One Fight Dead or Alive

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For some reason, Saiki felt that Kaede was begging for help, it was strange, but it helped Saiki think better with that in mind. Begging to be freed by the trap she set herself so long ago, in anger, in discomfort, and in her revenge that she drowned in constantly since she stepped foot into the classroom.

With his students now as his top priority, his only thought was to protect them all, and that was the only thing raining inside his head. It was his main priority, and it'd stay that way until he knows all of them are safe and happy, living, loving life.

But now wasn't the moment where they were all loving life, as one of his students was on the brink of death, and he wanted to help. He was probably shouting commands to his students to stay back, to find a spot to hide, or he wasn't yelling anything at all, and just thinking those words he wanted to speak.

Saiki felt himself being lifted off his hated wheelchair and into the air, his eyes were closed, but that didn't mean he couldn't see what was happening. He saw everything, he was a psychic after all.

"Oh wow," Saiki heard Kaede squeal in delight, "Saiki-Sensei is back to normal! Isn't that great?" she said, in a crazed and dazed squeal, but her deathly smile then dropped to a frown that seemed to fit her face better at the moment, "Now I guess if you get in my way..." she sighed and brought her hands up into a shrug.

She soon smiled again at the opportunity (If you can even call it that) "I'll just have to kill you too!" she laughed darkly as she whipped her tentacles towards her second teacher, who didn't seem any more fazed.

"Die! Die! Die!" she shouted eagerly, and didn't seem to tire out. "You all need to die!" She tried to his Saiki who was floating, almost deadly mid-air, but perfectly dodged almost each and every one of the tentacles towards him, but wasn't happy when no one fought back.

Though every student looking at the fight knew Saiki wouldn't use his powers, even if it were the death of him.

"Are any of you listening to me? You're going to both die!" she quickly struck Saiki in his leg as she tried to grab a larger hold onto Saiki, but he snaked his way away from the girl. Who was beginning to get irritated.

"Don't die," Maehara helpfully whispered.

"because if one dies two dies. It doesn't matter who." Maehara said thoughtfully as they saw their teachers being beaten to what may be death.

"If Saiki-Sensei died, so will Kaede, and the same goes for Koro-Sensei. But if both Koro-Sensei and Saiki-Sensei die..." he paused and thought over his answer, "All of them die," Nagisa's eyes shook in fear as well did all of the other students had aswell, this may be their last time seeing their teachers or friend.

"We have to do something, guys!" Sugino said but only looked sadly towards the fire. "What, we just stand here while her life's being eaten away like this?" he seemed to care more for his friend than his teachers, but no harm. Saiki would just have to live with that fact...that is...if he lives.

"Children!" Koro-Sensei's voice was louder than the fire as he spoke, "I'm afraid Kayano's attacks aren't leaving me a lot of wiggle room," he told his students, "But Saiki is helping me out a lot, but my projection is kind of difficult." he dodged attacks as Saiki got closer and closer to her in teleports.

"Her tentacles must be removed ASAP!" he told his students, who all listened in closely. "They're putting out this infernal heat at a tremendous cost to her body," he said as he ignored Kaede's words that were only repeats of the words 'Die! Die! Die!'

"She's so bent on killing me, and hurting Saiki she's lost all reason! If we don't act quickly, they'll sap her life force, and kill the poor girl!" he practically repeated what Itonai said.

Saiki was beginning to get tired of dodging but he kept on track while listening to Koro-Sensei. "Trouble is, so long as her bloodlust equals that of her tentacles they'll be rooted in her nervous system and impossible to extract." Saiki thought carefully at what Koro-Sensei was saying while he continuously dodged her.

"Talking her down isn't an option like it was for Itona." Saiki understood what he was saying, even though he wasn't their most of the time. "We simply don't have the time,"

"We do the only thing we can. I'll have to pull them out as we fight!" he spoke heroicly, though he was truly the villain.

Kaede began to scream, as she tried to gain the power to continue to fight Koro-Sensei. "I'll have to let her hit my most vulnerable spot-- the area beneath my tie, my heart." Saiki agreed to let Koro-Sensei do that, he could just teleport towards the back of Kaede, but he doesn't know any tentacles well enough to help extract them from a student.

"Should she completely destroy it, death is certain, but if she feels as though she's done me in, her tentacles will be satisfied, for a moment," Saiki began to step back to give Koro-Sensei room, "Then one of you must exploit that tiny window of opportunity, to make Kayano forget her bloodlust," Koro-Sensei told them as Saiki had fully backed away and planted himself on the ground where he began to breathe heavily with a bit of blood running down his nose when he didn't notice Kayano hitting him, or maybe it was just overworking his powers, it didn't really matter at the moment though.

"How?" a student of his asked, "By any means necessary," Koro-Sensei told them, and Saii lightly cocked his head to Nagisa. "But it's the only thing I can't do," Koro-Sensei told them, so of course it would be one of her friends, or it may not be like that anymore, though she was still vulnerable.

Koro-Sensei continued to speak, but Saiki already knew what was going to happen. The students were obviously scared shitless, but they knew it was important, and though they all didn't have hope they had to help out if they wanted to do their part. Irina obviously was one of the people who didn't have any hope of Kede surviving.

"Nagisa," Saiki coughed as the blue-haired boy seemed to know what to do, "You know you have to," Nagisa nodded and made a line with his lips. It had to be done, if not now when? It would probably be never.

And as quickly as ever, Koro-Sensei, when struck, got a moment of breath to wrap Kaede to hold her down. And he spoke softly a secret to her, and that moment Nagisa walked up to the girl slowly as she seemed to calm down, but still fought.

"What is he doing Saiki-Sensei?" Sugino asked as a grazed smile he had stayed on his lips. Karma also looked confused, "What's he doing?"

He stepped up and kissed her.

(And the fans go wild!)

"Saiki-Sensei," Karma said, to his teacher who was laying on the grass. "You sneaky bastard, why didn't you tell me?"

•The Assassin's Teacher•  ((Saiki K. x Assassination Classroom Crossover))Where stories live. Discover now