News and Reporters

545 34 1

With Saiki (Limited)

Saiki tried to call it a night, by attempting to close his eyes, but that seemed to be near to impossible, as the once dark sky with the moon rays shining brightly up above was taken away, as the sky seemed now orange. The government obviously had something to do with this, it would be stupid of Saiki to think otherwise about that clear fact.

Helicopters rang in through the sky, as Saiki couldn't bear just laying there, and grabbed his crutches slowly and tiredly making his way to the couch, as he slumped down to watch television in the first time in what seemed like forever. Maybe the depressing news will make him so tired and bored he'd fall asleep right on the spot.

Lifting up the remote that was next to him, he flicked the television screen on, and skimmed through the channels, hoping to see at least a history channel, an animal channel, or even a highly competitive American cooking show, which Saiki was beginning to understand the crazy life of a kitchen chef, even if it was a little dramatic.

But Saiki couldn't find anything like that, it was all the same channeled news of some conference. If that's all they got, Saiki shrugged, that's all he'd watch.

"As you can see," the man leading the conference said, he showed little emotion like most political figures tend to show, "These measures serve to contain and eliminate the clear and present danger to mankind's continued existence," the man said, as Saiki fixed his slouched and tired posture, into a 90-degree angle as he was suddenly very attentive and awake, hoping to the not-so-loving gods above that this was supposed to be some action-thriller movie or show that was strangely close like today's politics.

Saiki gulped down saliva that grew in his thought, making it difficult to swallow even a liquid. If this was true, wouldn't it do nothing but spread panic throughout the country, or even the world?

"Thanks to the Shield, the entity in question has no place to go. As it turns out, this is the same creature that was responsible for the moon's destruction last year," the man speaking continued to open up his distrustful words that spoke the truth. Saiki had now grown pale, hoping to everything above that this was some kind of sick dream and that Saiki could still find a way to save both himself and Koro-Sensei.

It was likely that this is not the case, and wide-spread panic will soon begin, and if the man kept talking about what's going on, he might spill some information about Saiki and that would be frightful for the young teen.

"We've only learned today that this creature--this monster- rather, has not made explicit threats, involving the destruction of Earth, but has been posing as a teacher of all things... but the other not-human creat..." a cough rang through the audience on the screen, making him turn his head and 'oh' at the person whispering to him, the man nodded, as he went back to work.

Saiki knew that that man on the screen continuing his speech was about to bring up Saiki, as Saiki rubbed his neck nervously, as he still listened in, "My apologies, that was a miscommunication," Saiki breathed out the large breath he had taken at some point, "But yes, of all things the creature has been doing, he had been posing as a teacher, he has been doing this in order to take a classroom of junior high school children and one student teacher hostage," Saiki scoffed and fell back on the couch, he didn't realize he was watching a comedy channel.

"We don't know why, but the evidence speaks for itself. We have no choice." Saiki could hear outside begin to panic, as Saiki grabbed his crutches and went to change clothes.

That old man might have no choice but Saiki did.

‧͙⁺˚*  ⁺‧͙

Going into the school seemed a little difficult, as they were now considered 'trespassers' and Terasaka did not like this information at all. Saiki now thought best to carry the vital where ever he goes, just in case, as it was secured in a small box where it was safe, and away from harm's way.

"What?" Terasaka yelled demandingly, "Trespassing my ass it's our school!" he thought violence and yelling would cure the problem, "Move!", well he was wrong. They should have taken more Karma with mustard and wasabi. Saiki could still bet that Karma still had the packets of wasabi Saiki had bought his a while back.

"Look, I told you to back off!" the officer yelled back, in a screaming war.

"Did you guys see the news?" Karma rushed in "This is absolutely terrible!" he tried to say, but a bright light flashed at them. It was an undelightful reporter.

Saiki wanted to blend into the ground, that very moment as they were called out, "There they are!" she screamed, "Are you the poor children the monster's been holding hostage?" she said sobbingly, Saiki held back a roll of the eyes from the camera, and mustered a way to hold back 'I am the monster'

"Can you give us a few words?" the reporter continued to press, as the students tried to back away, and cover their eyes from the flashing cameras.

"When did it first dawn on you that you were being held against your will,"

'When I was pulled out of school,' Saiki could have said, 'But that was the government, not Koro-Sensei,' Saiki wanted to be a sarcastic bitch no doubt about that, but he knew how reporters worked, so he chose to say nothing but stare blankly at cameras.

"How do you feel knowing your teacher was dangerous,"

"Was it the monster that damaged your leg, young man?"

Saiki covered his face to keep the camera anywhere but at his face, so his friends wouldn't have found out, but that was difficult as Nendo had an ability to see Saiki in a crowded store, or in the city. It would be no doubt that his parents would freak out about this too.

"Can you tell our viewers what it was like in a classroom where the teacher could explode at any second?" the questions continued, and Saiki couldn't do anything about it this time.

•The Assassin's Teacher•  ((Saiki K. x Assassination Classroom Crossover))Where stories live. Discover now