Chapter 16

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Jo's pov:
We went in and Arizona checked me. I was  only 3 centimetres dilated but the pain was extremely bad. Luckily, Alex was there to help me with everything.
Jo: "Alex. The pain is so bad. Page Robbins. I need an epidural immediately."
Alex: " It's okay baby. Everything is going to be fine. I will page Arizona in a couple of minutes. Oh look, Meredith and Cristina are coming."
Meredith: "Hello! How are you?"
Jo: "In pain. I'm having contractions every 5 minutes."
Cristina: "Oh. Ok. Well please Jo go sit somewhere else because I just came out of the O.R. and my legs are hurting." The classic Cristina said
Jo: "But I am in labor!"
Cristina: "And so what? Women used to give birth in caves! Now stand up!"
Jo: "Alex! Please tell her!"
Alex: "Cristina. She's right. I will bring you a chair to sit. My baby's already in pain. I'll come back in a couple of minutes."
Cristina: "Whatever."
Meredith: "So now that Alex left, have you thought of any names?"
Jo: "Well, Alex has thought of naming the boy James since his father was named James although he hated him. I don't know the reason our son is going to be named like that. For the girl, we've thought of Amy because Amelia was Alex's doctor when he had the accident and she saved him so we have to name her Amy."
Meredith: "Those are wonderful names! Congratulations you guys!"
Alex: "Ok. I came back. Cristina sit on the chair."
Cristina: "Thank you evil spawn. You are going to be a great father."
Alex: "I still cannot believe that in a couple of hours I'll be holding my babies in my arms. It's unbelievable."
Arizona: "Hello again! Jo, I came here to check you. I hope you're ok with that."
Jo: "Yes of course."
Arizona: "Oh. I'm afraid that the labor is gonna last longer. You're still 3 centimetres dilated."
Jo: "What!? I have been having contractions for 2 hours just to hear that I am 3 centimetres dilated?! The pain is uncontrollable. I need an epidural. Please."
Arizona: "I think it would have been better if I gave you the epidural later so it will last until the birth. I recommend you walk to the hospital and take the stairs in order to give birth easier."
Alex: "Ok baby. Are you ready for a walk?"
Jo: "Ok. Let's go."
We left the room and I started walking with Alex. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't even walk properly. After half an hour, we went back and laid to the bed. Arizona came back thirty minutes later and checked me.
Arizona: "Well, I think that walking helped you a lot. You are half way through. 5 more centimetres and you will meet your babies. Now, I will leave you alone."
Alex: "Jo. Can you even believe it? I mean do you remember the first time we met? If someone told me that a couple of years later I would be laying with you while waiting our children to come in this world I would think he is crazy. I love you so much. I am so lucky to have you."
Jo: "Do you remember the day I almost got married? And you grabbed me and we left and then everything started."
Alex: "No Jo. Everything started when I met you. I fell in love with you instantly. I think that taking you away from that idiot was the best decision for me and you.
Jo: "Yes. You're right."
An anesthesiologist came for the epidural and after the pain stopped I slept for  2 hours.
Arizona: "Hi again. Jo let me check you again. Mhm, ok. I think it's time to go to the delivery room. You're ready to push."
Jo: "Really? Am I ready?"
Arizona: "Yes you are. Alex can I see you for a while?"
Arizona: "Alex. Since your kids are premature, they must have a peds surgeon while they are coming. And you are the only one available. All the others are in surgeries."
Alex: "And what about you?"
Arizona: "I will be the one to deliver them. I asked Bailey and she said that since none of the surgeons are available, you have to be their doctor just for a little while."
Alex: "Ok then. Let's go to the delivery room. Jo has to push."

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