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Chapter 23-Drunk

**Erin's point of view**

“SHOPPING!” I yell as soon as Lou Teasdale, Danielle, and I hit the streets. 

“Australian malls here we go!” Danielle says with just as much enthusiasm as I had.

That’s right, we were in Australia and I was going mad in the best way. It was a dream come true, I had always wanted to go to Australia. I’ve never gone out of America and here I was, on Australian soil. Basically we just arrived in Australia and we had this day and tomorrow off then there would be a show and interviews for the next two days then we would go to Brisbane which was still in Australia. But I pushed aside the schedule off my mind. It was our free time and Danielle and I were itching to go shopping and Lou Teasdale came with us to give tips and shop for herself as well. Sadly my friends couldn’t come anymore and nor could Eleanor since she had an exam back in her university. 

“How are the boys spending their afternoon and night?” Lou asks us. “I worry about them because they’re a tad bit over excited with the fact that all of them are legal to drink here.”

“Liam is resting,” Danielle answers. “Niall as well.”

“Louis is talking to Eleanor over Skype or something aaaanddddd….Zayn and Harry are going out I believe,” I add in.

“What was with Harry by the way? He was quite stingy,” Danielle asks, wrinkling her nose at how Harry had brushed her off, walking away as he grumbled when we told him we were going out.

“’Dunno. He’s PMS-ing,” I joke with a shrug and Danielle and Lou laugh.

As we hail a taxi my talk with Harry replays in my mind…


“I’ve noticed that keychain a lot. Where is it from?” Harry asks as I take my wallet out to get some cash to pay for the drink I was buying at the airport.

“This?” I say, lifting the four leafed clover keychain. 

“It’s actually Niall’s. I gave it to him.”

“You gave it to him?” he asks as I hand over my money to the clerk who smiles and takes it.



“Because I found the four leafed clover before and it reminded me of him so I had it entrapped in a case, made into a keychain and gave it to him during the signing-the day we met,” I tell him, taking my drink from the counter and walking off, getting ready to meet the Australian crowd that awaited One Direction’s arrival just outside of the airport walls.

“Did you give me anything then?” he asks me and I shake my head.

“Why not?” he persists.

“Because I didn’t have anything to give you. I didn’t want to give any of you guys much since I know you all receive loads of gifts. It just so happened I had this and it reminded me of Niall,” I explain patiently, twisting the cap of the drink I bought which was some sort of orange juice. I was so darn thirsty. I hated drinking in airplanes because I didn’t want to pee on the airplane washroom-I hated the raging loud flush sound it made so I hardly drank anything since we got on.

“Why is it with you?” Harry goes on. 

I take a swig of my drink before replying which seems to bug him. As if the topic was so important. “He lent it to me, hoping the luck would come to me. He saw I was having a hard time juggling all that was happening so he thought I should have it for now.”

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