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With Saiki (Limited)

"Ugh, this is unbelievable." Terasaka grunted but not angrily, but more in annoyance and just being a teenager and stuff, just after Koro-Sensei's extensive almost chapter-long speech, "Of all the times you chose to do a lecture." Saiki knew he was trying to add brightness into this dull and dark moment that weighed on the kids, (Literally and figuratively) and it did work... slightly, but the students will cling onto anything to keep them distracted from the presumable death of Koro-Sensei, even if it was sarcasm to dark humor.

Koro-Sensei only laughed once again, in response to his worst, but a most hard-working student. "What can I say?" he rhetorically asked the students but directed this to Terasaka mostly, "A lesson seemed appropriate at the moment, and a good educator never passes an opportunity to teach..." he laughed as he wrapped a tentacle around Saiki and brought the teen in, "Unless you're underage, and have zero clues to what you're doing with no degree." he laughed again as if he were a comedian on a stand-up show.

Saiki pulled himself off the teacher but stood near, pathetically presuming that if the stood next to Koro-Sensei, maybe he'll get some life-saving ideas, to the man he is supposed to save. Though he was still hitting rock bottom and was desperate for new ideas, he knew he shouldn't tell his students, it would give them too much hope in him.

"But," Koro-Sensei said truthfully, "Thank you, all in all. Your rescue efforts moved me more than you could possibly know. And considering the current states of some--" Koro-Sensei pointed at Saiki, in respect, "--It must not have been easy." Saiki clicked his head once up and down, as a tentacle settled on his head, as well as on the heads of a few other students.

"And now I'm embarrassed to admit," the soon-to-be assassinated teacher (unless Saiki thinks of a plan that could work) looked at his more saddened students, "that I've been holding back tears." He brought up a handkerchief, "Aren't I a mess right now?" he sadly chuckled with a downcast smile.

Saiki looked at Koro-Sensei in respect, as the stupid teacher had snaked his way back to his heart, but then, Koro-Sensei's head turned a one hundred and eighty degrees behind him.

"By the way, Nakamura." he said, as he turned the rest of his body to meet matches with his head and he smiled knowingly, "I couldn't help but notice how delicately you carried yourself during the last battle," he gave, what might be final praise, "And, uh, do I smell something sweet, by chance."

Saiki turned to Koro-Sensei, then to Rio, as he didn't notice, that Rio had something in her hands during this entire climb up, Nakamura smiled back to Koro-Sensei, slyly.

"Your ears are as sharp as your nose." She grabbed onto something. "It has now been exactly one year to the day since you blew up the moon," she said like that was something good per se, but it really caused a world-wide panic of doomsday, "And if I remember correctly," the blonde continued, as she brought out a sparkling red and pink cake in front of Koro-Sensei with strawberries and all, "Miss Yukimura had designated today as your birthday."

Saiki smiled but was a teeny tiny bit jealous of Koro-Sensei, as he went up behind Rio and gave her a quick reminder, "My birthday is the sixteenth of August." he reminded her, as the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl laughed a bit, and gave Kusuo a thumbs up and wink to say she'd keep that in a note for next time, as she went back to with Koro-Sensei.

Koro-Sensei was practically drooling, as Nakamura humbled herself, "Yeah, it's no big deal, but, I mean if you wanna shower me with praise. forgetting it here intact then I guess--Uh, hey!" Koro-Sensei swiped the cake out of her hands and brought it down to floor level with him and his entire body on the dirt. His face was pink and flushed with blush, and an open mouth smile with drool poured out, without manners.

"Sorry," he wasn't sorry at all, "But this is my first taste of sweet in a week!" he informed her of his now obvious sugar addiction.

"Don't you dare get your drool on it!" Nakamura stormed up, "Ugh, that is so gross," she turned away from the teacher and to her peers (and her other teacher) "Alright guys, let's sing!"

and the class did sing and sounded surprisingly good to that fact, and not like a bunch of raging kids storming up a mountain to see their one and only yellow teacher.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you."

But Terasaka cut in like a mature adult, "Dude, do we even have rights to this song. Er--YOU!" he sang off the steady pitch as Kataoka pinched his cheek and tugged on his face.

"Happy birthday dear Koro-Sensei." ('That didn't really sound well,' Saiki noted awkwardly when trying to fit Koro-Sensei's name into that full beat)

"Happy birthday to you!"

They finished as the one candle was lit, and the students cheered.

"Come on! Go and blow out the candle!" One student (Maehara) said to the teacher, who looked prouder than a parent putting their delinquent son through and passing military school, all in the span of one year.

But as Koro-Sensei, began to inhale and soon tried to exhale to blow the candle out, in this one happy peaceful moment. A large black claw came out of what may just be thin air and went smashing towards Koro-Sensei, piercing right through him, through his heart, and a smile was still on his face.

Saiki gasped to cough and now wasn't sure what was really going on.

•The Assassin's Teacher•  ((Saiki K. x Assassination Classroom Crossover))Where stories live. Discover now