO!

As X-23 and Kirishima crowd around the unconscious Bakugo, two Villains came out of the shadows and confronted them. One was a man wearing a black trenchcoat and the other was wearing a red and silver costume.

Kirishima: Looks like you were right on the spot Laura! Who are these guys?!

X-23: Sabertooth and Omega Red......

Sabertooth: Hey there squirt. How's Jimmy doing? Been awhile since we had some brotherly bonding!

Upon hearing that, Kirishima was confused.

Kirishima: Wait a this guy serious?! Is he your uncle?!

X-23: It's complicated.....

Omega Red: I grow tired of this. It is time that we hurt the children of Wolverine!

Sabertooth: Easy there Red. Remember what the boss said.

X-23: Who are you working for?!

Sabertooth: You'll find out soon Kiddo. You and your brother. Now let's have a little fun. A little family bonding time!

As Sabertooth and Omega Red prepared to attack X-23, Kirishima stepped in with his Hardening Quirk activated.

Kirishima: If you want to get Laura, then you're going to have to get through me!

X-23: Don't be stupid Kirishima! Take Bakugo and get out of here! I'll take them!

Sabertooth: You might want to listen to her kid. You're in over your head if you think you can take us both on.

Omega Red: You fight, you die.

Despite the threats from the two Villains, Kirishima stubbornly stayed by X-23's side.

Kirishima: No can do! What kind of Hero would I be if I just ran off? It's not very manly for a Hero! You're stuck with me Laura!

Sabertooth: Very well then. Red, you take the hotshot. I'll take my niece.

Omega Red then grabbed Kirishima with his Carbonadium tentacles and began swing Kirishima around. Kirishima was able to break free.

Kirishima: Is that the best you got?!

Omega Red: You made a fatal error child. You should've run when you had the chance. Now you will die!

Kirishima: Give me everything you got!

Kirishima begins attacking Omega Red with his Hardening Quirk, but Omega Red was able to read his attacks. Meanwhile, Sabertooth confronts his niece.

Sabertooth: That your boyfriend squirt? Tell me, does Jimmy know?

X-23: That's none of your damn business Creed!

X-23 lets out a growl and lunges at Saberbooth. She begins digging her claws into him. Saberbooth grabs X-23 and throws her against a wall. His wounds then heal.

Sabertooth: Good thing we got these healing factors. We can cut loose on each other!

X-23: I'll show you cutting loose!

X-23 and Sabertooth begin savagely attacking one another. X-23 hacks at him with her claws while Sabertooth slashes with his nails. As the fight drags on, Sabertooth soon overpowers her.

Sabertooth: Not bad kiddo! But that's not enough to save you!

X-23 then sees Omega Red using his power to drain Kirishima, slowly killing him. She breaks out of Sabertooth's hold and cuts Kirishima free.

X-23: Get up Kirishima!

Kirishima slowly gets up. She can see that Kirishima's Hardening state is reaching it's limit.

Kirishima: I'm....I'm okay Laura.....

Soon, X-23 and Kirishima are cornered by Sabertooth and Omega Red. X-23's instincts was to protect Kirishima while Kirishima's was to protect X-23. They knew a hard fight was in their future. They knew that they had to buy their best option was to hold them off as long as they can.

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