Chapter One: The Mission

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Sanemi Shinazugawa had broken up with me.

He didn't even tell me why - he merely said, "I don't want to be with you anymore," and that was about it. There could be anything as to why he no longer wanted to be with me, but no, Sanemi never told me why.

It kept me up for several nights, after all, it was hard not to think about him when we see each other everyday. And with each passing day, it became increasingly clear to me that maybe Sanemi was never in love with me to begin with.

Otherwise, would it have been easy for him to break up with me?

Even a month later, I still had no idea, as the man practically ignored my existence even when we were all gathered in front of Oyakata-sama. The others probably wondered why we don't talk anymore, and I have to admit, I'm right in the same boat as them.

But I have no choice but to respect his decision. I'm not a hashira, after all.

And so, from this moment on, I have another reason to be a hashira other than to avenge the family that I lost - and that is to make Sanemi look at me once more.

The way he did before.

"[Y/N]-chan! Have some dango!" I heard Kanroji call out to me in her usual sweet voice, and I was broken out of my train of thoughts as I turned to face her. She was holding a large plate stacked high with dango of different colors, and I was scared that she'd slip and fall since she could no longer see what was in front of her.

"That's dangerous, Kanroji-san!" I told her as I hastily stood up to somehow assist her.

Kanroji smiled at me and said with a wink, "Please call me Mitsuri already! And have you forgotten that I'm stronger than most of the male hashiras?"

I ended up staring at her in awe - I had actually forgotten about it. Despite her feminine personality and physique, she was stronger than Giyuu, Iguro, and Muichiro, though they never seemed to mind it at all.

"I did forget about it, Mitsuri-san, sorry about that!" I told her sheepishly as I walked beside her to the common room which was now only a few steps away.

The common room was lively as usual, especially with Inosuke and Zenitsu fooling around. It was a nice change, as it was usually glum and quiet, since the hashiras were too busy training around the clock. Giyuu and Muichiro were having what seemed like a serious conversation (though if I were to be honest, I could never tell especially with their facial expressions), Uzui and Rengoku were loud as always, their booming voices echoing around the room, while the others were scattered about the area.

"Mitsuri, let me have one of those," Iguro said as he nudged me to the side and casually slid between me and Mitsuri, probably getting jealous as he usually did whenever anyone gets too close to the girl.

My eyes automatically scanned the room for any sign of Sanemi and found that he was sitting beside Himejima, who seemed to be debating with him about something I couldn't hear well.

"[Y/N]-chan, quit staring at him already. He's going to melt if you continue doing so," Shinobu plainly said as she walked over to my side and pulled on my arm, making me sit down on the floor beside her.

Shinobu then gestured me to lean over, and when I did, she said, "He's been glancing at you for some time now, are you sure you two have broken up?"

My cheeks reddened heavily, a common occurrence whenever Sanemi was concerned. Shinobu chuckled as she handed me a stick of three colour dango, which I gratefully accepted.

I took a bite and chewed carefully before softly answering, "Yeah, I'm sure we've broken up. And I think that you're joking with me, Shinobu-san! He hasn't acknowledged my existence ever since!"

"Maybe some ohagi for him? I bet he'll reconsider," Shinobu suggested as she tilted her head to the side.

I shook my head as I said, "It's no longer my place to do that for him. From now on, I will focus on my training to become a hashira. Besides, it might be for the best. I mean, I can't afford to be distracted if I want to reach my goal."

Shinobu looked as if she didn't believe me, but also didn't press on. We all continued to chat with each other, until Hinaki, one of Kagaya's children, called me and Sanemi specifically to meet with the master. For a second, I couldn't believe that it was just the two of us being called - I felt nervous, but I wasn't going to let it show on my face.

As we stood up, I could feel the concerned looks of the others on us, and Rengoku even looked as though he wanted to accompany us to make sure that everything would go well.

Sanemi walked before me, both of us not saying a word - we merely followed Hinaki to Kagaya's room, stopping in front of it a few moments later.

I knelt in front of the sliding doors, as did Sanemi, before Hinaki and her twin opened it to reveal Kagaya with his wife sitting beside him.

"Ah, [Y/N]-san and Sanemi-san, I'm glad that you two seem well," Kagaya said as a gentle smile graced his features.

I could only smile as I lifted my head, and I heard Sanemi mumble his well wishes to the master. Despite his cold demeanor, he's one of the people who deeply cares about Kagaya.

Kagaya cleared his throat before slowly saying, "I'm assigning you two on a mission, though I may be asking a lot from you."

At this, both of us were silent for a few moments, as if contemplating what he was going to request of us. I had a few ideas, including the thought that maybe the master would partner us for a mission, but I didn't want to get ahead of him.

After a few more moments of silence, I tilted my head in confusion as I asked, "What would that be, Oyakata-sama? You know that we would do anything for your sake."

"That's correct," Sanemi agreed in a monotonous voice as he looked directly at the master.

Kagaya then said in almost a whisper, "For this mission, you'll have to pretend to be a married couple."

[Author's Note]

Hello everyone! I hope you guys liked the first chapter! Sanemi deserves more love so I made this story, and I fervently wish that you enjoyed it!

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