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With Saiki (Limited)

'I'm going to have terrible back pain after this.'

Saiki wasn't dead, which was a minimal surprise, but not completely considering he's the main character and will need to die closer to the end of the book, but that was beside the point. Though Saiki wasn't blacking out completely either, as he couldn't see but he could still hear, he heard voices and sounds in the background of his thoughts that progressively got louder.

With slight words of Shiro saying 'Another' multiple times, Saiki could hear the smile in his voice, the smile Saiki wanted to kick off his face forever after Shiro says the commands, and the Reaper like a mindless puppet follow the orders. Saiki could hear the explosions ringing and groans from Koro-Sensei, and liquids spilling, which was likely vomiting on the teacher's behalf from the torture he had endured.

After that, Saiki could feel himself being taken out of the hedges, he knew it wasn't from a student, they aren't that strong to pull him up with great force, and he knew it wasn't Koro-Sensei or Shiro, as Koro-Sensei was fighting, and Shiro wanted to kill people to ease the never-ending bloodlust which worked like a high.

"Sorry kid," he heard the voice that picked him up to say, as he was laid on the grass, but he could still hear the fight, so he wasn't out of the barrier yet but far away from the fight to keep him safe, the voice was a little blotchy as if meant for Saiki to not hear, but it came from Karasuma, Saiki hadn't realized he was here.

"Do-Do--He is alive...right?" Saiki heard the feminine voice say, but it was further away, but it could have easily been Jelavic saying that not like any other person would be inside the barrier caring about him anyways.

"Yeah," Karasuma said, but he didn't say, 'everything is going to be okay with the kid,', what he said after that was: "He's alive...I'm just not sure if he'd even be able to walk after that fall and his already damaged legs," after he said that, it scared Saiki, as he couldn't move right now, with an obvious reason of being half passed out. The thought when he'd wake up he'd just need a stick or a crutch when he was flying through the air moments ago, wasn't a bad thought, it was just annoying, and to be able to limp or even be in the slightest chance of walking again he wished and worked to get that far, but all of that was thrown out, once again.

'Damn it'

His life was ruined, not disastrous, not boring, or too much going on, it was ruined, 100% ruined with no turning back...that's if he didn't drink the vital. Saiki knew Koro-Sensei wouldn't be able to do anything about this now if he even lived, the boy knew, when he would wake up, he'd drink the container, and later he'd see if he could do something to help Koro-Sensei along, but that wasn't Saiki's top priority.

"Damn," Karasuma muttered, maybe rummaging for something, or talking to Irina who was likely standing above him, it didn't really matter since that 'damn' wasn't directed to him, "He was so close to walking again, it's going to hurt when he wakes up, and he can't feel his feet."

"Is it going to hurt you, or Saiki?"


Jelavic sighed, "That man's bloodlust is at an extreme level if he wants to settle that feeling he'd probably need to obliterate Koro-Sensei, not just kill him--," but soon her voice went quiet with Karasuma standing up, and saying something blurry to Irina. Saiki heard the thumping footsteps of Karasuma running away with Jelavic shouting something towards Karasuma, hot on his trails, then the world seemed to go quiet, leaving Saiki laying alone on the grass he hated and loved oh so dearly.

"Shut up, Yanagisawa," Saiki heard Karasuma's faint voice with a cock of the gun that was likely in his hands than in any other. "I think we have all heard just enough out you," but there was a swish and then a grunted sound, all from the same man who tried to keep order, failing as a one-man army, however.

"Karasuma!" Saiki heard Jelavic call for her loved one, even though they were not dating yet and the relationship was mostly Irina trying to get Karasuma's attention over time she worked with E-Class.

"Make yourselves comfortable, and try to enjoy the show. I'm afraid at this juncture there is really nothing else you can do." he heard Shiro say humbly to the students, as Saiki twitched his fingers just a little, but still no power in his legs like he wanted... like he expected.

The world was quiet once again, but it wasn't light brightly filling up the voiceless horizon like how it would when Saiki had the ability to walk up the mountain and hear the voices and melodies of the early birds or the snakes that Saiki hasn't seen in a while hiss at his legs for more trouble waited to be caused.

It was the darkness that filled the area, the same darkness that fueled anger and revenge that made people live with bloodlust, the same darkness that brought kids into a situation that they shouldn't have been in, to begin with. It was the same darkness and bloodlust and anger that had brought Saiki to have weakened legs and a destroyed third year of high school.

Saiki knew all too well, by now he had chosen the wild path of being an assassin, and he knew that he was going to be the best assassin to graze Japan. He would lead on nothing else other than to kill and leave, no torturing no emotional scarring. In, out, money, next.

Sure he had other plans in life, hearing a few times that Hairo and Kuboyasu wanting to be teachers...Saiki thought that could be a good path too... maybe as a side gig, but he'd probably need to think it out when there isn't people dying in his 200-meter radius.

•The Assassin's Teacher•  ((Saiki K. x Assassination Classroom Crossover))Where stories live. Discover now