Weekly Training (Day 7)

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"I think not,"

With Saiki

Today was Saiki's final day in Okinawa training with his strange grandmother, and what he got out of it was astounding.


I mean he got something out of it, but not the useful stuff. The government was still tracking him, and he got a few days off, but nothing he would pride himself over too bad about.

He just did what he had to do with his grandmother's instructions, he used his powers fought giant like people. But yet again he got himself into weird, awkward, strange and just plain out barbaric situations, that even his natural chaos wouldn't have led him too.

He probably should have noticed that his grandmother was probably a crackhead, 'Good grief' he let off a sigh, 'I really should have seen this coming. As I stayed here, I am one day farther from killing Koro-Sensei, one day farther from going home.'

He was on his final day and planned on leaving that same evening, to go back to work with kids he is around three years older than, and training them to be assassins.

He swung out of bed at six-fifteen in the morning and got to work, trashing the place.

The nice bed and wood turned to their original disgusting rotting wood flooring, the walls were made back to its original color, and the furniture to it's one of a kind, one yen worth value.

Saiki picked up his things and walked out the motel, with the once drunk, hungover man at the front desk, to a hard-working man, that cleaned up the floors.

"Oh man! Leaving already?" the man behind the counter asked, Saiki, looked back and nodded, "Well, thank you for staying here, and for helping me!" he bowed a perfect 90-degree angle. "I am forever in debt to you!"

Saiki's lips twitched up, by the man's change in attitude. Then they dropped as he walked out of the hotel, and planned to never return.

He then stopped at Kiyo's retirement home, where she stood waiting for him.

"Kuu-Dog! Great seeing ya bubble butt here!" she shuffled over to him, "Final say here, huh?" Kiyo asked and Saiki nodded.

"Now!" she clasped her hands, "What did you get out of this experience,"

Saiki just stood there, saying nothing.

Kiyo groaned loudly and covered her eyes, turning away from her grandson in pure annoyance. "You spent an entire week here and when I ask you what you thought you just stand there like all my ex-boyfriends!"

"Kusuo, dear, I now realize why your brother is the smart one." she shook her head, "This wasn't for you to be stronger, this was for you to see what other things you could do with your powers than stand there and be an anti-social ass." she scolded him, "Sure if you got stronger that's a plus, but you didn't have experience!"

Saiki nodded in a sort of apology, but she wasn't done. When does she not talk?

"You also think you're alone, outside of your little group of fortune-tellers and mediums. This retirement home, we are all a form of psychic of some sort and Wool? He's...well...he's himself, but he still isn't a what you call: 'a normal person'," Saiki was finally understanding what Kiyo was talking about.

"Now, you understand where I'm coming from?" Saiki nodded, "Good...good" she smiled, "For the last day, let's do something different."

'Different' was a nice way to put it, it was ridiculous, stupid, crazy, and plain out dangerous.

Saiki stood at the top of a hill, with Kiyo gripping his arm so he couldn't run away.

"Kuusuuo~" she chimed, as she held her free hand towards him. "Meet one of my best friends," she smiled devilishly, "This is Lavender, Lavender, this is Kusuo," Saiki was about to pass out, but he wouldn't know what Kiyo would do if he did.

Lavender, was not a person, nor a mammal, nor someone Saiki would ever like to have around. Lavender was the name of the Giant Weta she carelessly held in her hands, "Why don't you say 'hi' Kusuo?" she smiled, Saiki stepped back, or he tried anyway. Kiyo was gripping him tighter and bringing them closer.

"How about you Lavender? How about you say 'hi' to good o' Kusuo?" Lavender to Saiki's knowledge didn't say 'hi' or any good form of that but had jumped on his face.

Saiki had passed out on the dirt, the Earth rumbled, the ground shook, birds flew away, and earthquakes started with tornados and hurricanes happening at the same time.

"Jesus so fucking dramatic," Kiyo lifted off lavender from her grandson's face which was white, and she shooed Lavender back into the wooded arena. "Shoo! Shoo!" Kiyo said as the insect seemed to look at Saiki.

"He's fine! Just doesn't like you all too much...don't look at me! I can't do much about it, other than manipulate him... don't give me that attitude missy... I could easily kill you... okay okay that's enough," Kiyo chatted with the insect that then fled into the woods.

Kiyo lifted up Kusuo, who was just dead weight on her, and she dragged him out of the area.

If you asked Kiyo what the best day of her life was, she would probably say that fine final afternoon with her grandson, and she couldn't have loved the week more than anything in the world.

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