Chapter 9

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Amelia: "Charge to 300. Clear!... Thank God he's back. Take him to CT and I'll come in 10'."
Jo: "Thank you for saving him."
Amelia: "It's not a big deal. Besides this is my job."
10 minutes later:
Amelia: "Oh no. He has a ruptured aneurysm on his chest. Paige Pierce and Yang and book an O.R."
Amelia: "Jo please listen to me carefully. Well, Alex has a ruptured aneurysm on his chest. We're taking him in the O.R. now. Please go to the waiting room and we will inform you as soon as possible."
Jo's pov:
Alex is having his tenth surgery since he was admitted in the hospital. I feel like I can't take anymore of it. My babe is only getting worse. While I was sitting in the waiting room, I was talking to my baby since no one was there.
Jo: "Hey baby. How are you? Daddy and I can't wait to meet you! Now we are in the waiting room. We are waiting for aunt Maggie and aunt Cristina because they're trying to make daddy feel better. I love you so so so much my heart's gonna explode. Oh, wait. Aunt Maggie is here."
Maggie: "Hi Jo. Don't worry. Alex's fine but don't go to his room immediately. Go grab a bite. Also, I have something to tell you. I think Alex will wake up very soon but we can't tell yet. I think he's much better since last month."
Jo: "Oh Maggie. Thank you so much. I am grateful. Thank you again."
I went to the cafeteria to grab a bite as Maggie told me and then I went to Alex's room. Of course, the first thing I did when I got into Alex's room is to talk to him.
Jo: "Hi baby. You scared our baby and I to death. Please don't do that ever again. Maggie told me something very good. She said that you will wake up anytime soon."
I said and stroked his hair and then caught his hand. Suddenly, he squeezed my hand. It was a weak squeeze but still it was.
Jo: "Honey have you just squeezed my hand?"
Alex moaned silently.
Jo: "Oh my god Alex!!! Shepherd, Pierce come here now!"
Amelia and Maggie came running.
Amelia: "What happened?"
Jo: "Alex just squeezed my hand and he moaned silently. I think he will wake up!"
Amelia checked his pupils and he tried to avoid the light.
Alex: "J-Jo? W-Where are you?"
Jo: "Alex! You are back! I missed you so much!"
Alex: "I missed your face." He said and tried to stroke my hair. "Where is our baby?"
Jo: "Wait. How do you know about the baby?"
Alex: "While I was in coma, I was listening everything you were saying. I remember every detail."
Jo: "Oh. There it is." I said and touched his hand on my belly.
Alex: "Hi baby. This is your daddy. Jo, please lie next to me"
I laid next to him and I slept immediately next to his side.

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