Chapter Ten - The Sports Festival

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After days of intense training, the Sports Festival was finally here. In the locker room where Class 1-A were in, X-23 and Daken reflected on what was to come.

Daken: The Sports Festival is our chance to see if this lot has what it takes.

X-23: You don't think they do well?

Daken: I imagine half of them won't last too long. Some of them lack the basic skills to even qualify as a Hero, let alone a Pro.

As Daken said that, X-23 turned her attention to Kirishima who was talking to a Kaminari. Ever since she was placed in Class 1-A, X-23 grew to admire Kirishima for his bravery. But there was something else about him that she couldn't quite pin. She simply smiled.

X-23: Perhaps you're underestimating them. There's more to some of them then meets the eye.

Daken was unimpressed with his sister's answer. He felt that most of the students in his class had no business being here. He felt that the majority of them didn't have what it takes to be Heroes.

Daken: Perhaps you're right. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

X-23: What I really want is to get my hands on that Monoma guy. I want teach that little bastard a lesson!

As X-23 said that, she and Daken witnessed Todoroki and Midoriya having some sort of conversation. It seemed to bring fear to Midoriya. After that, Kirishima approached the two.

Kirishima: Man this competition is really heating up!

X-23: What happened between Midoriya and Todoroki?

Kirishima: Todoroki basically declared war on Midoriya. I don't what Midoriya did set Todoroki off, but man did it work!

Daken: Hm.

Kirishima: Here we are Laura! The UA Sports Festival! Our time to shine!

X-23: So it would seem. We'll more than likely deal with some serious competition.

Kirishima: I'm sure we'll be fine! If we can take on Villains, this should be a piece of cake!

Daken took note of Kirishima's enthusiasm. He then set his eyes on Bakugo who was cracking his knuckles. He then approached him.

Bakugo: The fuck you want, you fucking extra?!

Daken: I suggest you watch yourself out there. Pray we don't fight one another. If we do, you won't like what comes after.

Bakugo: Ha! Is that a threat?!

Daken: No. It's a promise.

The other students of Class 1-A were stunned by Daken's proclamation to Bakugo.

Yaoyorozu: Is that really wise, Akihiro? Why are you antagonizing him?

Daken: It's survival of the fittest. If you can't back up your words, then you won't last long. I have no intention of failing. The same goes for the rest of you.

As Daken said that, some of the other students were scared by this.

Mina: Uh Laura? Is your brother always like this?

X-23: More or less.

Kaminari: And I thought Bakugo was scary! This guy is borderline terrifying!

X-23: I guess we'll see what happens.

Soon, Class 1-A was called. They exited their locker room and entered the arena to the Sports Festival. They were greeted by a cheering crowd.

Kaminari: Man I could get used to this!

Jiro: Seriously Denki? Don't let it go to your head this early!

Daken paid no attention to it. The class soon reached the area where the other classes were. The overseer of the Sports Festival was Midnight. She cracked her whip to silence the crowd.

Midnight: For the student pledge, we have KATSUKI BAKUGO OF CLASS 1-A!

Bakugo then walked to the stage and got in front of the microphone. Both the crowd and the students were anticipating what he would say. After tapping on the microphone, Bakugo began speaking.

Bakugo: I just wanna say....I'm gonna win.

As Bakugo said that, almost everyone in Class 1-A was embarrassed beyond belief. The other classes began to boo Bakugo's arrogant display.

Kirishima: Man....Bakugo sure is confident!

X-23: More like painting a bigger target on his back. People here already hate his guts. Now more people are gonna be gunning for him as well as us.

Daken: As if they pose any significant threat to me. I thought you would be happy for this. This will no doubt give you an opportunity to get your hands on Monoma.

X-23 then glances to the crowd and saw Monoma talking with some of his classmates. Seeing Monoma brought great anger to X-23. Ever since he insulted both her and her family, X-23 wanted nothing more than to teach Monoma a lesson. Kirishima could see the anger boiling over his friend.

Kirishima: You okay Laura?

X-23: I'll be fine. I just have some personal business to settle.

In that moment, the students were moved to the first event of the Sports Festival. Meanwhile in an old mansion, Romulus was watching the televised Sports Festival from his home. When the camera zoomed in on Daken and X-23, his interest grew.

Romulus: The children of Wolverine. The eyes of the world is upon you. Like the Gladiators of Ancient Rome, you fight for the entertainment of the masses. What show will you two bring?

He focused his attention onto the children of Wolverine. He anticipated a grand performance from both X-23 and Daken. He knew that they would no doubt put on quite a spectacle. As the Sports Festival was beginning, Romulus would watch X-23 and Daken with great interest. In the meantime, X-23 and Daken would prepare themselves for he challenge of a lifetime.

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