Chapter Twelve - Daken VS X-23

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As their match began, both Daken and X-23 unsheathed their claws and began viciously slashing at one another. Daken thrust his claws under X-23's chin. She retaliates by kicking her brother, stabbing him in the throat. Daken then grabs X-23 and throws her, but she quickly gets on her feet. The wounds they sustained from the battle heal immediately.

Daken: Not bad, sister. If I were anyone else, I would most certainly be dead.

X-23: Good thing you're not anyone else.

Daken: Indeed.

The two then continue slashing at each other. In the stands, the students of Class 1-A are stunned by the sheer ferocity and brutality of the fight.

Kaminari: Geez.....

Sero: That must be some healing factor!

Yaoyorozu: All that blood......

Jiro: I think I'm gonna be sick.....

Kirishima was uncharacteristically silent as he kept his eyes on the fight. It was no doubt the most bloody fight he's ever seen. Despite knowing of her healing factor, Kirishima couldn't help be feel worried for X-23. Back in the fight, X-23 and Daken continued hacking at one another with their claws.

X-23: Getting tired, Akihiro?

Daken: Not in the slightest. Those were nothing more than light scratches.

X-23 then charged at Daken, but Daken grabs her arm and breaks it. He then punches her in the jaw, dislocating it. He then grabs her by the head and slams her to the ground. After that, he begins slashing her with his claws. Seeing this display of brutality stunned the students of Class 1-A.

Mina: What was that?! Was that really necessary?!

Ochaco: How could he do that to his own sister?

Tsuyu: Guess it's all they can do considering their healing factors.

Ochaco: Yeah but still......

Daken then stands over X-23 and prepares to walk away as the victor. As he does, X-23 stands up. She fixes her broken arm and puts her jaw back in place. Daken turns around with a smirk on his face.

X-23: Did you really think I would go down that easy?

Daken: I guess I thought wrong.

At this point, blood from both Daken and X-23 had covered the fighting stage. Despite this, the two continued to fight on another with brutal attacks. Daken was able to keep with with X-23's fast and aggressive flurries. X-23 manages to jump on his back and begins stabbing him in the back. Daken grabs X-23 and throws her off him. Daken then lunges at her and begins attacking her with his claws. In the stands, Wolverine carefully observed the fight. As he did, Kirishima began talking to him.

Kirishima: Do they.....feel the damage they take?

Wolverine: Of course they do, bub. Just because they can heal doesn't mean they can't feel feel it. The only reason they're still standing is because they got my high pain tolerance.

Hearing this made Kirishima grow more concerned for X-23. Back in the fight, Daken began to gain the upper hand against his sister. He could tell that X-23 was beginning to grow tired.

Daken: You're tired, Laura. How long can you keep this fight going?

X-23: Long win!

X-23 then began attacking Daken, but he managed to read her movements and counter them. He then launches a relentless barrage of powerful strikes with his claws. At this point, X-23 was down on the ground. Despite knowing that the fight was over, X-23 refused to stay down. As she got up, Daken warned her.

Daken: Stay down. The fight is over. You've lost.

X-23 remained silent as she looked to the stands where Class 1-A was. Not only did she see her father, but she saw Kirishima.

X-23: I....I won't give up!

X-23 then lunges at Daken, hoping to catch him off guard. Before she could attack him with her claws, Daken stabbed her with his claws and lifted her in the air. She spits blood in his face which he ignores.

Daken: As I said, this fight is over.

Daken then throws X-23 out of the arena. As she gets up, Midnight cracks her whip and makes an announcement.


As the announcement was made, X-23 punched the ground in frustration. She looked to where Kirishima was sitting.

X-23: (I'm sorry Kirishima....)


X-23 and Daken made their way back to the stands where Class 1-A and Wolverine were waiting for them. Wolverine then approached the two.

Wolverine: You two did good out there. I'm proud of you both.

Daken: It was nothing, father.

X-23: T....thank you.

After that, Wolverine hugged his son and daughter and went on his way. As Wolverine left, Kirishima approached X-23.

X-23: Kirishima....I....

Kirishima: That was an awesome fight, Laura! You were awesome!

X-23 was taken aback by this. While it was an intense fight, she still lost against Daken. She was confused by Kirishima's cheery outlook.

X-23: Are you serious? But I lost.

Kirishima: So what?! You still kicked butt out there!

X-23 couldn't help bu smile at Kirishima's words. Kirishima then glanced at Daken who was walking away. His opinion of Daken lowered because of how brutal and vicious he was to X-23. Daken looked around the rest of Class 1-A with unimpressed eyes. To him, they didn't stand a chance. With the end of their match, the Sports Festival would soon continue on to the next match.

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