Chapter Six - The USJ Part Two: Daken

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As X-23 and Kirishima fought against Sabertooth and Omega Red, Daken found himself in the Mountain Area with Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Kaminari.

Yaoyorozu: Are you okay Akihiro?

Daken: I'll be fine. Is this all?

Jiro: Looks like it. What were those guys?

Daken: Villains. They must be trying to split us up. Divide and conquer.

As everyone gathered around, they heard people coming. Catching their scent, Daken unsheathes his claws.

Kaminari: Looks like we got trouble coming our way!

Daken: Trouble? Please. I call it sport.

Immediately, Villains began swarming the UA Students. Yaoyorozu uses her Creation Quirk to form a staff for herself and a sword for Jiro. Among the Villains was a woman with long sharp nails.

Daken: Lady Deathstrike.

Lady Deathstrike: I have no quarrel with you child, but you must suffer for the sins of your father.

Jiro: Whoa....

Kaminari: Geez what did your old man do? Didn't take her to prom or something?

Lady Deathstrike: Silence you insolent child! You know nothing of Logan did to my family's honor!

The Villains began crowding around the students closely. Deathstrike kept her eyes on Daken.

Daken: Deathstrike is mine. You can have the rest of this rabble.

As the rest of the UA Students led the Villains away from Daken, Lady Deathstrike pounced on Daken and began slashing at him with her nails.

Lady Deathstrike: How does it feel to suffer for your father's sins?

Daken: I carry no one's sins but my own!

Daken then overpowers Lady Deathstrike and begins swinging his claws and slashes at her.

Lady Deathstrike: Perhaps you are not as inept as I thought. It will bring me no pleasure to kill you.

Daken: We'll see about that.

Daken and Lady Deathstrike then begin slashing at each other. Their healing factors allowed them to go all out on another. Meanwhile, Jiro and Kaminari fight off the Villains.

Jiro: We need you to clear the field!

Kaminari: What about you?! I can't control where it goes!

Jiro: Let me and Yaomomo worry about that!

Kaminari: And Akihiro?!

Jiro then glances over to see Daken fighting Lady Deathstrike. Seeing the damage inflicted on one another nearly caught her off guard.

Jiro: Let's hope he can take the volts.....

Kaminari: If you say so! Get back!

Jiro rushed over to Yaoyorozu and relayed the plan back to her. As Yaoyorozu formed a one-hundred-millimeter thick insulation sheet to protect herself and Jiro. As they got inside the sheet, Yaoyorozu became concerned.

Yaoyorozu: Akihiro!

Daken saw Yaoyorozu and Jiro in the sheet and Kaminari preparing an attack. Daken then stabs Deathstrike to keep her still.

Lady Deathstrike: What are you doing?!

Daken: Now you fool!

Kaminari then unleashes a powerful electric attack that engulfs the entire area. As the Villains are shocked, Daken and Lady Deathstrike receive the full power of the attack. When the attack was over, Daken was barely standing.

Daken: Still.....standing.....

Lady Deathstrike soon got up and prepared to attack. But as she was, she spots a shadowy figure standing on top of the mountain and stared her down.

Lady Deathstrike: Very well then. You live....for now....

Lady Deathstrike began retreating while Daken got up. Soon, Yaoyorozu and Jiro ran up to Daken.

Yaoyorozu: Are you okay Akihiro?!

Daken: I'm fine. That attack was nothing. Just a minor annoyance.

Jiro: Are you serious?! Even after taking a full shot of Denki's most powerful attack?! That's some Quirk....

Yaoyorozu: I am glad you were unharmed. Where is Deathstrike?

Daken: She got away while I was recovering. Looks like I took the full blast.

Afterwards, Daken and rest of the students walked up to the bumbling Kaminari. Suddenly, an Electric Villain ambushes them and takes Kaminari hostage.

Electric Villain: Do try anything stupid or I'll get him!

Before anyone could react, a shot rings out. A bullet hits the Villain in the hand, forcing him to let go of Kaminari. Everyone turns around to see a group of Pro Heroes.

Snipe: Looks like we made it just in time.

Daken: You certainly took your time. Any longer and I might've had to entertain myself.

Midnight: Just like your father....what a man.

Present Mic: You kids okay?!

Yaoyorozu: We are unharmed. What about the others?

Ectoplasm: We're moving through the USJ as we speak. Find someplace to hide.

As the Pro Heroes fanned out, Yaoyorozu and Jiro took Kaminari and began leading him to a safe place to hide. Daken remains.

Yaoyorozu: Akihiro?

Daken: I'll be there momentarily. I'll catch up.

The students begin walking away. As they did, Daken walked over to the Electric Villain writhing in pain.

Electric Villain: You little shit! This wasn't part of the plan?!

Daken: No. It wasn't.

Daken then unsheathed his claws and looked down on the Villain.

Electric Villain: H...hey! What are you doing?!

Daken: Clearing up loose ends. Nothing personal.

Before the Electric Villain could beg for mercy, Daken plunged his claws into the Villain's chest without mercy or remorse.

Daken: No loose ends.....

After killing the Villain, Daken simply walked away and met up with Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Kaminari.

Yaoyorozu: There you are Akihiro! We were getting concerned!

Daken: Your concern is appreciated but unnecessary. There isn't anyone alive who could ever hope to kill me.....

Soon enough, the Pro Heroes began moving through the USJ Facility to take down the League of Villains invading it.

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